
Improve your knowledge in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy through this program, where you will find the best didactic material with real clinical cases. Find out about the latest advances in the speciality here, in order to be able to carry out quality clinical practice”


One of these services is related to the field of Nutrition and to developing dietary recommendations. Today there is ample evidence on the importance of proper nutrition for the prevention and/or treatment of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes mellitus and cancer, among others.

With more nutritional supplements becoming available to users, it is of vital importance that community pharmacists have the necessary training to dispense and advise on these products in an appropriate way, to give good nutritional advice and, when necessary, know when to make a referral to the appropriate professional. Although traditionally, several subjects related to bromatology, nutrition, food and food hygiene have been taught in the Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy, more specific training is required in order to be able to advise users on the food products dispensed in pharmacies, as well as on their interaction with medicines.

For this reason, designing and delivering scientific and professional theoretical and practical training in nutrition at university level is necessary.

This professional master’s degree covers various current concepts in nutrition that can be used in a community pharmacist’s daily work.

Update your knowledge through the professional master’s degree in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy”

This professional master’s degree in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy comprises the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of over 50 clinical cases presented by experts in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy
  • Its graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents, which are designed to provide scientific and assistance information on those disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Contains practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Its special emphasis on evidence-based medicine and research methodologies in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Availability of content from any fixed or portable device with internet connection

This professional master’s degree is the best investment you can make in selecting a refresher program to update your knowledge in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy”

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of pharmacy, who contribute their work experience to this training, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. To do so, the professional will be assisted by a innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy.  

Increase your confidence in decision-making by updating your knowledge through this professional master’s degree”


Take the opportunity to learn about the latest advances in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy and improve your customer service”


This program in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy is aimed at offering a complete, detailed and updated vision of Pharmaceutical Nutritional Counseling as a key element in the care and monitoring of the user.


This program is designed for you to update your knowledge on Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy, using the latest educational technology, to contribute with quality and safety to decision-making in the implementation of Professional Pharmaceutical Services”

General Objectives

  • Have the necessary knowledge to provide professional pharmaceutical services in the field of nutrition
  • Update the community pharmacist's nutrition knowledge
  • Promote nutritional Counseling strategies in community pharmacy based on patient and user approach
  • Advise patients and users on foods, supplements and nutritional supplements dispensed at community pharmacies
  • Encourage the acquisition of skills, through a powerful audiovisual system, and the possibility of development through online simulation workshops and/or specific training
  • Encourage professional stimulation through continuing education and research

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Basic Principles of Nutrition

  • Be familiar with the basic concepts of nutrition, its contributions and interest for the community pharmacist
  • Understand the concepts of servings and edible portion, in order to know how to use them
  • Be familiar with the different types of diet
  • Keep up to date with new nutrition concepts
  • Use the different anthropometric measurements
  • Manage dietary tools: 24-hour recall, food frequency questionnaire, dietary record
  • Apply the knowledge acquired in order to be able to carry out a nutritional assessment

Module 2. Nutritional Counseling at Different Stages of Life

  • Assess lifestyle (intake, activity and physical condition, etc.) and be familiar with the guidelines, recommendations and products that can be dispensed at the community pharmacy
  • Remember nutritional needs at different stages of life
  • Review nutritional requirements and RDIs needed by infants
  • Tell the difference between breast milk and formula milk
  • Analyse the differences between different types of commercially available formula milk
  • Analyse the amount of water required by infants and their mother
  • Review the nutritional requirements and RDIs needed by children and adolescents
  • Analyse the amount of water required during childhood and adolescence
  • Acquire knowledge about healthy menus at school age
  • Differentiate between various types of dietary products used within this age group
  • Design action strategies for community pharmacies to deal with eating disorders in adolescence
  • Be familiar with the most recommended physical activity for children and adolescents

Module 3. Nutritional Counseling for Different Pathologies

  • Acquire the knowledge to be able to provide adequate nutritional advice for different pathologies
  • Recall the basic concepts of the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal apparatus
  • Study the physiopathology and aetiopathogenesis of the different pathologies related to the musculoskeletal system
  • Recognise nutritional deficits in these pathologies
  • Analyse the different nutritional supplements that can be used for these pathologies in community pharmacies
  • Advise on different hygienic and dietary measures
  • Be familiar with the basic concepts of the anatomy and physiology of the Cardiovascular and Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells apparatus
  • Study the physiopathology and aetiopathogenesis of the different pathologies related to this system
  • Be familiar with the basic concepts of anatomy and physiology of the renal and urinary system
  • Study the physiopathology and aetiopathogenesis of the different pathologies related to the renal and urinary system
  • Be familiar with the basic concepts of the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system
  • Study the physiopathology and aetiopathogenesis of the different pathologies related to the digestive system. Obesity and Overweight
  • Recognising nutritional deficits associated with diarrhoea and constipation
  • Recognising nutritional deficits associated with diabetes
  • Recognise nutritional deficits associated with hypercholesterolaemia

Module 4. Nutritional Advice from the Community Pharmacy in Special Situations

  • Advise on different hygienic and dietary measures
  • Acquire the knowledge to be able to give appropriate nutritional advice in special situations
  • Review the different products available as adjuvants for these pathologies
  • Understanding the effects of cancer and cancer therapy on nutrition
  • Assessing nutritional care in cancer patients
  • Incorporating the latest nutritional trends in chemoprevention
  • Distinguishing between common allergens
  • Differentiate between different food intolerances and allergies in order to advise patients suffering from them
  • Recognising allergens in breastfeeding
  • Analyse nutrition-related factors that influence the development and functioning of the immune system
  • Understand how different food compounds modulate immune homeostasis and immune responses involved in the individual's defence against bacteria, viruses, allergens, toxins or malignant cells
  • Analysis of the immunomodulatory characteristics of food components
  • Assess the nutritional and immunological status of at-risk groups and the products that can be dispensed at the community pharmacy

Module 5. Sports Nutrition

  • Learn the nutritional requirements for different sports
  • Understand the importance of hydration for athletes
  • Distinguish between the different supplements related to sports that can be dispensed at community pharmacies
  • Differentiate between the advantages and disadvantages of ergonomic aids in community pharmacy
  • Recognize those drugs and substances that may cause athletes to test positive in anti-doping tests in order to be able to provide good advice and dispense correctly in community pharmacy

Module 6. Drug-Nutrient Interactions

  • Update basic pharmacology knowledge
  • Detect interactions between drugs and foods
  • Restructuring dietary patterns in the event of any interaction of a drug with the type of food usually consumed
  • Classify drugs that affect the metabolism and excretion of nutrients
  • Be familiar with the effects of food in relation to the action mechanism of drugs
  • Analyze drug interactions with alcohol consumption

Module 7. Food Legislation in Community Pharmacy

  • Interpreting the composition of food supplements and their consumption levels
  • Be aware of the scientific evidence of such supplements
  • Differentiate between food, medicine, dietetic products, food supplements, health products, bio-ecological products and organic products
  • Be familiar with the different interactions between supplements and pharmacological treatments
  • Be aware of the different legislation in force at European, national and Autonomous Community levels
  • Analyze the necessary requirements for the authorization of substances in foodstuffs
  • Learn how to read labels, how they are presented and how they are published
  • Be clear about the safety standards for nutritional supplements
  • Familiarize yourself with the health alert network
  • Understand the reporting standards for dietary supplements

Module 8. Implementation of a Nutritional Counseling Service in community pharmacies

  • Identify and analyze service demand
  • Train the team involved in the service
  • Design a standardized work protocol
  • Assess the need to plan and design community pharmacy nutrition education campaigns
  • Be familiar with the VAT rate applicable to these products, as well as to this service
  • Compare the different autonomic legislations affecting community pharmacy when carrying out nutritional counseling services and dietetic counseling services, in order to avoid conflicts with other professionals
  • Develop service marketing strategies to promote and implement the service
  • As a complement to the service, participate in nutrition education campaigns already designed by other groups for the population

Professional Master's Degree in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy

In a fast-paced world, where sometimes the management of procedures to access a consultation with a specialist becomes a complex medical advice. It is common for patients to become autonomous and turn to close and trusted personnel, such as pharmacist assistants. One of the most recurrent visits in this regard concerns food-related issues. Seeing this as a development challenge and an opportunity for professional growth, TECH Global University presents its Professional Master's Degree in Nutritional Counseling in Community Pharmacy, a detailed look at the work of the nutritionist, but incorporated into the space of the conventional pharmacist. There are numerous utilities that you can acquire through this program, from an orientation in breastfeeding, to the legislation of food supplements. All encompassed with a 100% online methodology that will allow you to regulate your own schedule and combine learning with other personal activities, without losing academic rigor. Take the next step in your vocation and improve your professional growth.

Learn about nutritional counseling in pharmacy

It was Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, author of the first treatise on gastronomy "Physiology of Taste" in 1825, who said: "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are". Francis VI, Duke of La Rochefoucauld, said: "Eating is a necessity, but eating intelligently is an art". Today, these premises are not only still valid, but there is a growing tendency to incorporate them as a rule within healthy habits. Proof of this is that, in regions such as Latin America, the sale of dietary supplements in 2019 generated 2748 million dollars, growing by almost 50% since 2014, while, in countries such as Spain, according to a report by the Spanish Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 75% of the inhabitants consume some type of nutritional supplement. This represents substantial profits to the pharmacies that sell them, but also suggests the need to train integral and qualified personnel who can guide people about their consumption. With our Professional Master's Degree, you will be able to master this field, thus increasing your ability to provide a first class service and distinguish yourself from the rest.