
The new scenarios in Sleep Medicine push us to propose new update programs that meet the real needs of experienced professionals, so that they can incorporate current advances into their daily practice"


There is a growing multidisciplinary interest in Sleep Medicine, a discipline in frank expansion, whether it is approached from a global point of view or from the "partial specialization", depending on the original health field or specific area of interest, in all cases, a rigorous and updated generic knowledge in all its fields is vital. This Postgraduate certificate' more than fulfils this objective from an eminently practical point of view. Its approach sets it apart from many other programs on this very transverse discipline, which are often criticised for being too "descriptive" and "theoretical", and therefore not entirely useful in resolving many situations that arise in clinical management. 

In this program, the student will become familiar with the different techniques available, from the simplest, in which very few parameters are recorded on an outpatient basis, to the more complex tests, often necessary, which provide much more information, are more expensive and usually require hospital registration. You will acquire skills in recording, analyzing, coding and interpreting such evidence with the invaluable aid of appropriate graphical methods. It includes specific chapters on innovative techniques, such as integrated systems and chronosensors, for the study of circadian disturbances, which provide a novel approach to sleep disorders. It is also intended that the student integrates, from an organizational point of view, sleep techniques performed at the local level, in the multidisciplinary and multisectoral level, which is where sleep medicine is currently located. 

With the clear objective of combining scientific evidence and practical utility, this Diploma in Technical and Organizational Aspects of the Diagnostic Process in Sleep-Wakefulness Disorders has a broad, updated and unbeatable program, prepared by a varied team of professional experts (physicians, psychologists, biologists, engineers, etc.), who provide their proven experience in the form of explanations, entertaining and clarifying practical examples, abundant graphic-audiovisual support, absolutely essential in the teaching of this thriving discipline. 

In addition, this program's degree has the advantage of being developed in a 100% online format, so students will be in charge of deciding when and where to study, distributing their study hours to suit them, so that they can combine their studying with the rest of their daily commitments.

We offer a complete program for you to develop in the field of Technical and Organizational Aspects of the Diagnostic Process in Sleep-Wakefulness Disorders. Think no more and enrol with us”

This Postgraduate certificate in Technical and Organizational Aspects of the Diagnostic Process in Sleep-Wakefulness Disorders the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Developing practical cases presented by experts in Sleep Medicine
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents provide students with scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Updates on Sleep Medicine and safety
  • Practical exercises, where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Emphasis on innovative methodologies in Sleep Medicine
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This Postgraduate certificate is the best investment you can make in selecting a refresher program to update your knowledge in Technical and Organizational Aspects of the Diagnostic Process in Sleep-Wakefulness Disorders"

The teaching staff includes medical professionals who bring their experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will deliver an immersive learning experience, programmed to train in real situations.

The design of this program is Bases Problem-Based Learning, in which, the medical professional will resolve professional practice situations that may arise throughout the program. To do so, the specialist will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in Sleep Medicine.

We offer you an interactive video system which makes it easier for you to study this Postgraduate certificate"


Our 100% online specialization and our original educational methodology allow you to combine your studies with your other daily commitments"


The main objective of the programme is the development of theoretical and practical learning, so that the doctor is able to master the latest techniques in the field in a practical and rigorous manner. 


Our main objective is to help our students to achieve academic and professional excellence” 

General Objective

  • Master and/or update the necessary skills and knowledge for adequate practice in the field of Sleep Medicine at a global level, from the clinical and instrumental points of view

Specific Objectives

  • Gain a deep understanding of which biological parameters are of interest in the different sleep recordings, how they can be recorded and how the sensors that monitor them work
  • From the whole range of possible tests, you should acquire and master the skills to choose the most appropriate sleep test to be performed
  • Gain the skills and understanding of the indications, recording, analysis and interpretation of all kinds of simplified systems in the diagnosis of sleep disorders
  • Apply knowledge and skills on the indications, recording and practical problem solving during the Polysomnography (PSG) overnight sleep test, as a gold-standard sleep study technique
  • Includes the acquisition of specific skills and training to perform analysis and interpretation of the sleep structure and all types of recorded events, as well as training to understand and evaluate external log reports
  • Specialise in the current indications for PSG and learn when to extend or complement this test with a wide range of complementary elements
  • Master the skills to implement and interpret additional instrumental tests to support the diagnosis in cases of daytime hypersomnolence or restless leg syndrome
  • Gain a deep understanding of new ways of dealing with sleep disorders, through monitoring with sensors or with alternative systems different to the classic ones Some of them through wireless systems, pulse transit sensors, or the use of microwave sensors aimed at reducing the complexity of existing tests Others such as circadian monitoring with chronosensors, in order to record fundamental parameters for the diagnosis of sleep disorders, which classical tests do not cover
  • Emphasise the importance of image and sound recording in sleep studies
  • Define theoretical knowledge of how the bioelectrical signal can be analysed with software integrated in the devices, in order to , be able to programme the different diagnostic devices and to use the tools that each one of them puts at our disposal 
  • Specialise in how a sleep unit is organised at different levels of care For this, the student will learn the different cycles for prevalent or specific sleep pathologies, which optimise resources and integrate the entire care process

Train yourself for success with the help of this Diploma with which you will learn to develop yourself in the field of Technical and Organizational Aspects of the Diagnostic Process in Sleep-Wakefulness Disorders"

Postgraduate Certificate in Technical and Organizational Aspects of the Diagnostic Process in Sleep-Wakefulness Disorders

Are you ready to master the techniques and tools of sleep-wake disorders, acquiring technical and organizational knowledge to provide quality care to patients with sleep problems? With TECH Global University you can do it! Sleep-wake disorders affect a large number of people worldwide and can have a significant impact on their quality of life. If you are interested in helping diagnose and treat these disorders, our Postgraduate Certificate in Technical and Organizational Aspects of the Diagnostic Process in Sleep-Wake Disorders will provide you with the knowledge you need, You will study the different types of disorders, including insomnia, sleep apnea, narcolepsy and restless legs syndrome. You will learn about the risk factors, underlying causes and characteristic symptoms of each disorder.

Become an expert in evaluation and diagnostic techniques.

In this high-level Postgraduate Certificate you will study the different tests and studies used in the diagnostic process, such as polysomnography, actigraphy and sleep assessment questionnaires. In addition, you will explore how to interpret the results of these tests and make an accurate diagnosis, but that's not all! You'll learn about therapeutic options, ranging from lifestyle changes and behavioral therapies to the use of specific devices and medications. In addition, you will study how to develop personalized treatment plans and provide appropriate follow-up care to patients. The Postgraduate Certificate in Technical and Organizational Aspects of the Diagnostic Process in Sleep-Wakefulness Disorders will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform an effective diagnostic process and provide quality care to patients with sleep problems. Stand out as a trained professional in the field of sleep-wake disorders and contribute to improving the quality of life of those suffering from these disorders. Enroll now and become an expert in the diagnosis of sleep-wake disorders!