
Cándida Rodríguez Míguez is a Computer Engineer specialized in the development of large software systems with more than a decade of experience in the creation and programming of business and web. Driven by her great passion for the world of Artificial Intelligence, she has been the Co-Founder and City Leader of the Galicia AI network, belonging to the Spain AI project, carrying out research work related to this discipline.

Her motivation to continuously progress in her sector has allowed her to access the position of Junior Application Developer at Getronics, a company dedicated to the provision of IT services and consulting to promote digital innovation and promote change in companies.

  • Junior Application Developer at Getronics
  • Co-founder and City Leader of the Galicia AI network.
  • Junior Software Engineer at Indra
  • Web Developer at EDISA
  • Graduated in Computer Engineering at the University of Vigo.
  • Master's Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Vigo
Programmes in collaboration with

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