Why study at TECH?

With this Postgraduate certificate, you have the opportunity to update your knowledge in a comfortable way and without renouncing the highest scientific standards, to incorporate the latest advances in the approach to infectious pathology in your daily pharmaceutical practice"


Infectious diseases remain the leading cause of death and disability in the world. In 2016, of the total 56.4 million deaths worldwide, 33% were due to infectious diseases, 30% to cardiovascular diseases and 10% to cancer. The fight against disease will have two simultaneous fronts: infectious diseases and chronic non-communicable diseases. 

Among the 17.3 million people who died from infections in 2016, the most frequent causes of death were lower respiratory infections (3.7 million), malaria (2.2 million), tuberculosis (1.3 million), diarrhea (1.4 million), and HIV/AIDS infection (1.1 million). The most important factors to consider in relation to infectious diseases are demographics, human behavior, technological and industrial development, economic variations in land use, intercontinental travelling and commerce, climate change, microbiotic adaptation and finally the disappearance or reduction of efficient public health measures. 

These factors, interacting with each other, have conditioned that we should not consider any part of the planet reasonably isolated from the rest, nor impossible the appearance, reappearance or dissemination of imported or apparently eradicated infectious diseases in our environment.  

The complex international epidemiological situation so far this century, exemplified by the deliberate release of bacillus anthracis spores, the emergence of West Nile virus, the epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), the zoonotic spread of smallpox, the threat of pandemic influenza, the Ebola epidemic in Africa, the emergence of cases of yellow fever, Dengue and Cholera, the emergence of new arbovirosis in the Americas region, such as Chikingunya and more recently Zika, together with morbidity from other endemic infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, leptospirosis, tuberculosis, pneumonia and the increase in antibiotic resistance with the development of multi-resistant bacteria, highlight the unprecedented need to improve the process of training and development of human capital.

Update your knowledge in infections management and improve your professional assessment as a pharmacist"

This Postgraduate certificate in The Clinical Method and Scientific Research in Infectious Diseases contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Clinical cases presented by experts in The Clinical Method and Scientific Research in Infectious Diseases  
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • New developments on The Clinical Method and Scientific Research in Infectious Diseases
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

TECH brings to this program the highest scientific rigor with the objective of training the most reputable pharmacists in the sector"

Its faculty is made up of prestigious and renowned professionals, with a long history in health care, teaching and research, who have worked in many countries on several continents, developing a professional and teaching experience that they deliver in an extraordinary way in this Postgraduate certificate.

The methodological design of this Postgraduate certificate, developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, integrates the latest advances in educational technology for the creation of numerous multimedia educational tools that allow the professional, based primarily on the problem-solving method, to face the solution of real problems in their daily clinical practice, which will allow them to progress in the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills that will impact their future professional work.

It should be noted that each of the contents generated, as well as the videos, self-tests, clinical cases and modular exams have been thoroughly reviewed, updated and integrated by the professors and the team of experts that make up the working group, in order to facilitate the learning process in a didactic way that will allow the objectives of the teaching program to be achieved.

This is the opportunity you were looking for to grow as a pharmacist and get updated on the The Clinical Method and Scientific Research in Infectious Diseases"


Do not miss the opportunity to learn about the advances in the treatment of infections to incorporate them into your daily pharmaceutical practice"


The educational program has been created by a group of professors and professionals in pharmacy and medicine, from various medical specialties, with extensive research and teaching experience in several countries in Africa, Central and South America, interested in integrating the latest and most current scientific knowledge of clinical infectology and antimicrobial therapeutics, to ensure specialization and professional development to improve the daily clinical practice of professionals who investigate or work with patients or populations with infectious diseases.


This Postgraduate certificate in The Clinical Method and Scientific Research in Infectious Diseases contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market”

Module 1. Clinical Research in Infectious Diseases

1.1. The Clinical Method in the Diagnostic Process of Infectious Diseases

1.1.1. Fundamental Concepts of the Clinical Method: Stages, Principles
1.1.2. The Clinical Method and its Usefulness in Infectology
1.1.3. Most Common Errors in the Application of the Clinical Method

1.2. Epidemiology in the Study of Infectious Diseases

1.2.1. Epidemiology as a Science
1.2.2. The Epidemiological Method
1.2.3. Epidemiology Tools Applies in the Study of Infectious Diseases

1.3. Clinic Epidemiology and Scientific Evidence-Based Medicine

1.3.1. Scientific Evidence and the Clinical Experience
1.3.2. The Importance of Evidence-Based Medicine in Diagnosis and Treatment
1.3.3. Clinical Epidemiology as a Powerful Weapon of Medical Thinking

1.4. Behavior of Infectious Diseases in the Population

1.4.1. Endemic
1.4.2. Epidemic
1.4.3. Pandemic

1.5.  Confronting Epidemic Outbreaks

1.5.1. Diagnosis of Epidemic Outbreaks
1.5.2. Measures for the Control of Epidemic Outbreaks

1.6. Epidemiological Monitoring

1.6.1. Types of Epidemiological Monitoring
1.6.2. Designs of an Epidemiological Monitoring Systems
1.6.3. Usefulness and Importance of Epidemiological Monitoring

1.7. International Health Regulations

1.7.1. Components of International Health Regulations
1.7.2. Diseases Subject to International Sanitary Control
1.7.3. Importance of International Health Regulations

1.8. Mandatory Reporting Systems for Infectious Diseases

1.8.1. Characteristics of Diseases Subject to Mandatory Reporting
1.8.2. Role of the Doctor in Mandatory Reporting Systems for Infectious Diseases

1.9. Vaccines

1.9.1. Immunological Basis of Vaccination
1.9.2. Development and Production of Vaccines
1.9.3. Diseases Preventable with Vaccines
1.9.4. Experiences and Results of the Vaccine System in Cuba

1.10. Research Methodology in the Field of Health

1.10.1. The importance of Public Health in Research Methodology as a Science
1.10.2. Scientific Thought in Healthcare
1.10.3. The Scientific Method
1.10.4. Stages of Scientific Research

1.11. Information Management and the Use of New Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

1.11.1. The Use of New ICT in the Management of Knowledge for Healthcare Professionals in the Professional Clinical, Teacher and Research Work
1.11.2. Information Literacy

1.12. Design of Research Studies for Infectious Diseases

1.12.1. Types of Studies in Healthcare and Medical Sciences
1.12.2. The Design of Research Applied to Infectious Diseases

1.13. Descriptive and Inferential Statistics

1.13.1. Summary Measures for the Different Variables in Scientific Research
1.13.2. Central Tendency Measures: Mean, Mode and Median
1.13.3. Dispersion Measures: Variants and Standard Deviation
1.13.4. Statistical Estimation
1.13.5. Population and Sample
1.13.6. Tools for Inferential Statistics

1.14. Design and Use of Databases

1.14.1. Types of Databases
1.14.2. Programs and Statistical Packages for the Management of Databases

1.15. Protocol of Scientific Research

1.15.1. Protocol Components of Scientific Research
1.15.2. Usefulness of Protocol of Scientific Research

1.16. Clinical Trials and Meta Analysis

1.16.1. Types of Clinical Trials
1.16.2. The Role of a Clinical Trial in Healthcare Research
1.16.3. Meta Analysis: Conceptual Definitions and Their Methodological Design
1.16.4. Application of Meta-Analyses and Their Role in the Medical Sciences

1.17. Critical Reading of Research Results

1.17.1. Medical Journals, Their Role in the Dissemination of Scientific Information
1.17.2. Medical Journals of High-Impact on a Global Level in the Field of Infectology
1.17.3. Methodological Tools for Critical Reading of Scientific Literature

1.18. Publication of Scientific Research Results

1.18.1. The Scientific Article
1.18.2. Types of Scientific Articles
1.18.3. Methodology Requirements for the Publication of Scientific Research Resu


A unique, key and decisive training experience to boost your professional development” 

Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Method and Scientific Investigation in Infectious Diseases

Globally, infectious diseases remain the leading cause of mortality and disability. In recent years, there has been a complex epidemiological situation that has included threats such as Bioterrorism, the emergence of new diseases and the re-emergence of others. In addition, antibiotic resistance has generated the development of multi-resistant bacteria, which has created an unprecedented need to improve the training and performance of pharmaceutical personnel to meet these challenges. Therefore, with this Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Method and Scientific Research in Infectious Diseases you are facing a valuable opportunity to update your knowledge in this area.

Get updated on the behavior of infectious pathologies in the population with TECH

With the Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Methods and Scientific Research in Infectious Diseases, you will hone your skills with highly qualified experts in the approach to infectious diseases. This program provides a rigorous and scientific approach to ensure a thorough and up-to-date preparation in the latest techniques and advances in infectious pathologies from a pharmaceutical perspective. This is a unique opportunity to stand out in a sector in constant evolution and with a great demand for highly trained professionals. In addition, it is a 100% online program that is perfectly compatible with your personal or professional obligations, being able to manage the study sessions as you see fit.