
Specialize now in Orchestra Conducting with the most complete and up-to-date postgraduate certificate in the online educational market and qualify yourself with the best theoretical-practical content"


The Greeks considered music an art whose origin was divine. They conceived it as a gift from the muses and each god was given an instrument. Music is an art that is as ethereal as it is exceptional and manifests itself in the corporeal as well as the emotional. In fact, studies have established that babies understand the meaning of emotions through music before they understand the meaning of words. Moreover, musical memories are established and persist in a brain area distinct from the events experienced, hence even people with high-impact memory diseases continue to recognize melodies from the past and associate them with loved ones. Music is sound, but also people, experiences, experiences, emotion and countless other adjectives. Being such a respected discipline, the orchestra is one of the highest expressions in the musical field, and its conductor is a figure of high prestige and value. Nowadays, the figure of the orchestra conductor is conceived as a leader with advanced musical qualities and high mastery of tuning of each instrument that composes their orchestra. Therein lies the importance of a specific and up-to-date qualification of the professionals in order to perform their duties as teachers in an effective and efficient manner.

For all of the above, this postgraduate certificate that TECH has developed covers all these issues that delve into the specialization of the professional. Thanks to this program, the student will delve into the functions that a master should perform in a capable manner, as well as delve into the sight-reading of scores with two hands, among other fundamental topics. In addition, students will learn the technical rudiments of conducting applied to vocal and instrumental music in order to establish optimal performance criteria in rehearsal, planning and concert.

Thanks to this educational qualification, graduates will acquire expertise in this field in just 6 weeks through the most effective methodology: Relearning. Through the repetition of the fundamental concepts throughout the teaching period, together with the most complete and up-to-date theoretical and practical contents on the market, the student will integrate the knowledge in a natural and simple way, leaving behind the obsolete memorization. In addition, the support provided by multimedia resources, simulated cases and complementary readings will facilitate learning. As a plus, you will be able to learn through a 100% online education that leaves aside the on-site classes with stipulated schedules, and advances in favor of an effective education. Therefore, the graduate will acquire fluency in their work through enabling qualities, being able to reconcile it with their daily chores and personal life.

You will delve into the historical evolution of tuning and you will specialize with the most complete tools and the best multimedia material presented in different formats"

This postgraduate certificate in Orchestral Conducting contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Orchestral Conducting
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Get qualified through the most revolutionary methodology: Relearning. You will learn in the most natural and efficient way by repeating essential concepts throughout the program"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. This will be done with the help of an innovative system of interactive videos made by renowned experts.

You will acquire the managerial skills to deal with rehearsal, planning and concert management of an experienced professional in Orchestral Conducting"


A 100% online program that will provide you with the broadest and most comprehensive knowledge of the technical rudiments of conducting applied to instrumental music"


This postgraduate certificate has been designed with the clear objective of qualifying the graduate by means of the acquisition of the competences of a specialist in Orchestral Conducting. In only 6 weeks and by means of online instruction, the student will be able to access the most up-to-date syllabus in this field. In this way, they will have access to a virtual campus from which they will be able to access all the contents from the beginning of the course, being able to download the materials for consultation at any time, even once the program has been completed. You will be able to perfect your skills and reach your expectations in the music sector thanks to the most complete program in the current educational field.


Reach your goals and objectives thanks to an in-depth mastery of the different styles and the technical rudiments of conducting applied to vocal music"

General Objective

  • Delve into the knowledge of the different styles and the interpretative resources of each one of them

Specific Objectives

  • Elaborate criteria on aesthetic issues through work
  • Master the tuning criteria of each instrument
  • Apply polyphonic listening and listen simultaneously to all the parts that make up the orchestra

You will surpass your own educational expectations by delving into score reading, the human voice and organology"

Postgraduate Certificate in Orchestral Conducting

Have you ever dreamed of being the conductor of an orchestra and leading an ensemble of musicians to create a musical masterpiece? If so, the Postgraduate Certificate in Orchestral Conducting at TECH Global University is just what you need to make that dream a reality. This program will give you an in-depth understanding of the technique and art of conducting an orchestra, as well as the ability to lead a team of musicians effectively. During the course, you will learn to develop and apply conducting techniques, analyze scores and communicate your ideas clearly and concisely to the musicians. Through this experience, you will be able to hone your skills and receive expert feedback to improve your technique.

Learn how to lead your own symphony with this TECH course.

TECH Global University is a leading institution in technological education, which focuses on providing innovative and quality study programs that respond to the needs of the labor market.The Postgraduate Certificate in Orchestral Conducting will provide you with knowledge about the history of music, current trends in orchestra conducting and best practices in managing orchestras and teams of musicians. With this program, you can begin an exciting career in conducting and take your musical skills to the next level. Don't wait any longer and join the Postgraduate Certificate in Orchestral Conducting. Learn how to lead your own symphony today!