
This 100% online postgraduate diploma will provide you with the necessary tools to successfully teach the subject of Health Processes in High School Education"


In recent years, professions related to the health field have been of great interest to young high school students, given the multiple job options and the social and economic recognition. For this reason, there has been an increase in the demand for teaching professionals to teach subjects directly related to auxiliary nursing care, health emergencies, pharmacy, or dietetics.  

In view of this reality, teachers who teach these areas with a high scientific component must have the necessary pedagogical tools to be able to carry out first-class teaching and learning. In this line, TECH has designed this postgraduate diploma that delves over 6 months in the training of the Health Processes Teacher in High School Education. 

This is a 100% online program that provides the future teacher with precise knowledge of the contents to be covered in specialties such as pathological anatomy and cytodiagnosis, prosthetic audiology, health documentation, and administration. All this, in addition, together with a syllabus that will lead you to delve into the methodology, learning techniques and the most innovative teaching in Health Processes.  

Likewise, students taking this program will have access to multimedia material that can be easily accessed at any time of the day from a cell phone, computer or tablet with an Internet connection.  

A unique opportunity to advance professionally in the teaching sector through a flexible postgraduate diploma, which is at the educational forefront and fully compatible with day-to-day responsibilities. 

Bring gamification methodology to your classroom and break with the traditional methodology for teaching health in High School Education" 

This postgraduate diploma in Health Processes Teacher Training in High School Education contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:  

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in teaching in High School Education 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

You are looking at a program of 450 hours of advanced learning that is both flexible and compatible with your daily responsibilities. Enroll now”

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals from the sector who bring to this training the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists from leading companies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.  

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

With this university program, you will have all the teaching resources you need to enrich your Health Processes lessons"  


The multimedia pills of this program will allow you to delve into pedagogical concepts in a much more dynamic way"


This postgraduate diploma has been designed to provide the professional with the fundamental tools to be able to successfully develop a teaching program with the required content according to current regulations. For this purpose, TECH provides pedagogical tools in which it has used the latest technology applied to university education. In this way, the high school students will successfully achieve their career advancement goals. 


You will be able to take a giant step forward as a professional in the teaching of Health Processes thanks to this postgraduate diploma" 

General Objectives

  • Introduce students to the world of teaching, from a broad perspective that provides them with the necessary skills for the performance of their work 
  • Know the new tools and technologies applied to teaching 
  • Show the different options and ways the teacher can work in their post 
  • Promote the acquisition of communication and knowledge transmission skills and abilities 
  • Encourage continuing training for students 

Specific Objectives 

Module 1. Complements for the Disciplinary Training of Health Processes

  • Know the syllabus related to the medium degree cycle of Technician in Nursing Assistants (TCAE) 
  • Manage and learn the regulations that specify the syllabus of the TCAE cycle, specifically RD 546/1995 and RD 558/1995 
  • Familiarize yourself with the different sections that structure the syllabus in order to be able to handle it in your future work as a teacher 
  • Distinguish the functions of an TCAE, differentiating the professional skills attributed to them
  • Understand the different units of competence that a TCAE must acquire in order to be able to work on them in their educational work 
  • Understand the accomplishments of an TCAE in their professional work and know how to use their criteria as a guide for evaluation 
  • Identify the professional modules and their contents related to the TCAE cycle to elaborate educational materials 

Module 2. Health Processes Syllabus Design

  • Define the concept of syllabus 
  • Detail the elements that make up the syllabus 
  • Explain the concept of syllabus design 
  • Describe the levels of concreteness of the syllabus 
  • Explain the different models of syllabus 
  • Determine the aspects that should be taken into account in the elaboration of a teaching program 

Module 3. Health Process Teaching

  • Know the key aspects of general teaching and its characteristics 
  • Understand the concept, know how to define teaching and recognize the situations in which their knowledge can be useful
  • Understand the role of the teacher and the learner in the teaching-learning process 
  • Differentiate between formal and non-formal teaching intervention areas 
  • Approach to learning strategies and their characteristics 
  • Learn examples of learning strategies and their application 

Apply the most effective teaching strategies in order to transfer to high school students the key knowledge in auxiliary nursing care, or health emergencies"

Postgraduate Diploma in Health Processes Teacher Training in High School Education

The Postgraduate Diploma in Health Processes Teacher Training in Secondary School of TECH Global University, is an academic study designed to train secondary education teachers in the field of health sciences. This Postgraduate Diploma is aimed at professionals in the field of education and health, interested in acquiring teaching skills and specializing in the teaching of health processes in secondary education. The program offers comprehensive and updated training in the areas of health, education and pedagogy, with special attention to health processes and disease prevention. Students will acquire knowledge and teaching skills, as well as technical skills in health care, which will enable them to teach classes with quality and efficiency. Teachers who complete the program will be trained to design and apply innovative teaching strategies, foster autonomous and collaborative learning, and motivate students to maintain healthy habits.

Climb to the top of your career with TECH

The Postgraduate Diploma in Teacher Training of Health Processes in Secondary Education, has a highly qualified academic team, made up of professionals in health, education and pedagogy, which guarantee an updated and quality preparation. At TECH we offer didactic learning material such as virtual library, multimedia pills and specialized reading guides. The specialization includes contents such as the analysis of health processes, disease prevention and control, health promotion, basic health care and health education, which allow a comprehensive and updated specialization. In short, the Postgraduate Diploma in Teacher Training in Health Processes in Secondary School is an excellent option for those who wish to specialize in the teaching of health processes in secondary education and contribute to the education of a healthier society.