
Specialize in technology project management and achieve professional success for you and your company" 


Why Study at TECH?

TECH is the world's largest 100% online business school. It is an elite Business School, with a model of maximum academic demand. An international high performance and intensive management skills training center.   

TECH is a university at the forefront of technology, which puts all its resources at the student's disposal to help them achieve business success"

At TECH TECH Global University

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This university offers an online learning model that combines the latest educational technology with the highest pedagogical rigor. A unique method with the highest international recognition that will provide the keys for the student to develop in a world in constant change, where innovation must be the essential bet of every entrepreneur.

"Microsoft Europe Success Story" for integrating the innovative, interactive multi-video system into our programs. 
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The highest standards

TECH's admission criteria is not economic. It is not necessary to make a large investment to study at this university. However, in order to obtain a TECH degree, the student's intelligence and capacity limits will be tested. The academic standards of this institution are very high...  

95% of TECH students successfully complete their studies 
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Professionals from all over the world participate in TECH, so that the student will be able to create a large network of contacts that will be useful for his or her future.  

+100.000 executives trained each year +200 different nationalities.
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The student will grow hand in hand with the best companies and professionals of great prestige and influence. TECH has developed strategic alliances and a valuable network of contacts with major economic players on all 7 continents.  

+500 collaborative agreements with leading companies 
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This program is a unique proposal to bring out the student's talent in the business environment. An opportunity to share your concerns and your business vision. 

TECH helps the student to show the world his or her talent at the end of this program. 
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Multicultural Context 

Studying at TECH the student will enjoy a unique experience. You will study in a multicultural context. In a program with a global vision, thanks to which you will be able to learn about the way of working in different parts of the world, gathering the latest information that best suits your business idea. 

TECH students come from more than 200 nationalities.  
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Learn with the best

The TECH teaching team explains in the classroom what has led them to success in their companies, working from a real, lively and dynamic context. Teachers who are fully committed to offering a quality specialization that allows students to advance in their careers and excel in the business world. 

Teachers representing 20 different nationalities. 

TECH seeks excellence and, to this end, has a series of characteristics that make it a unique university:   

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TECH explores the critical side of the student, their ability to question things, their problem-solving skills and their interpersonal skills.  

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Academic Excellence 

At TECH, we bring to the student the best online teaching methodology. This university combines the Relearning method (the most internationally recognized postgraduate learning methodology) with Harvard Business School case studies. A complex balance of traditional and state-of-the-art methods, within the most demanding academic framework.   

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Economy of Scale 

TECH  is the world's largest online university. It has a portfolio of more than 10,000 university degrees. And in today's new economy, volume + technology = a ground-breaking price. This ensures that studying is not as expensive as at
another university.   

At TECH you will have access to Harvard Business School case studies"

Why our program?

Completing the TECH program means multiplying the possibilities of achieving professional success in the field of senior business management.   

It is a challenge that involves effort and dedication, yet it opens the door to a promising future. The student will learn from the best teaching staff and with the most flexible and innovative educational methodology.  

We have highly qualified teachers and the most complete syllabus on the market, which allows us to offer you training of the highest academic level".  

online master of business TECH Global University

This program will provide a multitude of employment and personal benefits, including the following:   

1. Give a definitive boost to the student's career  

By studying at TECH, students will be able to take control of their future and develop their full potential. With the completion of this program, you will acquire the necessary skills to make a positive change in your career in a short period of time.      

70% of the participants of this specialization achieve a positive change in their career in less than 2 years.

2. You will develop a strategic and global vision of companies.  

TECH offers an in-depth overview of general management to understand how each decision affects the different functional areas of the company.   

Our global vision of companies will improve your strategic vision.

3. Consolidate the student in senior business management    

Studying at TECH means opening the doors to a professional panorama of great importance for the student to position himself as a high-level manager, with a broad vision of the 
international environment. 

You will work on more than 100 real senior management cases.   

4.You will take on new responsibilities   

During the program, the latest trends, advances and strategies are shown, so that students can carry out their professional work in a changing environment. 

45% of graduates are promoted internally.

5. Access to a powerful network    

TECH networks its students to maximize opportunities. Students with the same concerns 
and desire to grow. Thus, it will be possible to share partners, customers or suppliers.   

You will find a network of contacts that will be crucial for your professional development.

6. Develop business projects in a rigorous manner.    

The student will obtain a deep strategic vision that will help them develop their own project, taking into account the different areas of the company.      

20% of our students develop their own business idea.

7. Improve soft skills and management skills 

TECH helps students apply and develop the knowledge acquired and improve their interpersonal skills to become leaders who make a difference. 

Improve your communication and leadership skills and enhance your career.

8. You will be part of an exclusive community   

The student will be part of a community of elite managers, large companies, renowned institutions and qualified professors from the most prestigious universities in the world: The TECH Global University.      

We give you the opportunity to train with a team of internationally respected teachers.

Advanced Master's Degree in Management of Technological Projects in the Enterprise


The sector that encompasses digital media and the so-called Industry 4.0 is a field with wide potential for business industries. Therefore, organizations decide to implement technological projects that ensure the expansion and growth of their operations. To execute these strategies, it is necessary to have professionals specialized in both technical management and management. Given this scenario, TECH Global University created an Advanced Master's Degree that will provide you with the key elements to master digital tools and their application in modern business management. The program has a duration of two years, is taught in 100% online mode and has a specialized agenda in aspects ranging from the different types of management: scope, time, costs, quality, human resources, communications, target groups, schedule, risks and acquisitions; to the implementation of corporate social responsibility, emerging market trends and new portfolio strategies. By gaining this background, you will be able to meet the requirements demanded by the PMP and CAPM certification committees.

Study an Advanced Master's Degree in Enterprise Technology Project Management


If you aspire to reach the pinnacle of business success, perform in high positions and obtain considerable economic rewards that improve your quality of life, you must renew your knowledge. This postgraduate course at TECH is the opportunity you were waiting for to consolidate your professional goals. Our educational staff is made up of a group of experts with extensive experience in the business field, who will place you in real contexts so that you can enhance your skills through a rigorous curriculum. The syllabus is divided into approaches ranging from the administrative parameters of the project: hiring personnel, incorporation minutes, quality controls, time estimation and cost supervision; to agile methodologies, conflict resolution in work teams, appropriation of responsibilities and strengthening communication skills. With this knowledge, you will be able to identify and anticipate opportunities, motivate staff, allocate resources, organize information, make decisions, evaluate results and diagnose possible business problems. Do you want to know more? Enroll now and discover why we are the leading university in digital education.