
Dr. Marta Navas-Parejo Alonso is a lawyer with an extensive research career in the field of Labor Law and Social Security. In this sense, she has been part of important research projects, such as the R&D Project "El estatuto jurídico del cuidador informal como elemento clave de un sistema integrado de protección a la dependencia" (The legal status of the informal caregiver as a key element of an integrated system of protection for dependency), of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. She has also participated in the Social transformations and reform of the social protection system, of the Ministry of Education and Science.

With a PhD in Law with an Extraordinary Prize from the Carlos III University of Madrid, Marta Navas-Parejo Alonso is the author of renowned articles published in major journals. Some of them deal with the transformations of the legal regime of leaves of absence since the Organic Law for the effective equality of women and men or the comparative law of death and survival benefits. 

A regular attendee at conferences and lectures in her specialty, this doctor has had a career as a university lecturer, participating in competitive teaching innovation projects. She is also an active member of the Working Group on Basic Income of the itdUPM and GENET. 

  • Researcher and Professor of Labor and Social Security Law 
  • Professor of Labor and Social Security Law at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Doctor in Law, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Degree in Law from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Degree in Business Administration and Management from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Member:
    • Working Group on Basic Income of itdUPM
    • GENET 
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