
Recognizing the importance of language certification in today's labor market, TECH designs its language programs adapted to the most recognized standards, so that students can acquire the necessary skills and obtain the certification that recognizes their level in a useful and direct manner. This A2 level exam evaluates competencies within the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, and ends by awarding a university certificate indicating the student's level.

With a university certificate, supported by the most important recognition of the CEFR, you will have the necessary accreditation to give a quality boost to your CV"

You will be able to achieve the improvement you are looking for step by step, with an online exam that gives you all the facilities and flexibility you need" 

In order to progress in the understanding of a language, it is essential to master it from its very foundations. This A2 Russian exam provides the student with the possibility of obtaining a university degree that strengthens their core knowledge in this language, complying with the requirements established by the CEFR.

This allows this qualification to meet the criteria required in job positions and selection processes in the Russian-speaking world, which includes countries such as Russia itself, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. 

A personal examiner will be at your disposal to answer any questions you may have and even help you choose the time to take the exam.

It is proven that learning languages increases your Intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks”

José Antonio Marina. 
Philosopher, writer, and teacher.

Flexible and Tailored

Take your exam wherever you are, 100% online, at the time of your choice. You choose the exam that best suits you.


Acquire Skills and Abilities

Are you nervous about waiting in long lines to register for the exam and take the different tests? You will be able to register online and take your test with an examiner just for you, with no external pressure.


No Waiting

Receive your certificate in record time and in digital format so you can always carry it with you.


Listening comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Understand enough to be able to deal with specific needs as long as the speech is articulated clearly and at a slow pace 
  • Understand sentences and expressions related to areas of immediate priority (e.g., very basic personal and family information, shopping, place of residence, employment) provided speech is articulated clearly and slowly 
  • Generally identifies the topic being discussed, provided it is conducted slowly and clearly  
  • Capture the main idea of short, clear and simple messages and statements 
  • Understand simple instructions on how to get from one place to another, both on foot and by public transportation
  • Understand and extract essential information from short recorded passages dealing with everyday, predictable matters and spoken slowly and clearly

Reading comprehension objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Understand short, simple texts on everyday matters if they contain very frequent, everyday or work-related vocabulary 
  • Understand short and simple texts containing very frequent vocabulary, including a good part of internationally shared vocabulary terms
  • Understand basic types of commonly used letters and faxes (forms, orders, confirmation letters, etc.) on everyday topics
  • Understand short and simple personal letters
  • Find specific and predictable information in everyday written material, such as advertisements, prospectuses, restaurant menus or menus, listings, and schedules
  • Locate specific information in listings and isolate the required information (e.g., knows how to use the "Yellow Pages" to search for a service or a business)
  • Understand signs and signals found in public places, such as streets, restaurants, train stations, and workplaces, e.g., directions to a location, instructions, and hazard warnings
  • Identify specific information in simple written material, such as letters, catalogs, and short newspaper articles describing specific events
  • Understand rules that are expressed at a simple level of language
  • Understand simple instructions for frequently used appliances, such as a public telephone
  • Identify the main idea of television news reporting events, accidents, etc., when there is visual support to complement the discourse
  • Know when TV news has changed topics and get an idea of the main content 

Speaking objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Give a simple description or presentation of people, living or working conditions, daily activities, likes and dislikes in a short list of simple phrases and sentences 
  • Tell stories or describe something through a simple relationship of elements. Describe everyday aspects of their environment; for example, people, places, a work or study experience
  • Give brief and basic descriptions of events and activities. Describe plans and appointments, customs, usual or past activities and personal experiences
  • Use simple, descriptive language to make brief statements about objects and possessions and to make comparisons. Explain what they like and dislike about something 
  • Deliver rehearsed, very brief statements of predictable, learned content that are intelligible to listeners who are willing to concentrate
  • Deliver brief, rehearsed presentations on topics that are of importance in everyday life and briefly offer reasons and explanations for expressing certain opinions, plans, and actions
  • Answer a limited number of questions with immediate and simple answers

Writing objectives

The candidate is able to:

  • Write a series of simple phrases and sentences linked with simple connectors such as "and", "but" and "because"
  • Write a series of simple phrases and sentences about their family, their living conditions, their studies, their present job or the last one they had. Write short, simple imaginary biographies and simple poems about people

CEFR A2 Russian Exam

Did you know that Russian is the language that uses the most words to refer to blue types? Maybe it's because this is one of the ten most spoken native languages worldwide and has the power to ""take you to heaven"" in terms of professional and personal success. You don't know the full range of blue shades in Russian, but you have basic knowledge in the language? Take the next step and get an internationally recognized qualification based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) standards, without having to leave home. All you have to do is enroll and pass the CEFR A2 Russian Exam offered by TECH Global University. In approximately two hours, within an intuitive platform that uses state-of-the-art multimedia content, you will be able to test your skills and leave your personal best in pursuit of acquiring a certification that will help you take on new challenges in your life.

Validate your level of Russian with TECH

Who can take this exam? All those students who have reached an A2 level in the use of the Russian language which, according to CEFR parameters, corresponds to the degree of basic proficiency in the beginner category. The applicant is expected to be able to generally identify the topic under discussion, provided it is conducted slowly and clearly, understand and extract essential information from short recorded passages dealing with everyday matters, find specific and predictable information in everyday written material such as advertisements, leaflets, menus or letters in restaurants, listings and timetables, or use simple and descriptive language to make brief statements about objects and possessions. If you have these skills, what are you waiting for to graduate with us? This exam is a comprehensive tool where your reading comprehension, writing, listening and speaking skills will be evaluated. Everything, 100% online and with excellent teachers.