Why study at TECH?

Acquire the most comprehensive knowledge in software engineering, in the most up-to-date program of the online educational market and start working on developments in this dynamic professional field”


With the advance of new technologies, software has become an extremely important element nowadays. In recent years, the need to be able to develop software products with the appropriate functionality and quality, while respecting the established time and budget, has become evident. 

This program is aimed at those people interested in reaching a higher level of knowledge about Software Development . The main objective is to enable students to apply the knowledge acquired in this Professional master’s degree in the real world, in a work environment that reproduces the conditions that may be encountered in the future, in a rigorous and realistic manner. 

Take advantage of the opportunity to take this educational program in a 100% online format, without having to give up obligations, and making it easy to continue studying. Update your knowledge and obtain a Professional master’s degree to continue growing personally and professionally. 

You will gain extensive knowledge in the field of software engineering, but also in the field of computating and computer structure, including the mathematical, statistical and physical principles that are essential in engineering.

Take advantage of the opportunity to take this educational program in a 100% online format, without having to give up obligations, and making it easy to continue studying. Update your knowledge and get your Professional master’s degree to continue growing personally and professionally.

This program will allow you to learn about the basic structure of a computer and its software, as a basis for increasing your skills” 

This Professional master’s degree in Software Development contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Development of 100 simulated scenarios presented by experts in Software Development
  • Its graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents, with which they are conceived, gather scientific and practical information on Software Development
  • News on the latest developments in Software Development
  • It contains practical exercises where the self-evaluation process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Interactive learning system based on the case method and its application to real practice
  • All of this will be complemented by theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Learn everything you need to work with programming languages safely, incorporating to your knowledge the interpretation and design of basic algorithms to work in programming"

Its teaching staff includes professionals belonging to the world of Software Development , who bring to this program the experience of their work, as well as recognized specialists belonging to reference companies and prestigious universities. 

Thanks to its multimedia content developed with the latest educational technology, they will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is to say, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. To do so, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by recognized experts in Software Development with extensive teaching experience. 

An educational program that will enable you to understand how to operate and intervene on all the essential elements of a computer program"


Get to know the latest data systems on the market, learn how to design advanced algorithms and all the aspects that a highly competent professional must master"


The structure of the contents has been designed by a team of Computer Engineering professionals with the aim of ensuring that students of this Professional master’s degree can learn efficiently and quickly. For this purpose, the contents have been organized in such a way that learning is intensive and constant, trying to maintain motivation based on the student's sense of progress. 


An educational program aimed at achieving complete software development skills, which will propel you to a new professional level"

Module 1. Programming Fundamentals 

1.1. Introduction to Programming

1.1.1.Basic Structure of a Computer
1.1.3.Programming Languages
1.1.4.Life Cycle of a Software Application

1.2. Algorithm Design

1.2.1.Problem Solving
1.2.2.Descriptive Techniques
1.2.3.Algorithm Elements and Structure

1.3. Elements of a Program

1.3.1.C++ Origin and Features
1.3.2.Development Environment
1.3.3.Concept of Program
1.3.4.Types of Fundamental Data
1.3.8.Data Input and Output

1.4. Control Sentences


1.5. Abstraction and Modularity: Functions

1.5.1.Modular Design
1.5.2.Concept of Function and Utility
1.5.3.Definition of a Function
1.5.4.Execution Flow in a Function Call 
1.5.5.Function Prototypes
1.5.6.Results Return
1.5.7.Calling a Function: Parameters
1.5.8.Passing Parameters by Reference and by Value
1.5.9.Scope Identifier

1.6. Static Data Structures

1.6.2.Matrices. Polyhedra
1.6.3.Searching and Sorting 
1.6.4.Chaining: I/O Functions for Chains
1.6.5.Structures. Unions
1.6.6. New Types of Data

1.7. Dynamic Data Structures: Pointers

1.7.1. Concept. Definition of Pointer 
1.7.2. Pointer Operators and Operations
1.7.3. Pointer Arrays
1.7.4. Pointers and Arrays
1.7.5. Chain Pointers
1.7.6. Structure Pointers
1.7.7. Multiple Indirection
1.7.8. Function Pointers
1.7.9. Function, Structure and Array Passing as Function Parameters

1.8. Files

1.8.1. Basic Concepts
1.8.2. File Operations
1.8.3. Types of Files
1.8.4. File Organization
1.8.5. Introduction to C++ Files
1.8.6. Managing Files

1.9. Recursion

1.9.1. Definition of Recursion
1.9.2. Types of Recursion
1.9.3. Advantages and Disadvantages
1.9.4. Considerations
1.9.5. Iterative Recursive Conversion
1.9.6. Recursion Stack

1.10. Testing and Documentation 

1.10.1. Program Testing 
1.10.2. White Box Testing 
1.10.3. Black Box Testing 
1.10.4. Testing Tools 
1.10.5. Program Documentation

Module 2. Data Structure 

2. 1. Introduction to C ++ Programming

2.1.1. Classes, Constructors, Methods and Attributes
2.1.2. Variables
2.1.3. Conditional Expressions and Loops
2.1.4. Objects

2.2. Abstract Data Types (ADT)

2.2.1. Types of Data
2.2.2. Basic Structures and TADs
2.2.3. Vectors and Arrays 

2.3. Linear data Structures

2.3.1. TAD List Definition 
2.3.2. Linked and Doubly Linked Lists
2.3.3. Sorted Lists
2.3.4. Lists in C++
2.3.5. TAD Stack
2.3.6. TAD Queue
2.3.7. Stack and Queue in C++

2.4. Hierarchical Data Structures

2.4.1. TAD Tree
2.4.2. Paths
2.4.3. N-Ary Trees
2.4.4. Binary Trees
2.4.5. Binary Search Trees

2.5. Hierarchical Data Structures: Complex Trees

2.5.1. Perfectly Balanced or Minimum Height Trees
2.5.2. Multipath Trees
2.5.3. Bibliographical References

2.6. Mounds and Priority Queue

2.6.1. TAD Mounds
2.6.2. TAD Priority Queue

2.7. Hash Tables

2.7.1. TAD Hash Table
2.7.2. Hash Functions
2.7.3. Hash Function in Hash Tables
2.7.4. Redispersion
2.7.5. Open Hash Tables

2.8. Graphs

2.8.1. TAD Graph
2.8.2. Graph Types 
2.8.3. Graphical Representation and Basic Operations
2.8.4. Graph Design 

2.9. Advanced Graph Algorithms and Concepts 

2.9.1. Graph Problems 
2.9.2. Path Algorithms
2.9.3. Search or Path Algorithms
2.9.4. Other Algorithms

2.10. Other Data Structures

2.10.1. Sets
2.10.2. Parallel Arrays 
2.10.3. Symbol Tables
2.10.4. Tries 

Module 3. Algorithm and Complexity 

3.1. Introduction to Algorithm Design Strategies

3.1.1. Recursion
3.1.2. Divide and Conquer
3.1.3. Other Strategies

3.2. Efficiency and Analysis of Algorithms

3.2.1. Efficiency Measures
3.2.2. Measuring the Size of the Input
3.2.3. Measuring Execution Time
3.2.4. Worst, Best and Average Case
3.2.5. Asymptotic Notation
3.2.6. Criteria for Mathematical Analysis of Non-Recursive Algorithms
3.2.7. Mathematical Analysis of Recursive Algorithms
3.2.8. Empirical Analysis of Algorithms

3.3. Sorting Algorithms

3.3.1. Concept of Sorting
3.3.2. Bubble Sorting
3.3.3. Sorting by Selection
3.3.4. Sorting by Insertion
3.3.5. Merge Sort 
3.3.6. Quick Sort

3.4. Algorithms with Trees

3.4.1. Tree Concept
3.4.2. Binary Trees
3.4.3. Tree Paths
3.4.4. Representing Expressions
3.4.5. Ordered Binary Trees
3.4.6. Balanced Binary Trees

3.5. Algorithms Using Heaps 

3.5.1. Heaps 
3.5.2. The Heapsort Algorithm
3.5.3. Priority Queues

3.6. Graph Algorithms

3.6.1. Representation
3.6.2. Traversal in Width
3.6.3. Depth Travel
3.6.4. Topological Sorting

3.7. Greedy Algorithms 

3.7.1. Greedy Strategy 
3.7.2. Elements of the Greedy Strategy 
3.7.3. Currency Exchange
3.7.4. Traveler’s Problem
3.7.5. Backpack Problem

3.8. Minimal Path Finding

3.8.1. The Minimum Path Problem
3.8.2. Negative Arcs and Cycles
3.8.3. Dijkstra’s Algorithm

3.9. Greedy Algorithms on Graphs 

3.9.1. The Minimum Covering Tree
3.9.2. Prim’s Algorithm
3.9.3. Kruskal’s Algorithm
3.9.4. Complexity Analysis

3.10. Backtracking

3.10.1. Backtracking 
3.10.2. Alternative Techniques

Module 4. Databases 

4.1. Applications and Purposes of Database Systems

4.1.1. Applications of the Different Database Systems
4.1.2. Purpose of the Different Database Systems
4.1.3. View of the Data

4.2. Database and Architecture

4.2.1. Relational Database
4.2.2. Database Design
4.2.3. Object-Based and Semi-Structured Databases
4.2.4. Data Storage and Queries
4.2.5. Transaction Management
4.2.6. Data Mining and Analysis
4.2.7. Database Architecture

4.3. The Relational Model: Structure, Operations and Extended Relational Algebra

4.3.1. The Structure of Relational Databases
4.3.2. Fundamental Operations in the Relational Algebra
4.3.3. Other Relational Algebra Operations
4.3.4. Extended Relational Algebra Operations
4.3.5. Null Values
4.3.6. Database Modification

4.4. SQL (I)

4.4.1. What is SQL? 
4.4.2. The Definition of Data
4.4.3. Basic Structure of SQL Queries
4.4.4. Operations on Sets
4.4.5. Aggregation Functions
4.4.6. Null Values

4.5. SQL (II)

4.5.1. Nested Subqueries
4.5.2. Complex Queries
4.5.4. Cursors
4.5.5. Complex Queries
4.5.6. Triggers

4.6. Database Design and the E-R Model

4.6.1. Overview of the Design Process
4.6.2. The Entity-Relationship Model
4.6.3. Restrictions

4.7. Entity-Relationship Diagrams

4.7.1. Entity-Relationship Diagrams
4.7.2. Aspects of Entity-Relationship Design
4.7.3. Weak Entity Sets

4.8. The Extended Entity-Relationship Model

4.8.1. Characteristics of the Extended E-R Model
4.8.2. Design of a Database
4.8.3. Reduction to Relational Schemas

4.9. Designing from Relational Databases

4.9.1. Characteristics of Good Relational Designs
4.9.2. Atomic Domains and the First Normal Form (1FN)
4.9.3. Decomposition by Functional Dependencies
4.9.4. Theory of Functional Dependencies
4.9.5. Decomposition Algorithms
4.9.6. Decomposition by Means of Multivalued Dependencies
4.9.7. More Normal Forms
4.9.8. Database Design Process

4.10. NoSQL Databases

4.10.1. What are NoSQL Databases? 
4.10.2. Analysis of the Different NoSQL Options and their Characteristics.
4.10.3. MongoDB 

Module 5. Advanced Databases 

5.1. Introduction to the Different Database Systems

5.1.1. Historical Recap
5.1.2. Hierarchical Databases
5.1.3. Network Databases
5.1.4. Relational Databases
5.1.5. Non-Relational Databases

5.2. XML and Databases for the Web 

5.2.1. Validation of XML Documents
5.2.2. XML Document Transformations
5.2.3. XML Data Storage
5.2.4. XML Relational Databases
5.2.5. SQL/XML
5.2.6. Native XML Databases

5.3. Parallel Databases

5.3.1. Parallel Systems
5.3.2. Parallel Database Architectures
5.3.4. Parallelism in Queries
5.3.5. Query Parallelism
5.3.6. Design of Parallel Systems
5.3.7. Parallel Processing in SQL

5.4. Distributed Databases

5.4.1. Distributed Systems
5.4.2. Distributed Storage
5.4.3. Availability
5.4.4. Distributed Query Processing
5.4.5. Distributed Database Providers

5.5. Indexing and Association

5.5.1. Ordered Indexes
5.5.2. Dense and Sparse Indexes
5.5.3. Multilevel Indices
5.5.4. Index Updating
5.5.5. Static Association
5.5.6. How to Use Indexes in Databases

5.6. Introduction to Transactional Processing

5.6.1. States of a Transaction
5.6.2. Implementation of atomicity and durability.
5.6.3. Sequentiality
5.6.4. Recoverability
5.6.5. Isolation Implementation

5.7. Recovery Systems

5.7.1. Failure Classification
5.7.2. Storage Structures
5.7.3. Recovery and Atomicity
5.7.4. Retrieval Based on Historical Record
5.7.5. Concurrent Transactions and Retrieval
5.7.6. High Availability in Databases

5.8. Execution and Processing of Queries

5.8.1. Cost of a Query
5.8.2. Selection Operation
5.8.3. Sorting
5.8.4. Introduction to Query Optimization
5.8.5. Performance Monitoring

5.9. Non-Relational Databases

5.9.1. Document-Oriented Databases
5.9.2. Graph Oriented Databases
5.9.3. Key-Value Databases

5.10. Data Warehouse, OLAP and Data Mining

5.10.1. Components of Data Warehouses
5.10.2. Architecture of a Data Warehouse 
5.10.3. OLAP
5.10.4. Data Mining Functionality
5.10.5. Other Types of Mining 

Module 6. Advanced Algorithm Design 

6.1. Analysis of Recursive and Divide and Conquer Algorithms

6.1.1. Posing and Solving Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Recurrence Equations
6.1.2. General Description of the Divide and Conquer Strategy

6.2. Amortized Analysis

6.2.1. Aggregate Analysis
6.2.2. The Accounting Method
6.2.3. The Potential Method

6.3. Dynamic Programming and Algorithms for NP Problems

6.3.1. Characteristics of Dynamic Programming
6.3.2. Backtracking
6.3.3. Branching and Pruning

6.4. Combinatorial Optimization

6.4.1. Representation
6.4.2. 1D Optimization

6.5. Randomization Algorithms

6.5.1. Examples of Randomization Algorithms
6.5.2. The Buffon Theorem
6.5.3. Monte Carlo Algorithm
6.5.4. Las Vegas Algorithm

6.6. Local and Candidate Search 

6.6.1. Gradient Ascent
6.6.2. Hill Climbing 
6.6.3. Simulated Annealing 
6.6.4. Tabu Search 
6.6.5. Candidate Search 

6.7. Formal Verification of Programs 

6.7.1. Specification of Functional Abstractions 
6.7.2. The Language of First-Order Logic 
6.7.3. Hoare’s Formal System 

6.8. Verification of Iterative Programs 

6.8.1. Rules of Hoare’s Formal System 
6.8.2. Concept of Invariant Iterations 

6.9. Numeric Methods 

6.9.1. The Bisection Method 
6.9.2. Newton Raphson’s Method 
6.9.3. The Secant Method 

6.10. Parallel Algorithms 

6.10.1. Parallel Binary Operations 
6.10.2. Parallel Operations with Networks 
6.10.3. Parallelism in Divide and Conquer 
6.10.4. Parallelism in Dynamic Programming 

Module 7. Human-Computer Interaction 

7.1. Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction 

7.1.1. What is Human-Computer Interaction 
7.1.2. Relationship of Human-Computer Interaction with Other Disciplines 
7.1.3. The User Interface 
7.1.4. Usability and Accessibility 
7.1.5. User Experience and User-Centered Design 

7.2. The Computer and Interaction: User Interface and Interaction Paradigms 

7.2.1. Interaction 
7.2.2. Paradigms and Styles of Interaction 
7.2.3. Evolution of User Interfaces 
7.2.4. Classic User Interfaces: WIMP/GUI, Commands, Voice, Virtual Reality
7.2.5. Innovative User Interfaces: Mobile, Wearable, Collaborative, BCI 

7.3. The Human Factor: Psychological and Cognitive Aspects 

7.3.1. The Importance of the Human Factor in Interaction 
7.3.2. Human Information Processing 
7.3.3. The Input and Output of Information: Visual, Auditory, and Tactile 
7.3.4. Perception and Attention 
7.3.5. Knowledge and Mental Models: Representation, Organization, and Acquisition 

7.4. The Human Factor: Sensory and Physical Limitations 

7.4.1. Functional Diversity, Disability and Impairment 
7.4.2. Visual Diversity 
7.4.3. Hearing Diversity 
7.4.4. Cognitive Diversity 
7.4.5. Motor Diversity 
7.4.6. The Case of Digital Immigrants 

7.5. The Design Process (I): Requirements Analysis for User Interface Design 

7.5.1. User-Centered Design 
7.5.2. What is Requirements Analysis? 
7.5.3. Information Gathering 
7.5.4. Analysis and Interpretation of the Information 
7.5.5. Usability and Accessibility Analysis 

7.6. The Design Process (II): Prototyping and Task Analysis 

7.6.1. Conceptual Design 
7.6.2. Prototyping 
7.6.3. Hierarchical Task Analysis 

7.7. The Design Process (III): Evaluation 

7.7.1. Evaluation in the Design Process: Objectives and Methods 
7.7.2. Evaluation Methods Without Users 
7.7.3. Evaluation Methods with Users 
7.7.4. Evaluation Standards and Norms 

7.8. Accessibility: Definition and Guidelines 

7.8.1. Accessibility and Universal Design 
7.8.2. The WAI Initiative and the WCAG Guidelines 
7.8.3. WCAG 2.0 and 2.1 Guidelines 

7.9. Accessibility: Evaluation and Functional Diversity 

7.9.1. Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools 
7.9.2. Accessibility and Functional Diversity 

7.10. The Computer and Interaction: Peripherals and Devices 

7.10.1. Traditional Devices and Peripherals 
7.10.2. Alternative Devices and Peripherals 
7.10.3. Cell Phones and Tablets 
7.10.4. Functional Diversity, Interaction and Peripherals 

Module 8. Advanced Programming 

8.1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 

8.1.1. Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 
8.1.2. Class Design 
8.1.3. Introduction to UML for Problem Modeling 

8.2. Relationships Between Classes 

8.2.1. Abstraction and Inheritance 
8.2.2. Advanced Inheritance Concepts 
8.2.3. Polymorphism 
8.2.4. Composition and Aggregation 

8.3. Introduction to Design Patterns for Object-Oriented Problems 

8.3.1. What are Design Patterns? 
8.3.2. Factory Pattern 
8.3.4. Singleton Pattern 
8.3.5. Observer Pattern 
8.3.6. Composite Pattern 

8.4. Exceptions 

8.4.1. What are Exceptions? 
8.4.2. Exception Catching and Handling 
8.4.3. Throwing Exceptions 
8.4.4. Exception Creation 

8.5. User Interfaces 

8.5.1. Introduction to Qt 
8.5.2. Positioning 
8.5.3. What Are Events? 
8.5.4. Events: Definition and Catching 
8.5.5. User Interface Development 

8.6. Introduction to Concurrent Programming 

8.6.1. Introduction to Concurrent Programming 
8.6.2. The Concept of Process and Thread 
8.6.3. Interaction Between Processes or Threads 
8.6.4. Threads in C++ 
8.6.6. Advantages and Disadvantages of Concurrent Programming 

8.7. Thread Management and Synchronization 

8.7.1. Life Cycle of a Thread 
8.7.2. Thread Class 
8.7.3. Thread Planning 
8.7.4. Thread Groups
8.7.5. Daemon Threads 
8.7.6. Synchronization 
8.7.7. Locking Mechanisms 
8.7.8. Communication Mechanisms 
8.7.9. Monitors 

8.8. Common Problems in Concurrent Programming 

8.8.1. The Problem of Consuming Producers 
8.8.2. The Problem of Readers and Writers 
8.8.3. The Problem of the Philosophers’ Dinner Party 

8.9. Software Documentation and Testing 

8.9.1. Why is it Important to Document Software? 
8.9.2. Design Documentation 
8.9.3. Documentation Tool Use 

8.10. Software Testing 

8.10.1. Introduction to Software Testing 
8.10.2. Types of Tests 
8.10.3. Unit Test 
8.10.4. Integration Test 
8.10.5. Validation Test 
8.10.6. System Test 

Module 9. Development of Web Applications 

9.1. HTML5 Markup Languages 

9.1.1. HTML Basics 
9.1.2. New HTML 5 Elements 
9.1.3. Forms: New Controls 

9.2. Introduction to CSS Style Sheets 

9.2.1. First Steps with CSS 
9.2.2. Introduction to CSS3 

9.3. Browser Scripting Language: JavaScript 

9.3.1. JavaScript Basics 
9.3.2. DOM 
9.3.3. Events 
9.3.4. JQuery 
9.3.5. Ajax 

9.4. Concept of Component-Oriented Programming 

9.4.1. Context 
9.4.2. Components and Interfaces 
9.4.3. States of a Component 

9.5. Component Architecture

9.5.1. Current Architectures 
9.5.2. Component Integration and Deployment 

9.6. Frontend Framework: Bootstrap 

9.6.1. Grid Design 
9.6.2. Forms 
9.6.3. Components 

9.7. Model View Controller 

9.7.1. Web Development Methods 
9.7.2. Design Pattern: MVC 

9.8. Information Grid Technologies 

9.8.1. Increased Computing Resources 
9.8.2. Concept of Grid Technology 

9.9. Service-Oriented Architecture 

9.9.1. SOA and Web Services 
9.9.2. Topology of a Web Service 
9.9.3. Platforms for Web Services 

9.10. HTTP Protocol 

9.10.1. Messages 
9.10.2. Persistent Sessions 
9.10.3. Cryptographic System 
9.10.4. HTTPS Protocol Operation

Module 10. Software Engineering 

10.1. Introduction to Software Engineering and Modeling 

10.1.1. The Nature of Software 
10.1.2. The Unique Nature of WebApps 
10.1.3. Software Engineering 
10.1.4. The Software Process 
10.1.5. Software Engineering Practice 
10.1.6. Software Myths 
10.1.7. How It All Begins 
10.1.8. Object-Oriented Concepts 
10.1.9. Introduction to UML 

10.2. The Software Process 

10.2.1. A General Process Model 
10.2.2. Prescriptive Process Models 
10.2.3. Specialized Process Models 
10.2.4. The Unified Process 
10.2.5. Personal and Team Process Models 
10.2.6. What is Agility? 
10.2.7. What is an Agile Process? 
10.2.8. Scrum 
10.2.9. Agile Process Toolkit 

10.3. Principles Guiding Software Engineering Practice 

10.3.1. Principles Guiding the Process 
10.3.2. Principles Guiding the Practice 
10.3.3. Principles of Communication 
10.3.4. Planning Principles 
10.3.5. Modeling Principles 
10.3.6. Construction Principles 
10.3.7. Deployment Principles 

10.4. Understanding the Requirements 

10.4.1. Requirements Engineering 
10.4.2. Establish the Basis 
10.4.3. Inquiry of Requirements 
10.4.4. Development of Cases Studies 
10.4.5. Elaboration of the Requirements Model 
10.4.6. Negotiation of Requirements 
10.4.7. Validation of Requirements 

10.5. Requirements Modeling: Scenarios, Information and Analysis Classes 

10.5.1. Analysis of Requirements 
10.5.2. Scenario-Based Modeling 
10.5.3. UML Models that provide the Case Study 
10.5.4. Data Modeling Concepts 
10.5.5. Class-Based Modeling 
10.5.6. Class Diagrams 

10.6. Requirements Modeling: Flow, Behavior and Patterns 

10.6.1. Requirements that Shape Strategies 
10.6.2. Flow-Oriented Modeling 
10.6.3. Status Diagrams 
10.6.4. Creation of a Behavioral Model 
10.6.5. Sequence Diagrams 
10.6.6. Communication Diagrams 
10.6.7. Patterns for Requirements Modeling 

10.7. Design Concepts 

10.7.1. Design in the Software Engineering Context 
10.7.2. The Design Process 
10.7.3. Design Concepts 
10.7.4. Object-Oriented Design Concepts 
10.7.5. Model of the Design 

10.8. Designing the Architecture: 

10.8.1. Software Architecture 
10.8.2. Architectural Genres 
10.8.3. Architectural Styles 
10.8.4. Architectural Design 
10.8.5. Evolution of Alternative Designs for Architecture 
10.8.6. Mapping the Architecture Using the Data Flow 

10.9. Component-Level and Pattern-Based Design 

10.9.1. What is a Component? 
10.9.2. Class-Based Component Design 
10.9.3. Realization of the Design at the Component Level 
10.9.4. Design of Traditional Components 
10.9.5. Component-Based Development 
10.9.6. Design Patterns 
10.9.7. Pattern-Based Software Design 
10.9.8. Architectural Patterns 
10.9.9. Design Patterns at the Component Level 
10.9.10. User Interface Design Patterns 

10.10. Software Quality and Project Management 

10.10.1. Quality 
10.10.2. Software Quality 
10.10.3. The Software Quality Dilemma 
10.10.4. Achieving Software Quality 
10.10.5. Software Quality Assurance 
10.10.6. The Administrative Spectrum 
10.10.7. The Staff 
10.10.8. The product 
10.10.9. The Process 
10.10.10. The Project 
10.10.11. Principles and Practices


A unique, key, and decisive educational experience to boost your professional development”

Professional Master's Degree in Software Development


The IT industry has undergone major transformations in recent years. In fact, one of the elements that characterizes it is its permanent evolution through the incorporation of new technologies and latest generation software. Taking this into account, it is important that those computer professionals who want to work in this field have updated knowledge on the management of the tools it offers. As a result of this, TECH Global University designed this Professional Master's Degree in Software Development, a postgraduate program that will allow you to achieve your academic goals and boost your professional career.

Take a Professional Master's Degree in Software Development


The main objective of this TECH program is to provide the best knowledge and content for graduates to meet the challenges of today's working life. In this way, through a high-level curriculum, we intend to scientifically and technologically train the students of this program. In this sense, you will learn the basic structure of the computer and the software, you will understand and interpret the programming language; you will understand the operation, the main strategies and the development of the algorithm, among other things. By training in this subject you will master the procedures of this field and contribute to its development in areas such as creativity, innovation and technological efficiency.

Specialize in the largest digital university in the world


At TECH Global University we have the most updated and complete content of the educational market, focused on achieving a higher level of knowledge in software development. Considering that specialized education of professionals is a necessity in the current context, we strive to provide our students with comprehensive and high quality training. With our methods of education, each one will have access to techniques, strategies, programs and resources that will favor the performance of their work. This is a novel, complete and effective opportunity for all those interested in the IT sector.