
Dr. Pierre Bouletreau is an expert in Maxillofacial, Oral and Facial Plastic Surgery referenced internationally for his high level of research and surgical excellence. His professional career, moreover, has been framed by multiple awards in Europe and in his own country. In particular, this specialist has won the Antonin Poncet and Leibinger awards, as well as the Les Gueules cassées scholarship and national recognition from the Hospital Clinic Program.

Throughout his career, this physician has been linked to leading medical institutions and has been a disciple of true scientific eminences in the field of Oral Surgery. Specifically, he has collaborated with several institutions in Lyon, becoming a member and later Head of Service of the Department of Maxillofacial, Oral and Facial Plastic Surgery of the Lyon Sud Hospital. At the same time, he has carried out clinical training internships at the New York University Medical Center, the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Stanford University and Orthognathic Surgery internships with Dr. G. W. Arnett in Santa Barbara, California.

On the other hand, from the academic point of view, he has maintained a continuous updating of his skills and has developed studies in areas such as Clinical and Economic Analysis of Medical Decisions, Experimental Microsurgical Techniques, Biological and Medical Engineering, among others. From this scientific work, he has collaborated with research projects and is the author of more than 80 articles published in national and international journals. At the same time, he stands out for his assiduous participation in specialized congresses.

Dr. Bouletreau is also a reviewer for publications such as the Journal of Dental Science and Research. He is also a member of the French Society of Maxillofacial, Stomatological and Oral Surgery.

  • Head of Maxillofacial, Oral and Facial Plastic Surgery,  Lyon Sud Hospital, Lyon, France
  • Assistant Practitioner at the UFR Laënnec  
  • Doctorate in Medicine from the University Claude Bernard - Lyon I 
  • Research internship at the New York University Medical Center 
  • Internship at the Institute of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at the New York University Medical Center 
  • Training in the Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at Stanford University School of Medicine 
  • Postgraduate Diploma in General Surgery 
  • University Diploma in Clinical and Economic Analysis of Medical Decisions 
  • International Reviewer for the Journal of Dental Science and Research
  • Member of: 
    • French Society of Maxillofacial, Stomatologic and Oral Surgery 
    • Association of Facial Surgeons 
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