
This course will be the ideal tool for the manager or professional, as it will allow him/her to understand the legal and juridical system that protects the worker against possible occupational hazards"


Why Study at TECH?

TECH is the world's largest 100% online business school. 

We are an elite school of business. With a model of maximum academic demand. A world-class centre for intensive managerial skills training.

Our value proposition is shaking the foundations of traditional business schools. We have the best academic resources, a teaching staff made up of the most outstanding practicing professionals and the most demanding methodology. And all at a disruptive price” 

TECH Global University 

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We offer you an online learning model that combines the latest educational technology with the most rigorous teaching methods. A unique method with the highest international recognition. 

"Microsoft Europe Success Story", for integrating the innovative, interactive multi-video system into our programs. In addition, our team received the "Entrepreneur Award" at the Expoelearning 2010 World Congress, the most important elearning event in Spanish-speaking countries.

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The highest standards

Our admissions criteria are not economic. You don't need 100,000 US$ to study with us. However, to become a TECH graduate, we will push your intelligence and problem-solving skills to the limit. Our academic standards are very high... 

95% of TECH students successfully complete their studies.
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We offer you an incomparable environment to exchange knowledge and for high quality networking. 

38.000 executives trained each year, 23 different nationalities.
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Grow hand in hand with the best, most prestigious and influential companies and professionals. We have developed strategic partnerships and a valuable network of contacts with major economic players both in Europe and America. 

+500 collaborative agreements with leading companies
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We offer you a space to exchange ideas, experiences and reflections among executives, professionals, entrepreneurs and opinion leaders.  

150.000 alumni, 400 E-seminares every year, 40 research 
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Multicultural Context 

Share a unique experience with us. You will be studying in a multicultural context. In a program with a global vision. 

+ 35 nationalities
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Learn with the best

In the classroom, our teaching staff discuss how they have achieved success in their companies, working in a real, lively, and dynamic context. 

+3.000 professors, +20 nationalitie s, 53 % PhD holders who attended prestigious universities.
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But above all, we explore your critical side, your ability to question things, your problem-solving skills, as well as your interpersonal skills. 

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Academic Excellence 

We offer you the best online learning methodology. We combine the re-learning method (the most internationally recognized postgraduate learning methodology) with Harvard Business School's case studies A complex balance of traditional and state-of-the-art methods within the most demanding training framework.

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Economy of Scale 

We are the biggest. The TECH group has a portfolio of more than 1,500 postgraduate university courses. 

We are not the most expensive. We are the best. Because of our innovative methodology, because of our collaboration with Harvard Business School and because we have the best teaching staff” 

¿Por qué nuestro programa?

Realizar el programa de TECH supone multiplicar las posibilidades de alcanzar el éxito profesional en el ámbito de la alta dirección empresarial.   

Es todo un reto que implica esfuerzo y dedicación, pero que abre las puertas a un futuro prometedor. El alumno aprenderá de la mano del mejor equipo docente y con la metodología educativa más flexible y novedosa.  

Contamos con el más prestigioso cuadro docente y el temario más completo del mercado, lo que nos permite ofrecerte una capacitación de alto nivel académico”  


Este programa aportará multitud de ventajas laborales y personales, entre ellas las siguientes:  

1. Dar un impulso definitivo a la carrera del alumno

Estudiando en TECH el alumno podrá tomar las riendas de su futuro y desarrollar todo su potencial. Con la realización de este programa adquirirá las competencias necesarias para lograr un cambio positivo en su carrera en poco tiempo.

El 70% de los participantes de esta especialización logra un cambio positivo en su carrera en menos de 2 años.

2. Desarrollar una visión estratégica y global de la empresa

TECH ofrece una profunda visión de dirección general para entender cómo afecta cada decisión a las distintas áreas funcionales de la empresa.  

Nuestra visión global de la empresa mejorará tu visión estratégica.

3. Consolidar al alumno en la alta gestión empresarial

Estudiar en TECH supone abrir las puertas de hacia panorama profesional de gran envergadura para que el alumno se posicione como directivo de alto nivel, con una amplia visión del entorno internacional. 

Trabajarás más de 100 casos reales de alta dirección.   

4. Asumir nuevas responsabilidades

Durante el programa se muestran las últimas tendencias, avances y estrategias, para que el alumno pueda llevar a cabo su labor profesional en un entorno cambiante.

El 45% de los alumnos consigue ascender en su puesto de trabajo por promoción interna.

5. Acceso a una potente red de contactos

TECH interrelaciona a sus alumnos para maximizar las oportunidades. Estudiantes con las mismas inquietudes y ganas de crecer. Así, se podrán compartir socios, clientes o proveedores.

Encontrarás una red de contactos imprescindible para tu desarrollo profesional.

6. Desarrollar proyectos de empresa de una forma rigurosa

El alumno obtendrá una profunda visión estratégica que le ayudará a desarrollar su propio proyecto, teniendo en cuenta las diferentes áreas de la empresa.

El 20% de nuestros alumnos desarrolla su propia idea de negocio.

7. Mejorar soft skills y habilidades directivas

TECH ayuda al estudiante a aplicar y desarrollar los conocimientos adquiridos y mejorar en sus habilidades interpersonales para ser un líder que marque la diferencia.

Mejora tus habilidades de comunicación y liderazgo y da un impulso a tu profesión.

8. Formar parte de una comunidad exclusiva  

El alumno formará parte de una comunidad de directivos de élite, grandes empresas, instituciones de renombre y profesores cualificados procedentes de las universidades más prestigiosas del mundo: la comunidad TECH Global University. 

Te damos la oportunidad de especializarte con un equipo de profesores de reputación internacional.

Postgraduate Certificate in Labor and Occupational Risk Prevention Law

If you are interested in expanding your knowledge in the area of Labor Law, we have the ideal option for you! Our 100% online Postgraduate Certificate in Labor and Occupational Risk Prevention Law is designed to provide you with a complete and up-to-date education in these fundamental topics within the labor field. This elite academic program will allow you to acquire the necessary skills to understand and apply current labor legislation, as well as to identify and manage occupational risks in the workplace. Our team of highly qualified teachers will guide you through the entire learning process, offering you a balanced combination of theory and distance learning. During the course, you will explore topics such as employer and employee rights and obligations, employment contracts, dismissal modalities, collective bargaining, occupational health and safety, among other key aspects.

Study with flexible hours at TECH

Our study adapts to your needs and schedules, since it is available in a completely online mode. This means that you will be able to access classes and materials from anywhere and at any time that suits you. You will also have the support of a personal tutor who will guide you and answer your questions throughout the program. At the end of the Postgraduate Certificate, you will receive an accredited certificate that will support your preparation and will open the doors to new job opportunities. You will be able to opt for careers such as labor lawyer, human resources specialist, labor consultant, among other related professions. Make the most of this opportunity to specialize in an area in constant growth and labor demand, enroll now in our Postgraduate Certificate in Labor and Occupational Risk Prevention Law and start building your professional future!