
You will manage, thanks to this program, the latest advances in mucogingival surgery or periodontal treatment in a 100% practical way”


Over the years, bad habits have progressively established themselves in society. This fact, accompanied by poor oral hygiene, has led to an increase in periodontal pathologies. In greater or lesser extent of severity, more than 70% of adults suffer from them or have suffered from them. In many cases, these are due to the accumulation of bacteria and, if not treated properly, they can lead to more serious problems such as tooth loss or various conditions in the body. This is where the dentist must decide the type of treatment to follow, with his last option being surgery to extract the tooth. Given the relevance of their work, their skills must be constantly updated to offer the most satisfactory services to their patients. For this reason, TECH has created this 100% practical program.

For 3 weeks, the dentist will have access to a prestigious clinical environment, in which he will acquire a series of skills by solving real cases. In this way, he will join an excellent work team made up of the best professionals in the area of Periodontics and Mucogingival Surgery, who will provide him the most cutting-edge and applicable skills in this field. In this way he will master the updated protocols that must be followed to guarantee success of reconstructive periodontal treatment or new techniques in maintaining the periodontal and implantological patient.

Throughout their internship, the student will be accompanied at all times by a specifically designated tutor, who will be responsible for achieving skills that are fully applicable to their daily work practice. This program, therefore, is an excellent opportunity for professionals to learn alongside the best experts in Periodontics and Mucogingival Surgery and promote its growth in a highly specified dental branch today.


Enjoy an intensive 3-week internship at a prestigious center and update yourself on the latest clinical procedures in order to grow professionally"

Why our program?

In the field of Periodontics and Mucogingival Surgery, it is necessary to master the latest advances and procedures that guarantee excellent treatment of periodontal pathologies, but it is essential to know how to put them into practice. For this reason, TECH has created a completely pioneering program, which will allow the dentist to enter a prestigious clinical environment for 3 weeks to apply these advances with real patients. During this stay, you will integrate in an excellent work team, together with those who will adopt the new skills with greater applicability in your daily activity.

vocational apprenticeships periodontics mucogingival surgery TECH Global University

TECH gives you a unique opportunity to enter a prestigious clinical environment for 120 hours to apply new skills in Periodontics and Mucogingival Surgery in your work methodology”

1. Updating from the latest technology available

The Area of Periodontics and Mucogingival Surgery has undergone numerous modifications in recent times thanks to the emergence of updated techniques for the detection, treatment or maintenance of periodontal pathologies. For this reason, TECH has opted to create this internship program, with which the dentist will enter a cutting-edge clinical environment to learn these advances in a practical way.

2. Gaining In-Depth Knowledge from the Experience of Top Experts

The extensive team of professionals that the student will join during this practical period is a guarantee of the immense quality of this program. Accompanied by a specifically appointed tutor, you will observe and work with real patients to incorporate the most updated procedures and techniques into your work methodology in Periodontics and Mucogingival Surgery.

3. Entering First-Class Clinical Environments

TECH carefully selects all available centers for internship program. Thanks to this, the specialist will have guaranteed access to a prestigious clinical environment in the area of Periodontics and Mucogingival Surgery. In this way, he will be able to experience the day-to-day of a demanding, rigorous and exhaustive area of work, always applying the latest theses and scientific postulates in their work praxis.

4. Putting the acquired knowledge into daily practice from the very first moment

Currently, there are numerous academic programs whose teaching load is only theoretical and requires an effort incompatible with personal and professional life. For this reason, TECH offers a new 100% practical learning model that, in just 3 weeks, will allow the dentist to assimilate and apply in an real environment the latest advances in Periodontics and Mucogingival Surgery.

5. Expanding the Boundaries of Knowledge

TECH offers the possibility of carrying out this internship program in centers of international importance. In this way, the specialist will be able to expand his frontiers and catch up with the best professionals, who practice in first class clinics in different continents. A unique opportunity that only TECH could offer.

professional practices periodontics mucogingival surgery TECH Global University

You will have full practical immersion at the center of your choice"

Internship Program in Periodontics and Mucogingival Surgery

To prevent and treat pathologies that affect the tissues and bones around the teeth, dentists use various techniques that require a high level of qualification such as periodontics. At TECH Global University we have developed the Internship Program in Periodontics and Mucogingival Surgery, a program in which you will have the opportunity to review and study the different modalities of periodontal diagnosis, treatment and maintenance during your stay in a recognized dental center. During the three weeks that make up this program, you will have the opportunity to participate in the activities and procedures of each area of competence, accompanied by experts who will guide your process. From this, you will strengthen your skills and improve your performance in the daily practice of dentistry to offer your patients a high quality service, with guarantees and satisfactory results.

Earn a degree from the largest dental school

Through a hospital internship designed with the highest clinical and academic rigor, you will analyze the concepts and general principles of basic periodontics and expand your knowledge in the new applications and techniques used during periodontal and peri-implant dental interventions. In this way, you will learn the general symptomatology of periodontitis, including infection and inflammation, as well as its effects and consequences such as alterations of the immune system. You will have the ability to make an initial diagnostic judgment and establish strategies that favor the treatment of your patients. You will also learn the indications, contraindications and adverse effects of anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and antibiotics used in periodontal interventions and you will become familiar with the basics of surgical and non-surgical periodontal therapy. At the largest School of Dentistry you will find the necessary tools to enhance your professional growth in this field, as well as a team capable of guiding you and developing your skills to the fullest.