
Passing this exam awards the candidate with the A1 level of Portuguese according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Therefore, all those who wish to progress personally or professionally through the use of Brazilian Portuguese have a great opportunity with this exam offered by TECH, since it will allow them to obtain an accreditation of this level according to the CEFR. Whoever passes this test will be able to include an A1 qualification in this language in their credentials.

Accredit your level of Portuguese following the CEFR and gain access to numerous professional and personal opportunities thanks to this”


TECH carries out the A1 Portuguese exam with all the guarantees, according to the CEFR guidelines and on an individualized basis"

Language certification is essential nowadays, both for job applications and for other official processes that require level accreditation. Therefore, to be able to access scholarships and places at university, it is mandatory to have a certification like the one we offer you with this test.

This test will give access, therefore, to a diploma certifying the possession of Level A1 of Portuguese"

Pintura TECH Global University

It is proven that learning languages increases your intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks” 

José Antonio Marina. 
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.
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Flexible and Tailored 

You will take the exam online and can organize the time of the exam with your personal examiner.

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Acquire Skills and Abilities

Are you nervous about waiting in long lines to register for the exam and take the different tests? At TECH you can register online and take your test with a tutor just for you.


No Waiting

Receive your certificate in record time and in digital format so you can always carry it with you.


Listening comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Understand speech that is very slow, carefully articulated and with enough pauses to assimilate the meaning
  • Understand instructions that are explained slowly and carefully, and is able to follow directions if they are simple and short

Reading comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Understand very short and simple texts, reading sentence by sentence, picking up basic and common names, words and phrases, and rereading as needed
  • Understand short and simple messages on postcards
  • Recognize names, words and very basic phrases that appear on signs and in the most common situations
  • Understand the meaning of simple informative written material and short and simple descriptions, especially if there is visual support
  • Understand written directions if they are short and simple (e.g., how to get from one place to another)

Speaking objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Engage in conversations in a straightforward manner, but communication is totally dependent on slower-paced repetitions, rephrasing and rectifications
  • Ask and answer simple questions, make simple statements, and respond to statements made to them in areas of immediate need or on everyday topics
  • Understand common expressions aimed at satisfying simple, everyday needs as long as the interlocutor collaborates by addressing them in clear, slow speech and repeats what they do not understand
  • Understand questions and instructions addressed to them clearly and slowly, understanding simple and brief directions
  • Introduce oneself and use basic greetings and farewell expressions. Ask how people are doing and express their reactions to the news
  • Understand everyday expressions aimed at satisfying simple concrete needs provided that the speaker collaborates by addressing them in clear, slow speech and repeats what they do not understand
  • Understand questions and instructions if spoken slowly and carefully, and understand short, simple directions on how to get to a place. Be able to ask someone for something, and vice versa
  • Ask someone for something, and vice versa. Good command of numbers, quantities, prices and schedules
  • Make time indications by means of sentences such as, for example, "next week, last Friday, in November, at three o'clock"
  • Responds in an interview to simple and direct questions about personal data, if spoken very slowly and clearly without idioms or set phrases

Writing objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Ask for and provide information about personal details in writing
  • Write short and simple postcards
  • Write numbers and dates, their name, nationality, address, age, date of birth or date of arrival in a country, as is done, for example, in a hotel registration book

examen oficial distancia A1 Portuguese

CEFR A1 Portuguese Exam

If there is a language that is related to Caribbean beaches, carnival and multicultural joy in general, it is undoubtedly Portuguese, the sixth most spoken mother tongue in the world. It is no wonder that many people wish to learn it, as it is spoken in South America (especially Brazil) as well as in the European region (Portugal) and the African region (Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe). Due to the high demand of aspiring Portuguese-speaking students, it is necessary to have a differential factor, and that is precisely what the CEFR A1 Portuguese Exam offered by TECH Global University gives you, an optimal option so that you can formally accredit your knowledge of the language, even if it is at an elementary level. Supported by a group of teachers with extensive experience in the field and state-of-the-art digital material, we give you the opportunity to take a quality exam completely online and with the full guarantee of receiving a unique qualification, based on the standards of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).

Certify your basic Portuguese with TECH

With an approximate duration of 2 hours and in a convenient online format that will give you flexibility in time and place, this exam will give you access to an important qualification capable of opening multiple labor, academic and personal doors in terms of benefits. To obtain the certificate, you will have to pass with more than 60% four tests that correspond to the basic language skills: oral expression, listening comprehension, written production and reading comprehension. In each one you will find different material and exercises specifically designed for the A1 level of the Portuguese language, from multiple choice questions based on texts, to activities where you will apply the use of vocabulary and written grammar. You will also be evaluated in oral skills through an interview with a previously assigned evaluator. Looking for an internationally recognized language school that will give you a great boost in your career as a Portuguese speaker? TECH is the answer.