
The most advanced cosmetic techniques in the treatment of hair conditions compiled in a high quality training"


Cosmetics and hair treatments are often neglected in hair clinics. Treatment before surgery makes it simpler and allows us to obtain better results, as well as to esthetically solve cases that would not be solved with surgery in certain circumstances. 

In female patients, a good hair hygiene, together with the right products, will achieve truly satisfactory results for the patient. 

Esthetic hair oncology is becoming more and more in demand and, together with micropigmentation, offers the physician unprecedented and satisfactory esthetic treatments.

In this module Address the main medical-esthetic treatments that exist today, in addition to different techniques and/or current treatments that are constantly advancing, such as hair mesotherapy, low power laser treatment, PRP and stem cell treatments, hair cosmetology, and oral supplementation, and we will provide alternatives to surgical intervention when it becomes impossible or not recommended with techniques such as micropigmentation and hair replacement systems or hair prostheses. 

A course designed with the excellence demanded by all TECH trainings, to boost your professional growth with the support of the best training system in the online market"

This postgraduate certificate includes the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the current market, presenting the following as its most outstanding features:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in hair surgery
  • The latest developments in Hair Surgery, with special and dedicated attention to the innovative methodologies
  • Practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Graphic contents, diagrams and practical cases that include scientific and practical training on those essential disciplines required for hair surgery professional practice
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to experts and/or tutors, discussion forums on controversial issues and individual reflection work throughout the Postgraduate Diploma
  • Content that is Accessible from any Fixed or Portable device with an Internet Connection

A postgraduate certificate created with the demand for excellence of all TECH specializations, to boost your professional growth backed up by the most advanced training system on the online market"

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the field of nutrition, who contribute their work experience to this training, as well as renowned specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, experts will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system developed by renowned and experienced experts in Cosmetic Treatments/Hair Cosmetics.  

A multimedia program that will allow you to study in a simpler and more interactive way"


With learning strategies focused on practice, this training will enable you to learn in a direct and tangible manner"


The objective of this training is to ensure that our students learn in a stimulating and attractive way, so that interest in studying does not wane during working time. In this way, we give real encouragement to achieving the learning objectives and with them, your professional growth.


Learn the new forms of cosmetic approach and their importance in the prognosis of the surgical intervention"

General Objectives

  • Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, both theoretical and practical, to be able to start working as a hair surgeon
  • Acquire diagnostic and treatment skills in cases of patients with alopecia and other hair and scalp problems, as well as to learn clinical-surgical skills, an essential foundation for the acquisition of deeper knowledge in this field
  • Learn the required clinical-surgical skills to solve patients' problems in Hair Transplantation and Hair Medicine

Specific Objectives

  • Address the main medical-esthetic treatments that exist today, as well as different techniques and/or treatments in constant progress, such as hair mesotherapy, low-power laser treatment, PRP and stem cell treatments, hair cosmetology and oral supplementation
  • Learn alternatives to surgical intervention when surgery becomes impossible or not recommended with techniques such as micropigmentation and hair replacement systems or hair prostheses

Realistic objectives, which will measure your progress and your advancement as a professional, in a constant and effective way"

Postgraduate Certificate in Cosmetic Treatments/Hair Cosmetics

The great affectation of the different types of alopecia in the world population has allowed the boom of hair cosmetic processes, being some of the preferred procedures by patients looking for quick, timely and efficient solutions to their hair anomalies. Due to the great prominence of these techniques, professionals specialized in this field enjoy, nowadays, a very wide and varied field of different job opportunities. Understanding the need for academic updating that accompanies the growing interest of doctors for optimum access to this important occupational niche, at TECH Global University we have designed our Postgraduate Certificate program in Cosmetic Treatments/Hair Cosmetics. In this postgraduate course, special emphasis will be placed on the new techniques and equipment used in the advancement of modern hair micropigmentation processes. Likewise, the following aspects will be updated: knowledge of the different types of hair cosmetic treatments that can be implemented in oncology patients; and the identification of the new equipment used in hair cosmetic treatments of electrotherapy, phototherapy and vaporization.

Study an online postgraduate course in cosmetic hair treatments

Hair cosmetic procedures require, due to the nature of their practices, a correct praxis on the part of the doctors in charge, being necessary in these professionals a high level of expertise and skill. In our program you will approach hair cosmetics from the identification of new ways of development, contemplating the current opportunities for intervention in the area. Likewise, this postgraduate program will deepen the modernization of the professional with respect to the following topics: the identification of new cosmetic forms of hair treatments, such as shampoos, masks and lotions; and knowledge of the various aspects to be considered in the manufacture and placement of hair prostheses.