University certificate
With this Practical Training you will take a definitive step in your career.”
Why study at TECH?
Enjoy an intensive 3-week internship and update yourself on the latest clinical procedures to grow professionally in the field of Obstetric Nursing”
The birth of a healthy child is not, although it may seem so, a casual event. It is the result of a great deal of care and attention given with generosity and professionalism by different professional categories. It also considers that childbirth care should be based on the principles of humanization, fetal control and pain relief. In these cases, the involvement of nurses is of vital importance to provide the necessary care.
This line of thought and actions coincides with a strong change that must take place in the relationship between health teams and women users, in order to move from a technical relationship to one in which the bioethical principle of autonomy and attention to the integrity of the person involved is prioritized. The aim is to comprehensively address the process that women face during childbirth and therefore improve health outcomes for them and their babies.
The aim is to respond to the growing need posed by the new challenges imposed by a changing and increasingly demanding society, as it makes us aware of the importance of incorporating new values, new working systems and new areas of action in our profession. A social evolution in which pregnant women are demanding new needs: a greater role in childbirth and more physiological care to make childbirth more natural and free, and the promotion of breastfeeding.
In order to improve your skills in this field, TECH presents this Internship program that will allow the graduate to develop, with real patients and in a hospital environment with the most up-to-date resources, their maximum potential and growth in the area of Obstetric Nursing. Therefore, they will be able to approach patients with the help of the best specialists, using the latest techniques based on scientific evidence, and achieving results that would have been difficult to achieve before.
A unique opportunity to take the latest advances and innovations in Obstetric Nursing to the workplace after the 120-hour Internship at the internationally renowned center. It will be a before and after in their professional career.
This Practical Training program will allow you to learn what working in a hospital is like, advising you and perfecting your skills thanks to the support of leading professionals in the area”
TECH es pionera en todo el panorama académico, entre otras cosas, por la oferta de programas exclusivamente prácticos. Se trata, por lo tanto, de una muestra más del compromiso de este centro con el avance de la ciencia y con la buena praxis de sus alumnos. Y es que, para cada una de las Capacitaciones Prácticas, el centro somete a las clínicas a un importante y exhaustivo análisis, con el fin de determinar que cumplen todos los estándares para ofrecer una estancia práctica del máximo en la que el egresado se sienta realizado y pueda actualizar, de manera efectiva y dinámica, todos sus conocimientos.
Una experiencia con la que podrás perfeccionar tus competencias en la lactancia materna y la alimentación al recién nacido, para ofrecer una asistencia enfermera actualizada y del máximo nivel”
1. Actualizarse a partir de la última tecnología disponible
El acceso a esta Internship program también permitirá al egresado adentrarse en un entorno a la vanguardia de la asistencia Obstétrica. Gracias a ello, podrá intervenir en el manejo de la tecnología clínica más vanguardista y sofisticada para la atención en el parto, así como para la actividad enfermera durante el embarazo y el puerperio, perfeccionando sus competencias de manera garantizada.
2. Profundizar a partir de la experiencia de los mejores especialistas
TECH selecciona para cada egresado a un tutor que se encarga de acompañarle durante la estancia práctica, gracias a lo cual este puede sacarle un rendimiento superior a la experiencia. Además, puede servirse de su amplia y dilatada trayectoria para implementar a su praxis las estrategias clínicas, tanto diagnósticas como terapéuticas, para ofrecer un servicio de la máxima calidad en base a las técnicas más innovadoras y efectivas.
3. Adentrarse en entornos clínicos de primera
Desde el primer día, el egresado podrá participar en el manejo clínico de diversos casos con casuísticas comunes y complejas, gracias a lo cual podrá poner en práctica todas sus habilidades. Todo ello, en un entorno clínico en el que tendrá a su alcance los recursos necesarios para atender a cada paciente de manera especializada y en función a sus necesidades, perfeccionando, además sus competencias de acompañamiento y asesoramiento.
4. Llevar lo adquirido a la práctica diaria desde el primer momento
El diseño del plan de estudios de este programa se ha realizado de tal forma que, el egresado que acceda a él contemplará en su totalidad las áreas de actuación en las que a posteriori ejercerá, implementando a sus competencias todas las habilidades que le harán falta para ofrecer una atención clínica del máximo nivel una vez concluida la Internship program
5. Expandir las fronteras del conocimiento
TECH en su apuesta por una actualización del máximo nivel, acuerda con los centros clínicos una pauta fundamental para ello: el compromiso por ofrecer una experiencia sin parangón para todos los egresados basada en la inclusión de las técnicas y estrategias más vanguardistas. De esta forma, el egresado actualiza sus conocimientos en relación a las pautas que están marcando el día a día, también, de otros centros internacionales, expandiendo su capacidad de actuación a una intervención internacionalizada.
Tendrás una inmersión práctica total en el centro que tú mismo elijas”
Internship Program in Obstetric Nursing
Obstetrics is one of the most relevant clinical specialties today, being responsible for the care of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. In this area the work of nurses represents one of the most important axes, since they facilitate individualized care for women and newborns; in addition, they are responsible for preparing the medical history and perform the respective physical assessments. Are you interested in addressing this issue? At TECH Global University you will find a Practical Internship Program in Obstetric Nursing that, in addition to including in its curriculum the most relevant and updated contents of the market, contains a pragmatic methodology unique in its kind. In the curriculum you will find approaches such as preconception consultation, maternity education programs and the parameters of approach in pregnancy and labor. In addition, you will have state-of-the-art educational equipment focused on the hospital services of gynecology, emergency, outpatient, intensive care and inpatient wards. There, you will learn about pathological anatomy, liquid biopsies and diagnostic equipment such as 3D and 4D ultrasound, 128-slice tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and radiodiagnosis. These concepts will set solid principles for you to face the different challenges of your practice.
Earn a degree from the largest nursing school
Obstetric nursing dates back to the 1925s, it emerged in the United States and among its main functions was family care, including pregnancy and childbirth care. As a result of the constant scientific and technological evolutions, today this specialty has great advances focused on developing more accurate obstetric processes. For this reason, at TECH we designed the Internship Program as a unique opportunity to specialize in related topics. Here, you will find a unique methodology that includes the development of practical clinical cases, which will allow you to enhance your skills in a real environment. Through the program, taught in a highly prestigious hospital, you will master aspects such as postpartum nursing care, breastfeeding processes and newborn care parameters. Finally, you will learn the latest diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to provide quality care to the mother and child.