
With this postgraduate diploma, you will acquire the necessary knowledge to generate successful communication plans and business strategies that enhance the results of companies in the sector" 


The fashion, beauty and luxury sector is constantly fluctuating and, consequently, its correct treatment in the communicative field needs continuous updating by professionals in the sector. For this reason, this postgraduate diploma will provide an approach to the business strategies that can be implemented with the aim of boosting the growth of companies in the sector. Therefore, the professional will acquire the necessary skills to position themselves as a successful communication director in this field. 

In the same way, they will also delve into the management of communication from a global perspective that will help the company to obtain better positioning in the sector. Likewise, this aspect will delve into crisis management for companies in the fashion, beauty and luxury sector. Therefore, the communication professional will be prepared to carry out a comprehensive management in those cases where the reputation of the company is at stake due to an event that has come to public light.

In this same sense, and understanding the importance of reputation for companies in these sectors, the postgraduate diploma program will also address the right way to enhance the company's online and offline image. To this end, it will teach students the different techniques that help to build a positive reputation for the public, which will increase the company's reach and improve results. 

Finally, during this postgraduate diploma, the importance of strategic communication in the beauty and fashion sector will be discussed in depth. To this end, professionals will be taught how to design and implement a complete communication plan where the context in which the company is developing is thoroughly investigated and the relevant actions are implemented to make it successful. It should be noted that the program is 100% online, which facilitates the professional's development, allowing them to manage their time and schedule.  

TECH offers you the best program on the market in journalism and communication in fashion, beauty and luxury. You only have to bring your enthusiasm to study”

This postgraduate diploma in Business Strategies and Communication Plan in Fashion, Beauty and Luxury contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in fashion journalism, beauty and luxury
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Developments in fashion, beauty and luxury journalism
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • With special emphasis on innovative methodologies in journalism and communication in fashion, beauty and luxury
  • Algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in situations focused on journalism and digital communication
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Learn in depth the most effective communication strategies when managing companies in the fashion industry and become a much more competent professional"

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals belonging to the field of journalism and communication, who bring to this program the experience of their
work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies 
and universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive program designed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. To do so, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in the field of fashion, beauty and luxury journalism.  

Learn all the aspects that successful political communication professionals must master"


Learn how to create communication plans with this postgraduate diploma that TECH offers you"


This program is designed to strengthen the skills, as well as help you develop new skills in the field of communication that will be essential in your professional development within the fashion, beauty and luxury sector. After completing the program, you will have a high degree of competence in specialized media, press offices and marketing departments, knowing the means that provide the best results in the dissemination of Information. In this way, you will be able to position yourself as a communication professional in the field of fashion, beauty and luxury with success, achieving great skills and preparing yourself to compete with the best in the industry. 


The goal of this program is to help students understand which are the most innovative strategies that provide the best results for companies in the fashion, beauty and luxury sector" 

General Objectives

  • Have a comprehensive and professional vision of the communication environment in the areas of fashion, luxury and beauty, identifying the particularities of the sector, as well as its impact and repercussion on the business fabric as a whole
  • Acquire basic and advanced knowledge to be able to generate new communication ecosystems in relation to fashion
  • Enhance your management, analysis, creativity and leadership skills as the main skills to grow within the industry
  • Develop excellent oral and written, verbal and non-verbal writing and communication skills
  • Obtain the necessary ethical responsibility
  • Develop critical thinking skills
  • Generate a competitive communication strategy within the industry with an in-depth knowledge of the dynamics of communication, the fashion business and the determining components
  • Identify opportunities and be able to evolve personally through scrutinizing your own work
  • Generate a social impact and direct public opinion with ethical and professional responsibility
  • Improve skills in decision-making thanks to observation, analysis, interpretation and action in relation to the professional criteria and the elaboration of critical reports
  • Understand and be able to execute the communication process in an effective way, adapting it to each channel, company profile and public objective

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Internal Communication, Corporatism and Crisis Management 

  • Know the organization chart of a communication company in the fashion and beauty environment
  • Reduce employee uncertainty, both in the face of internal changes and those external to the organization
  • Align and build a team loyal to the brand's objectives, mission and values
  • Understand the crisis resolution process and the role of the communication director in difficult times
  • Organize your own discourse for social networks and mass media aligned with the company's values
  • Fit sustainability into the communication strategy without losing identity
  • Identify potential adversities your brand will face in the future
  • Develop a strategic plan and a recyclable contingency plan

Module 2. Communication Techniques in the Fashion, Beauty and Luxury Ecosystem 

  • Identify the dynamics in which fashion and beauty companies are formed and maintained
  • Adapt the communication strategy to the most suitable business model for each brand
  • Understand and apply strategies and tactics specific to the fashion and beauty industry
  • Establish a "communicable" value proposition
  • Communicate through product sales in Phygital environments
  • Communicate innovation and realign the target audience when a change occurs and calculate its impact on product pricing

Module 3. The Communication Plan 

  • Apply the knowledge acquired so far to develop a competitive communication plan 
  • Understand and fit our communication strategy in the fashion industry
  • Understand the structure of the communication plan and its reason for being as well as the main techniques used in each of its stages
  • Develop critical thinking for the assessment of the communication strategy
  • Establish specific communication actions for the fashion and beauty sector
  • Deliver a long-term communication strategy, evaluate and readapt it


TECH provides you with the latest content in the industry with one goal in mind: to help you achieve all your professional goals"

Postgraduate Diploma in Business Strategies and Communication Plan in Fashion, Beauty and Luxury.


The fashion, beauty and luxury industry is one of the most profitable and competitive in the world, and to excel in it is necessary to have specialized knowledge and strategic business and communication skills. At TECH Global University, we offer the Postgraduate Diploma in Business Strategies and Communication Plan in Fashion, Beauty and Luxury, designed for those looking to advance their career in this sector. Our program offers online classes, which means you can get a quality education from anywhere in the world. Plus, our classes are designed so you can immediately apply what you learn in the real world. You'll learn from industry experts who will guide you through the latest trends and practices in business and communication strategies, with a specific focus on fashion, beauty and luxury.

Fashion, beauty and luxury.

Develop your career in the luxury industry with TECH.


Do you know why TECH is considered one of the best universities in the world? Because we have a catalog of more than ten thousand academic programs, presence in multiple countries, innovative methodologies, unique academic technology and a highly qualified faculty. Upon completion of our program, you will be prepared to create and execute effective business strategies and communication plans for fashion, beauty and luxury brands. You will learn to analyze the industry, understand your target audience, identify market opportunities and create impactful communication campaigns. You'll also be equipped with leadership and teamwork skills, allowing you to lead and collaborate on high-quality projects. Don't miss out on the opportunity to advance your career in the luxury industry with our TECH Global University's Postgraduate Diploma in Business Strategies and Communication Plan in Fashion, Beauty and Luxury. enroll today!