Why study at TECH?

Incorporate strategies to reduce problems during lactation into your daily practice with the study of this TECH qualification” 


The postpartum period is critical for both mother and baby. Therefore, it is essential to have professionals up-to-date on the latest technological advances and care protocols to provide both with quality care. Healthcare personnel, in charge of assisting medical teams, must be able to integrate fetal heart rate monitoring with the help of sophisticated tools and detect complications, such as postpartum hemorrhage, in advance. In this context, the demand for academic programs that address the practical applications of these techniques is continuous. Unfortunately, it is common for more weight to be given to conventional learning than to the development of new skills. This leads to a greater demand for programs focused on the acquisition of competencies.

For this reason, TECH has designed this Internship Program, a pioneer of its kind, which allocates 3 weeks to the updating and development of new skills related to Postpartum. For this purpose, the students will be linked to a renowned hospital center where they will have access to the best technological resources and will analyze, in situ, the most advanced procedures of this discipline. This academic process, consisting of 120 didactic hours, will allow them to assist real patients with specific requirements such as palliative care, infection control, pediatric supervision, among others.

During this intensive face-to-face stay, the graduates will discuss intervention strategies, assessment and therapeutic practice with experts of great prestige. They will help them update on the latest scientific evidence, taking their own experiences as a starting point. In turn, an assistant tutor will insert dynamic tasks throughout the program and will be in charge of clarifying doubts and concepts that may arise throughout this professional practice.


Take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Postpartum for Midwives "

Teaching Planning

This Internship program consists of a practical stay in a prestigious center, lasting 3 weeks, from Monday to Friday with 8 consecutive hours of work with an assistant tutor. You will also discuss and analyze cutting-edge criteria with great professionals of the sector, who will be willing to transmit their experiences in a close way during the intervention of real patients. This will allow the students to apply the latest precepts in the area, monitoring and carrying out an exhaustive follow-up of their patients that will depend on the latest technological advances.

externships postpartum midwives TECH Global University

In this completely practical Internship program, the activities are aimed at developing and perfecting the skills necessary to provide healthcare care in areas and conditions that require highly qualified professionals, and are oriented towards specific expertise for practicing the activity, in a safe environment for the patient and with highly professional performance.

The practical teaching will be carried out with the active participation of the student performing the activities and procedures of each area of competence (learning to learn and learning to do), with the accompaniment and guidance of teachers and other training partners that facilitate teamwork and multidisciplinary integration as transversal competencies for the Midwifery practice (learning to be and learning to relate).

The procedures described below will form the basis of the practical part of the training, and their implementation is subject to both the suitability of the patients and the availability of the center and its workload, with the proposed activities being as follows:

New Technologies in the postpartum period for Nursing 

  • Monitor fetal heart rate during delivery using monitoring equipment and providing real-time information.
  • Access information about the mother and baby in real time through new communication technology resources and telemedicine tools.
  • Manage electric pumps and special bottles designed to mimic the baby's natural sucking, making breastfeeding more comfortable for patients.
  • Evaluate women's postpartum recovery using state-of-the-art mobile applications.

Latest Nursing techniques for the assistanceof childbirth 

  • Master pain relief techniques including administration of analgesics, application of hot or cold compresses, acupuncture, hypnosis and relaxation.
  • Evaluate the need for the use of assisted delivery technologies such as forceps and vacuum extraction.
  • Identify any complications that may arise during labor, including postpartum internal bleeding in the mother or shoulder dystocia in the baby.
  • Assess the baby's health status by observation and metric methods.

Tests of Nursing after delivery the newborn 

  • Perform a complete physical examination to determine the newborn's weight, length, head circumference, skin, eyes, ears, respiratory, cardiovascular, and nervous systems.
  • Measure the infant's bilirubin levels to detect jaundice
  • Test the infant's blood sugar values to detect hypoglycemia
  • Apply the otoacoustic emission test to test the hearing of newborns.
  • Use the pupillary reflection test to determine the newborn's ocular response to light.
  • Performing the heel prick test to rule out cystic fibrosis among other genetic diseases
  • Check the newborn for infectious diseases such as hepatitis B and C by means of specific tests indicated by the physician.

Attention ofNursing Care for the Mother during and after childbirth 

  • Ensure that the mother receives the correct fluids and medications through intravenous therapy.
  • Assist in the administration of analgesia and epidural anesthesia and manage their side effects
  • Provide emotional support to the mother through relaxation techniques, preparation for newborn care and breastfeeding advice
  • Monitoring that the mother and baby are in good health, including home visits and phone calls
internship course postpartum midwives TECH Global University

Make the most of this opportunity to learn about the latest advances in this subject to apply it to your daily practice" 

Internship Program in Childbirth for Midwives

The puerperium period, which comprises the six weeks after childbirth, is a crucial stage for the recovery of the woman after childbirth and the care of the newborn. In this sense, the work of midwives is essential in the care and monitoring of mothers during this period. In our Internship Program in Childbirth for Midwives, we offer you the opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for a comprehensive and personalized care to women and newborns during this stage.

In this training, different topics will be addressed, among them, postpartum pain management, breastfeeding and its relationship with the puerperium, prevention and management of postpartum complications, newborn care during the puerperium, and attention to the emotional health of women at this stage. In addition, tools and strategies for effective communication with patients and their families will be provided, and teamwork and interprofessional collaboration will be promoted for comprehensive and quality care.