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Why study at TECH?
This Professional master’s degree program in Teaching Art History in High School will generate a sense of confidence in the performance of your profession, which will help you to grow personally and professionally"
It is a given that teachers should be aware of the course of their discipline over time and of the various legislative changes that have taken place in the field of education, with the aim of improving their skills when it comes to specializing a constantly changing and evolving student body. Precisely, in the search for updating teachers, this program offers a special treatment with ICTs, which are currently in force in the educational system and are a very attractive vehicle to access students. In addition, by learning more about the different methodological and evaluative techniques, the educator will be able to develop the necessary capacity to establish a satisfactory teaching-learning process with the student.
This training helps professionals in this field to increase their ability to succeed, which results in better praxis and performance that will have a direct impact on educational outcomes, on the improvement of the educational system and on the social benefit for the whole community.
Teaching Art History is a task of great responsibility, because it is a subject that is linked as a complement to teaching History, knowledge of the past to the present and future, as well as the understanding of the environment or more immediate history as the most distant. Art history as a discipline aims to help cultivate aesthetic sensibility, fundamental to develop intellectual abstraction. Behind each piece of work, there are many elements and the search and identification of these elements makes it an indispensable knowledge for high school students.
Update your knowledge through the Professional master’s degree in Teaching Art History in High School"
This Professional master’s degree in Teaching Art History in High School contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:
- 75 case studies presented by experts in Teaching Art History in High School The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
- New developments about Teaching Art History in High School
- It contains practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
- Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the situations that are presented to the student
- With special emphasis on evidence-based methodologies in Teaching Art History in High School
- All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
- Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
This TECH Professional master’s degree may be the best investment you can make when selecting a refresher program, for two reasons: in addition to updating your knowledge in Teaching Art History in High School, you will obtain a TECH Professional master’s degree diploma from TECH
It includes in its teaching staff professionals belonging to the field of Teaching Art History in High School, who pour into this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists belonging to reference societies and prestigious universities.
The multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive program to learn in real situations.
This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the educator must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the teachers will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by recognized experts in the field of Teaching Art History in High School with extensive teaching experience.
Increase your decision-making confidence by updating your knowledge through this Professional master’s degree"
Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Teaching Art History in High School and improve the education of your students"
The structure of the contents has been designed by a team of professionals from the best educational centers, universities and companies in the national territory, aware of the relevance of the program to intervene in the specialization and accompaniment of students, and committed to quality teaching through new educational technologies.
This Professional master’s degree in Teaching Art History in High School, contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market”
Module 1. Art History Within the Social Sciences
1.1. Concept of Social Science
1.1.1. Social Sciences
1.1.2. The Concept of Art
1.1.3. Art as a Subject of Study, Social Document and Heritage
1.1.4. Artistic Typologies
1.2. The Concept of Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary Art
1.2.1. Historical References
1.2.2. Location and Artistic Evolution
1.3. Ancient Art
1.3.1. Prehistoric
1.3.2. Middle East
1.3.3. Egyptian
1.3.4. Classical: Greece and Roma
1.4. Medieval Art
1.4.1. Byzantine
1.4.2. Islamic and Mudejar
1.4.3. Pre-Romanesque
1.4.4. Romanesque
1.4.5. Gothic
1.5. Modern Art
1.5.1. Renaissance
1.5.2. Baroque and Rococo
1.6. Contemporary Art
1.6.1. Neoclassicism and Romanticism
1.6.2. From Realism to Modernism
1.6.3. Vanguards
1.6.4. Art in the 20th Century
Module 2. The Importance of Teaching in Art History
2.1. Art History as an Academic Discipline
2.1.1. The Teaching of Historical Time
2.1.2. Its place Within Humanities
2.1.3. Knowledge of Change, Continuity and Permanence
2.2. The Art Historian as a Teacher
2.2.1. Academic Profile of the Art Historian
2.2.2. Art Historian as a Researcher and Teacher
2.2.3. Career Opportunities and the Importance of Knowledge of Art and Heritage
2.3. Changes in the Didactic Conception of the Social Sciences
2.3.1. From Memorization to More Dynamic Teaching
2.3.2. Changes in Manuals and Textbooks
2.4. Interdisciplinary
2.4.1. Auxiliary Sciences of Art History
2.4.2. Need for Cooperation between Different Subjects
2.5. A Discipline of the Past, for the Present and the Future
2.5.1. Historical Sources and Art as a Source of Knowledge
2.5.2. The Importance of Art from an Early Age
2.5.3. Need to Expand this Discipline in the Educational Curricula
2.6. Value of Humanistic Knowledge Today
2.6.1. Crisis of the Humanities
2.6.2. The Humanities and Their Work in Our Society
2.6.3. Conclusion and Reflection on the Role of the Humanities in the Western World
Module 3. Methodological Trends
3.1. Difficulties of Teaching Art History
3.1.1. Social and Political Vision
3.1.2. Nature as a Social Science
3.1.3. Student’s Interest
3.2. Teaching Methodology
3.2.1. Definition of Teaching Methodology
3.2.2. Efficacy of Methodology
3.2.3. Traditional and Modern Methodologies
3.3. Teaching-Learning Models
3.3.1. Dimensions of Psychoeducational Knowledge
3.3.2. Models of the Teaching-Learning Process
3.3.3. Instructional Design
3.4. Master Class and the Role of the Teacher
3.4.1. Positive Aspects of the Master Class
3.4.2. Negative Aspects of the Master Class
3.4.3. The Master Class at Present
3.5. Behavioral Learning Theories and Educational Applications
3.5.1. Classical Conditioning
3.5.2. Operant Conditioning
3.5.3. Vicarious Conditioning/Observational Learning
3.6. Cognitive Theories and Constructivist Theories
3.6.1. Classical Theories of School Learning
3.6.2. Cognitive Theories of Information Processing
3.6.3. Constructivism
3.7. Methodologies for Competency Development
3.7.1. Problem-Based Learning
3.7.2. Case Studies
3.7.3. Project-Based Learning
3.7.4. Cooperative Learning
3.8. Teaching Methodology Applied to Social Sciences
3.8.1. Teacher as a Key Methodological Element
3.8.2. Expository Strategies
3.8.3. Inquiry Strategies
Module 4. LOMCE
4.1. History of Spanish Educational Legislation
4.1.1. Chronological Explication
4.1.2. Different Study Plans
4.1.3. Future Previsions
4.2. LOE/LOMCE Comparative
4.2.1. Comparative Table
4.2.2. Analysis of Difference and Similarities
4.2.3. Reflection of the Different Laws in the Realities of the Classroom
4.3. State and Regional Competencies
4.3.1. State Competencies
4.3.2. Autonomous Competencies
4.3.3. The Job of the Educational Inspector
4.4. Objectives of LOMCE
4.4.1. Objectives of Compulsory High School Education
4.4.2. Objectives of High School
4.4.3. LOMCE and Educational Projects at the Center
4.5. Key Competencies
4.5.1. Linguistic Competence
4.5.2. Mathematical Competence and Basic Competences in Science and Technology
4.5.3. Digital Competencies
4.5.4. Learning to Learn
4.5.5. Social and Civic Competencies
4.5.6. Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship
4.5.7. Conscience and Cultural Expressions
4.6. How to Apply Competencies to Social Sciences
4.6.1. Each of the Competencies and Their Implication in Our Discipline
4.6.2. Difficulties in the Application of Certain Competencies in the Humanities
4.6.3. Difference between Basic Competences and Key Competences
4.7. Content of Each Academic Course
4.7.1. Compulsory High School Education and Its Different Courses
4.7.2. High School and Its Different Courses and Modalities
4.7.3. PAU and Social Sciences
4.8. Educational Projects
4.8.1. How to Elaborate the Center’s Educational Project?
4.8.2. How Does the Project Affect Students?
4.8.3. Different Projects
4.9. LOMCE and Educational Projects at the Center
4.9.1. Different Centers and Different Realities
4.9.2. Public Education, Private Education and Public Education
4.10. Unpacking the LOMCE, Brief Summary
4.10.1. LOMCE Summarized
4.10.2. Most Important Points
4.10.3. Table and Conclusions
Module 5. Student Motivation
5.1. Motivation and Its Importance as a Learner
5.1.1. The Rationale for the Search for Motivation
5.1.2. Fostering Curiosity in the Social Sciences
5.1.3. Positive Reinforcement and Autonomy Reinforcement
5.2. The Teacher’s Role in the Motivational Task
5.2.1. What to Do as a Teacher to Be a Motivational Tool?
5.2.2. Proposal of Activities or Projects of Interest
5.2.3. Recourse to Current Events Examples:
5.3. Behaviorist Theories
5.3.1. Conceptual and Procedural Knowledge
5.3.2. Intellectual Skills and General Strategies
5.3.3. Hull and Spence
5.4. Humanist Theories
5.4.1. Maslow
5.5. Cognitive Theories
5.5.1. Different Opinions
5.5.2. Examples of Possible Activities
5.5.3. Situated Learning and Students Implication
5.6. Learning and Self-Learning
5.6.1. Research Work for the Students
5.6.2. The Student as Their Own Teacher
5.6.3. Cross-Cutting Projects
5.7. Motivation in Adolescence
5.7.1. Understand the Adolescent
5.7.2. Assess Their Classroom Situation
5.7.3. Conflict Mediators
5.8. New Technologies as a Key Element of Academic Motivation
5.8.1. Using Social Media
5.8.2. Understanding the Student’s Social Reality and Motivations
5.8.3. Evolution of Youth
5.9. Attributional Programs
5.9.1. What Does It Consist in?
5.9.2. Real Applications
5.9.3. Advantages in Adolescence
5.10. Self-Regulated Learning Theory
5.10.1. What Does It Consist in?
5.10.2. Real Applications
5.10.3. Project-Based Teaching and Its Motivation
Module 6. Adaptation to Different Classroom Situations and Multiple Intelligences
6.1. Adolescence and High School
6.1.1. Most Problematic Courses
6.1.2. Adolescents at Risk of Social Exclusion
6.1.3. Teachers, But Also Educators
6.2. Dysfunctions in Adolescence
6.2.1. Different Problems
6.2.2. Possible Solutions as Teachers and Educators
6.2.3. Real Examples and Solutions
6.3. School Maladjustment
6.3.1. School Absenteeism and Its Causes
6.3.2. School Failure
6.3.3. Spain’s Situation
6.4. High-Capacity Students
6.4.1. Enlargement Material
6.4.2. Motivation and New Challenges
6.4.3. How to Avoid Exclusion
6.5. Multiple Intelligences and Education
6.5.1. Gardner’s Theory
6.5.2. Types of Intelligences
6.5.3. Project Zero
6.6. Education Based on Multiple Learning
6.6.1. Galton
6.6.2. Cattell
6.6.3. Wechsler
6.7. Strategies, Guidelines and Activities for Its Development
6.7.1. According to Piaget
6.7.2. Establish the Different Skills and Abilities of Our Students
6.7.3. Strengthening Their Skills
6.8. Social Sciences and Multiple Intelligences
6.8.1. Linguistic Intelligence and Reasoning in Learning History
6.8.2. Spatial Intelligence and Logic in Learning Geography
6.8.3. Plastic and Artistic Intelligence
6.9. Problems in Approaching More Personalized Education
6.9.1. Lack of Resources
6.9.2. Need for Greater Investment
6.9.3. Necessary Resources
Module 7. ICTs
7.1. What is ICT? Their Use in Education
7.1.1. Definition of ICT
7.1.2. Advantages of Use
7.1.3. Digital Skills in the Teaching Environment
7.2. Use of ICT at a High School
7.2.1. Digital tools
7.2.2. Web Tools
7.2.3. Mobile Devices
7.3. Social Networks
7.3.1. Definition of Social Media
7.3.2. Main Social Media Outlets
7.3.3. Use of Social Networks in Teaching
7.4. GIS and Its Importance in Geography
7.4.1. Geographical Information Systems: What Are They?
7.4.2. Organization and Structure of GIS
7.4.3. Use of GIS in Teaching
7.5. ICTs in the Teaching-Learning of Art History
7.5.1. Web Resources of Historical, Artistic and Museum Interest
7.5.2. Interactive Webs
7.5.3. Gamification
7.6. Introduction to the Development of Digital Teaching Material
7.6.1. Creation and Video Editing
7.6.2. Creation of Presentations
7.6.3. Development of Educational Games (Gamification)
7.6.4. Creation of 3D Models
7.6.5. Google Tools
7.7. Use and Publication of Digital Teaching Materials
7.7.1. Means of Publication of Audiovisual Resources
7.7.2. Means of Publishing Interactive Resources
7.7.3. Augmented Reality in the Classroom
7.8. Critical Spirit in the Use of Web Resources
7.8.1. Education of Students in the Use of New Technologies
7.8.2. Privacy Issues on the Internet
7.8.3. Critical Treatment of Information on the Internet
7.9. Teaching Materials with ICTs in History and Geography Teaching
7.9.1. First Cycle of Compulsory High School
7.9.2. Second Cycle of Compulsory High School
7.9.3. High School
Module 8. Teaching Programs
8.1. What Does Programming Involve?
8.1.1. Different Meanings
8.1.2. Programming as a Guide for the Teacher
8.1.3. Different Types of Programs According to the Academic Course
8.2. Teaching Program and Its Different Sections
8.2.1. Objectives
8.2.2. Contents
8.2.3. Learning Standards
8.3. Teaching Units and Their Sections
8.3.1. Contents
8.3.2. Objectives
8.3.3. Sample Activities and Suggested Tasks
8.3.4. Attention to Diversity Spaces and Resources Assessment Procedures Assessment Tools
8.4. Different Educational Curricula According to Autonomous Communities
8.4.1. Comparison between Communities
8.4.2. Common Elements of the Curricula
8.4.3. Differences between Compulsory High School and Optional High School
8.5. Useful Bibliography for Our Programming
8.5.1. Ausubel
8.5.2. Piaget
8.5.3. Combas Project
8.6. Possible Strategies for Defending Our Teaching Program or Unit
8.6.1. Hoe to Face the Presentation
8.6.2. Presentation Models
8.6.3. Annexes and Materials That Can be Attached
8.7. Examinations, Possible Approaches
8.7.1. Multiple Choice Exams
8.7.2. Medium or Long Examinations
8.7.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Each of Them and Development of Mixed Tests
8.8. Headings
8.8.1. Examples and Templates
8.8.2. Uses
8.8.3. Templates or Rubrics as a Tool for Improvement
8.9. Activities, Exercises, Tasks and Their Different Levels of Complexity
8.9.1. Differences and Examples
8.9.2. Self-study
8.9.3. Self-Assessment Exercise Plans
8.10. Importance of Final Year of High School
8.10.1. A Decisive Year and What It Means for Students
8.10.2. How to Guide Our Students
8.10.3. Features
Module 9. Assessment
9.1. Assessment Objectives
9.1.1. Search for Problems or Deficiencies
9.1.2. Establish Solutions
9.1.3. Improve Teaching-Learning Process
9.2. Criteria to Follow
9.2.1. Previous Assessment
9.2.2. Establish the Most Adequate System
9.2.3. Extraordinary Tests
9.3. Different Assessment Models
9.3.1. Final
9.3.2. Continuous
9.3.3. Controls and Exams
9.4. Cases and Practical Examples
9.4.1. Different Exam Models
9.4.2. Different Rubrics
9.4.3. Summative or Percentage Rating
9.5. The Importance of the Assessment System
9.5.1. Different Systems According to the Characteristics of the Learners
9.5.2. Roles of the Assessment Criteria
9.5.3. List and Characteristics of Assessment Techniques and Tools
9.6. Different Authors, Different Visions
9.6.1. Zabalza
9.6.2. Weiss
9.6.3. Our Own Assessment Project
9.7. Different Realities, Different Assessment Systems
9.7.1. Development of an Initial Assessment Examples and Templates
9.7.2. Establish a Teaching Plan
9.7.3. Verification of Learning through Controls
9.8. Self-Assessment as Teachers
9.8.1. Questions to Ask Ourselves
9.8.2. Analyzing Our Own Results
9.8.3. Improve for the Next Academic Year
Module 10. Teaching Outside the Classroom
10.1. Historical and Archaeological Museums
10.1.1. The History in Museums
10.1.2. Archaeological Museums
10.1.3. Historical Museums
10.2. Museums and Art Galleries
10.2.1. Art in Museums
10.2.2. Art Museums
10.2.3. Art Galleries
10.2.4. Institutional and Emblematic Buildings as a Cultural Enclave
10.3. Accessibility in Museums
10.3.1. The Concept of Accessibility
10.3.2. Eliminating Physical Barriers
10.3.3. Visual and Cognitive Integration of Art and Heritage
10.4. Artistic Heritage
10.4.1. The Concept of a Work of Art
10.4.2. The Furniture Work of Art
10.4.3. Historic-Artistic Monuments
10.5. Museology, Museography and Teaching
10.5.1. Concept of Museology
10.5.2. Concept of Museography
10.5.3. Museums and Teaching
10.6. The School in the Museum
10.6.1. School Visits in Museums
10.6.2. Museums at School
10.6.3. Coordination and Communication between School and Museum
10.7. Heritage and School
10.7.1. Heritage Outside the Museum
10.7.2. Adequacy of Visits
10.7.3. Combination of Activities
10.8. Teaching in Museums and Art Galleries through New Technologies
10.8.1. New Technologies in the Museum
10.8.2. Augmented Reality
10.8.3. Virtual Realit
A unique, key and decisive training experience to boost your professional development”
Professional Master's Degree in Teaching Art History in High School
To understand the historical processes that have led to the consolidation of modern art, which is fundamental for the understanding of society. For this reason it is essential that schools are made of specialized professionals in the educational field, in order to perform optimal teaching processes that enhance the skills of the student body. The Professional Master's Degree in Teaching Art History in High School of TECH Global University consists of 1,500 instructional hours, during which applicants will have access to an innovative curriculum that will allow them to understand the value of social sciences and how to apply them in academic practice. Likewise, the professional will obtain the necessary technological tools to perform efficiently, since in the digital environment that guides the world it is essential to connect with new pedagogical modalities that attract the attention of students and enhance their skills.
Take a Professional Master's Degree in Teaching Art History in High School
Our program has sophisticated thematic axes, which will allow the correct acquisition of knowledge related to the importance of dialectics, methodological currents, evaluation processes, student motivation, among other conceptual areas of utmost importance to form an optimal theoretical background. Similarly, throughout the course we provide tools for research development, which can be applied in professional practice, in order to provide new pedagogical alternatives that enhance the study of art. Due to this, we will boost the teachers' communicative competencies, which will facilitate the interaction or transmission of information and will allow them to understand the students' problems or motivations.