
As the sixth world power and the second in Europe, learning the French language means opening the gateway to one of the most developed economic industries. It is important to have the appropriate language certification to access the most prestigious positions and the best jobs in France, with level C1 being one of the most demanded in managerial positions.

TECH has based its C1 Level French Language Exam on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, so that this university certificate is internationally recognized and is valid for life. Therefore, the candidate will not have to renew it and will be able to include it in their CV for international job opportunities. 

With your C1 French university certificate, you will be able to apply for the most important managerial and executive positions in the French-speaking world” 

You will be able to develop your career successfully in important countries such as Belgium, Canada or France itself"

The C1 level of French provides added quality to any resume. Being the second most studied language in the world, only behind English, a high level of proficiency guarantees a much more successful professional career in countries across five continents, since the French language is present in all of them. 

As it is framed within the CEFR, this Level C1 French Language Exam is valid for use worldwide. TECH uses state-of-the-art educational technology so that candidates can obtain their university certification from the comfort of their own home, without having to travel or complete laborious paperwork.  

The personal examiner assigned by TECH will be happy to answer any pre-exam questions you may have"

It is proven that learning languages increases your Intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks” 

José Antonio Marina. 
Filósofo, ensayista y pedagogo.

Flexible and Tailored 

Take your exam wherever you are, 100% online, at the time of your choice. You choose the exam that best suits you. 


No Stress

Are you nervous about waiting in long lines to register for the exam and take the different tests? You will be able to register online and take your test with an examiner just for you, with no external pressure. 


No Waiting

Receive your certificate in record time and in digital format so you can always carry it with you. 


Listening comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Understand enough to follow a long speech on abstract and complex topics beyond their expertise, although they may have to confirm some details, especially if they are not accustomed to the accent
  • Recognize a wide range of idiomatic and colloquial expressions, and notice changes in register
  • Follow an extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when links are only assumed and not explicitly pointed out
  • Easily follow complex conversations between third parties in group discussions, even on abstract, complex, and unfamiliar topics
  • Understand with relative ease most lectures, discussions and debates
  • Extract specific information from public statements that have poor quality and distorted sound; e.g., at a station, in a stadium, etc.
  • Understand complex technical information, such as operating instructions, product specifications, and everyday services
  • Understand a wide range of recorded and broadcast material, including some unusual usage, and identify details and subtleties such as implied attitudes and relationships between speakers

Reading comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Understand, in detail, long and complex texts, whether or not they relate to their specialty, provided they can reread difficult sections
  • Understand any communication with sporadic use of the dictionary
  • Understand, in detail, a wide range of lengthy and complex texts that they are likely to encounter in social, professional or academic life, and identify subtle details including both implicit and explicit attitudes and opinions
  • Understand, in detail, lengthy and complex instructions on new machines or procedures, whether the instructions relate to their field of specialty or not, as long as they can reread the difficult sections
  • Understand films that use a considerable amount of slang or colloquial language and idiomatic expressions

Speaking objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Deliver clear and detailed descriptions and presentations on complex topics, integrating other topics, developing concrete ideas and ending with an appropriate conclusion
  • Make statements fluently, almost effortlessly, accurately using some intonation to convey subtle shades of meaning
  • Deliver clear and well-structured presentations on a complex topic, expanding at some length and defending your points of view with complementary ideas, reasons and appropriate examples. Make good use of interjections, responding spontaneously and with little effort

Writing objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Write clear and well-structured texts on complex topics highlighting the main ideas, expanding at some length and defending their points of view with appropriate complementary ideas, reasons and examples, ending with an appropriate conclusion
  • Write descriptions and imaginary texts in a clear, detailed and well-structured way, with a convincing, personal and natural style that is appropriate for the intended readers
  • Write clear and well-structured presentations on complex topics, highlighting the main ideas. Expand at some length and defend points of view with complementary ideas, reasons and suitable examples

CEFR C1 French Exam

French is the sixth most spoken language in the world and the third most adopted as a foreign language. In the cultural and artistic sphere, it acquires a status of high esteem due to the extensive wealth of French history in the humanities. If you wish to be accredited as a bilingual French speaker, the CEFR C1 French Exam provided by TECH Global University is your best option. Endorsed and subject to the guidelines of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching and Assessment), we offer you an online test with an average duration of four hours, through which you will be evaluated in reading comprehension, writing, listening and oral fluency skills. In this way, you will be qualified under international standards to incorporate the language of Molière into your curriculum. Such an ability will open doors in any field of professional and personal life, guaranteeing you a promising future beyond your expectations.

Certify at Level C1 in French

According to the International Organization of La Francophonie, by 2050 there will be more than 700 million French speakers in the world, with a preponderance on the African continent, making it the second most spoken language globally. Since it is used with greater emphasis in international relations (it is the second official working language among organizations such as the UN or the International Olympic Committee), its indispensable utility in the following decades makes it urgent to be certified as bilingual in this aspect. With our language test you will be able to interact with great fluency in this language in any country, academic institution or work organization. The set of tests is rigorous but of unprecedented satisfaction once passed. The parts in which the total exam is divided correspond to the skills already mentioned: écoute, lire, écrirey and parlant (listening, reading, writing and speaking); the latter determined through a previously agreed interview with one of our experts. Do you want to give a unique plus to your career by speaking another language? Come and get certified with us.