
In this Postgraduate certificate you will find the most relevant news related to Landscape Architecture and its composition through multiple theoretical, practical and additional resources"


Undertaking an architectural project is always a challenge for professionals in this sector, especially when the "outdoor space" factor comes into play. The analysis of the aspects to be considered when starting a landscape project has an added difficulty: the combination of the elements that influence the composition depending on the characteristics of the environment. Soils, the nature of the site itself or atmospheric conditions, among others, are fundamental characteristics that must be taken into account, which also implies a detailed analysis of each of them to determine the feasibility and efficiency of the possible resulting product. 

It is, therefore, a complex and arduous task that architects and engineers have to perform together, being a fundamental aspect to take into account before starting the project itself. In order to provide these professionals with the latest information on the subject, TECH Global University and its team of experts have developed this Postgraduate certificate in Climate, Soil Science, Biology and Botany in Landscape Architecture. A dynamic, comprehensive and complete program that will serve as a guide to expand and update their knowledge in this branch of Landscape Architecture. 

Therefore, through 150 hours of the best theoretical, practical and additional content designed by professionals of the highest level in this area, the graduate will be able to delve into the importance of the study of morphology, anatomy and plant physiology, systematic botany, the different plant classifications or the relationship between climate, soil and vegetation, among other aspects. Moreover, you will be able to do it from wherever you want and whenever you want thanks to its convenient 100% online format. In this way, without schedules or face-to-face classes, you will have the opportunity to expand your technical knowledge, implementing the most innovative architectural trends of the moment by the hand of the largest digital university in the world. 

Would you like to update your knowledge in climate recording based on the latest trends? Enroll now in this program and start working on it"

This Postgraduate certificate in Climate, Soil, Biology and Botany in Landscape Architecture contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Engineering and Architecture 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

A Postgraduate certificate of the highest level in which you will find the best strategies to analyze Soil Science from different critical perspectives"

The program includes in its teaching staff professionals of the field who pour into this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professional a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, in which the professional will have to try to solve the different professional practice situations that will arise throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.

Increase your talent as a Landscape Architecture professional by adding a specialized Certificate in this field to your resume"


Thanks to the 100% online format of this program, you will be able to work on your course from wherever you want: no tight schedules or tedious face-to-face classes”


Given the difficulties involved in Landscape Architecture and the numerous components that influence the success of projects, TECH Global University and its team of professionals have developed this program in order to provide graduates with the information that will allow them to approach the study of each of these elements to ensure the best results. Therefore, the present Postgraduate certificate is a guide that will provide your knowledge with the most innovative and complete information on Climate, Soil Science, Biology and Botany applied to the construction of new spaces. 


If one of your goals is to implement the best techniques of electrical and water conductivity in landscape projects in your practice, you are in the right place and this Postgraduate certificate is what you need"

General Objectives

  • Understand the different materials used in the construction of landscape elements, such as pavements, walls, urban furniture, among others
  • Become familiar with the properties, characteristics and applications of materials commonly used in landscape architecture
  • Learn to select and specify appropriate materials according to the needs of the project and aesthetic, technical and durability considerations
  • Study the principles of landscape infrastructure design and construction, 
  • such as drainage, irrigation and lighting systems 
  • Analyze the construction techniques and methods used in the implementation of landscape elements, ensuring their correct installation and operation

Specific Objectives

  • Address the basic principles of climate and its influence on the design and maintenance of landscape spaces
  • Differentiate the characteristics and properties of the soil (Edaphology) and its importance for the development of plants in the landscape
  • Deepen in the fundamental concepts of plant biology and botany, including species identification and adaptability
  • Develop strategies for water conservation and irrigation efficiency in landscape design
  • Master legal and ethical aspects related to the conservation and protection of flora and fauna in landscape design

Working with this program is directly proportional to investing in progressing towards a successful future within the field of Landscape Architecture"

Postgraduate Certificate in Climate, Soil, Biology and Botany in Landscape Architecture

In an ever-changing world, landscape architecture plays a crucial role in creating sustainable and aesthetically appealing environments. To achieve this, a solid knowledge in areas such as climate, soil science, biology and botany is essential. At TECH Global University, we are committed to academic excellence and the training of skilled professionals in the field of engineering and architecture. We enthusiastically present our Postgraduate Certificate in Climate, Soil, Biology and Botany in Landscape Architecture, designed to provide students with an in-depth understanding of the natural factors that influence landscape design and planning. Our online classes offer the flexibility for students to access education from anywhere, anytime. This allows for a seamless fit with personal and professional schedules, without compromising the quality of learning. In addition, the online format fosters interaction with experts in the field and peers from around the world, enriching the educational experience.

The online format also allows students to interact with experts in the field and peers from around the world, enriching the educational experience.

Lead the field of landscape architecture

At TECH Global University, we pride ourselves in offering a comprehensive and up-to-date curriculum that covers the most relevant aspects of landscape architecture. Our highly qualified faculty will not only provide theoretical knowledge, but will also share their practical experience, providing a realistic and enriching perspective. The Postgraduate Certificate program aims to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to contribute to the design and planning of sustainable and attractive architectural environments. From understanding climatic conditions to analyzing soil composition and biodiversity, this program provides a solid foundation for success in the field of engineering and architecture. If you are ready to delve into the exciting world of landscape architecture and contribute to the creation of enhanced, sustainable environments, join us at TECH Global University and let us be your guide on this exciting educational journey.