
After passing the evaluations of the Professional Master's Degree in Obstetrics for Midwives, the professional will have acquired the necessary professional competencies for a quality and up to date practice based on the latest scientific evidence.

postgraduate obstetrics midwives TECH Global University

With this program you will be able to master the new therapeutic procedures and provide the best care in Obstetrics for Midwives”

General Skills

  • Possess knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • Apply acquired knowledge and problem-solving skills in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their field of study.
  • Integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on incomplete or limited information.
  • Communicate your conclusions, your knowledge and the ultimate reasons behind them to both specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous manner.
  • Manage the learning skills that will enable them to continue studying in a largely self-directed or autonomous way.
  • Participate in and, where appropriate, lead and streamline mother and child as well as women's health care programs
  • Educate women, families and the community in health-related aspects, by identifying learning needs in relation to maternal and child health, and undertake different educational programs according to previously identified needs
  • Promote a positive experience and a responsible attitude towards childbirth in the population, and give advice on postpartum and breastfeeding
  • Collaborate in the implementation of activities such as: promotion, prevention, assistance, and postpartum recovery of women
  • Detect risk factors and problems in childbirth in women
  • Apply principles of clinical reasoning, problem detection, decision-making, care and attention planning, and appropriate evaluation of different clinical situations in nursing care
  • best master obstetrics midwives TECH Global University

A path to achieve education and professional growth that will propel you towards a greater level of competitiveness in the employment market"


The program in Obstetrics for Midwives is oriented to facilitate the performance of the midwife in the care of all pregnant patients or patients with reproductive desire


This program is designed for you to up to date your knowledge in Obstetrics for Midwives, with the use of the latest educational technology, to contribute with quality and safety to decision making, care, monitoring and patient support"

General Objectives

  • Acquire specific knowledge in obstetric care
  • Promote work strategies based on a comprehensive approach to the patient as a standard model for achieving excellent care
  • Foster the acquisition of technical skills and abilities, through a powerful audiovisual system, and the possibility of development through specific specialization
  • Encourage professional stimulation through continuous education and research

Specific Objectives

     Module 1. Midwifery Care in the Preconception Consultation 

  • Apply up-to-date scientific-technical and unified care criteria that ensure continuity of care. 
  • Establish coordination strategies between the professionals involved in the process. 
  • Realiza un diagnóstico con recomendaciones claras antes del trabajo de parto
  • Develop a protocol to be followed to facilitate labor for the new mother.
    Module 2. Pregnancy 
  • Identify the educational needs that the pregnant woman and her family members may require. 
  • Implement prevention strategies and promotion of obstetric health and, therefore, the health of the future child. 
  • Describe the normal and pathological evolution of a breastfeeding patient. 
    Module 3. Maternity Education Program 
  • Develop communicative strategies to establish an appropriate therapeutic link with the woman and their family. 
  • Design strategies that favor an environment of trust, security, and intimacy, respecting the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of the women involved. 
  • To make a guide with the main care of the newborn baby.
  • Develop strategies and action plans in case of neonatal complications.
    Module 4. Labor 
  • Explain the importance of facilitating the accessibility and participation of the accompanying person throughout the process. 
  • Involve the woman in decision-making throughout the process. 
  • Describe the involvement of the midwife in the Decree 101/95, which determines the rights of parents and children in the healthcare environment during the birth process. BORRAR 
    Module 5. Assistance and Care of Women in Childbirth 
  • Provide close, respectful, empathetic, and professional treatment. 
  • Establish strategies to offer on-demand consultations (queries). 
  • Identify the pregnant woman's condition and prioritize her well-being in order to continue with the delivery process
    Module 6. Postpartum Care for Midwives 
  • Show the woman techniques and procedures in order to promote self-care during the pregnancy and the postpartum period. 
  • Describe the importance of providing a place where the woman can breastfeed her baby in comfort. 
    Module 7. Breastfeeding 
  • Create protocols and strategies to encourage the promotion of breastfeeding 
  • Helping mothers to initiate breastfeeding. 
  • Promote breastfeeding techniques for the mother who finds it difficult or painful to feed her newborn baby. 
  • the newborn
  • Explain breast pumping tools for the new mother.
    Module 8. Nursing Care in a Newborn
  • Identify protocols for newborn care
  • To know the condition of the newborn to know if they need any priority care or medical treatment.
  • Perform a rapid diagnosis to identify the health status of the newborn.
    Module 9. Obstetric Emergencies 
  • Identify emergencies that may occur during the delivery procedure and implement the appropriate measures to solve them. 
  • Define the different treatments that the obstetrical patient may require, and any complications associated with them.

Take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Obstetrics for Midwives"

Professional Master's Degree in Midwifery for Midwives

At TECH Global University, we present to you our Professional Master's Degree in Midwifery for Midwives, a high-quality program designed especially for Nursing professionals who wish to expand their knowledge and skills in the field of midwifery. Become an expert in maternal and child health care and excel in your profession with our cutting-edge education. Our program is delivered entirely online, giving you the flexibility to study from anywhere, anytime. Online classes allow you to tailor your studies to your own schedule, without sacrificing your personal and professional commitments. Through our online platform, you will have access to up-to-date study materials, interactive resources and a collaborative learning environment. The Professional Master's Degree provides you with a wide range of benefits. You will learn from leading healthcare professionals who are experts in obstetrics and maternal and child care. Our hands-on approach will allow you to acquire relevant clinical skills through case studies, simulations and online practice. In addition, you will be able to network with other professionals in your field, expanding your network and creating opportunities for collaboration.

Study a postgraduate degree in obstetrics and improve your professional future.

In this Professional Master's Degree, we focus on updating the latest knowledge and techniques in obstetrics. You will explore topics such as prenatal care, labor and postpartum management, breastfeeding, neonatal care and prevention of obstetric complications. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge necessary to deliver quality care and promote the health and well-being of women and newborns. Upon successful completion of the Professional Master's Degree, you will be prepared to meet professional challenges and provide exceptional care to your patients. Our Professional Master's Degree, supported by TECH Global University, will open doors for you in the field of Obstetric Nursing in both clinical and research settings. Don't miss this opportunity to advance your career and make a difference in maternal and child health - enroll today and begin your journey to professional success!