Lorenzo Pérez, Adrián
Communication and institutional relations specialist at CECABANK and CECA
Adrián Lorenzo Pérez is a distinguished professional of the Journalism and Communication Sector, specialized in the Political Field. He is also an Expert in Marketing and Consulting for which he has completed several masters. For years he has worked in areas such as International Relations for major global companies such as BBVA or Google. On the other hand, he has collaborated as an editor for La Voz de Galicia and Faro de Vigo.
Thanks to this trajectory, he has been acquiring a multidisciplinary experience for the management of public affairs, institutional relations, corporate communication and strategic planning, political marketing or digital management, knowledge thanks to which he has managed to get the position of Specialist in Communication and Institutional Relations in Cecabank and CECA.
- Communication and Institutional Relations Specialist at Cecabank and CECA.
- Communication Consultant at Pulpomatic
- Corporate Communications Specialist at BBVA
- Consultant at Sanchis & Asociados
- Editor at Faro de Vigo
- Editor at La Voz de Galicia
- Degree in Political Science and Administration from the National University of Distance Education (UNED)
- Degree in Journalism from the University of Santiago de Compostela.
- Master's Degree in Political Communication from the José Ortega y Gasset Foundation.
- Master's Degree in Marketing, Consulting and Political Communication from the University of Santiago de Compostela.