
This professional master’s degree is designed to update the nursing professional in the latest trends in aesthetic nursing. All of this based on cutting-edge content, a unique methodology and an excellent teaching staff"


In image of society, the appearance of the skin has come to play a fundamental role for people. Reducing wrinkles, eliminating flaccidity or rejuvenation and luminosity are just some of the results sought by patients, who find in dermo-aesthetic treatments the answer to their requirements. This growing demand for aesthetic medical centers and qualified professionals in this field supports and gives meaning to the creation of this professional master’s degree, with which professionals will learn to understand the functioning of the skin, its processes and the most appropriate treatments depending on the patient's needs.

Therefore, through 10 theoretical modules, the student will learn the basics of skin anatomy, as well as the most frequent topical pathologies and the means to cure them. This knowledge will provide the nurse with an unprecedented growth in competence, which will enable them to practice as a professional in dermo-aesthetics, a specialty that is constantly growing and being updated in recent years. 

In the same way, and understanding aesthetic nursing as a branch in continuous renovation, during the program the most cutting-edge treatments that are revolutionizing the beauty market will be studied. From carboxytherapy, through the different types of Fillers, to the various procedures for hair removal, the program takes a 360° tour of the current state of the art in dermo-aesthetic treatments and their means of application.

In addition, this professional master’s degree is unique in that it offers the student a complete vision of aesthetic nursing that includes aspects neglected by other professionals in the interdisciplinary team. Accordingly, during the course of the program, the different ways of aesthetic treatment for oncology patients, specific treatments for skin pathologies and the singularities of the female intimate anatomy and its treatment from the aesthetic nursing will be studied.

All of this, condensed into 1,500 hours of immersive teaching and direct qualification (without final work), in which the professional will learn the keys to practice Aesthetic Nursing with total success. In addition, it is taught in 100% online mode, to guarantee the student the effective compatibility of their academic, professional and personal activity. A unique study opportunity that only TECH, the world's largest online university, could offer.

The program includes nursing interventions in the treatments most demanded by patients, such as carboxytherapy or dermo-aesthetic facial massage or skin filler procedures"

This professional master’s degree in Aesthetic Nursing contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. Its most notable features are: 

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Aesthetic Nursing
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice 
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

During the professional master’s degree, you will learn how to apply the most advanced skin care treatments for both face and body"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

You will be updated in an area of nursing that has been growing steadily in recent years"


During the professional master’s degree, you will learn how to apply the most advanced skin care treatments for both face and body"


This professional master’s degree was created with the fundamental objective of updating the knowledge of the professional dedicated to the field of aesthetic nursing, an area that has been growing steadily in recent years. As such, after completing the program, the student will be prepared to offer in their clinic the most innovative treatments in the sector, achieving not only an improvement in their professional profile, but also in their economic prospects. 


Offer the best treatments and approaches in your clinic thanks to the educational update that you will obtain by studying this professional master’s degree"  

General objectives

  • Acquire the fundamental knowledge of all anti-aging modalities and aesthetic treatments, incorporating the necessary tools to perform this specialty in daily practice
  • Comprehensively manage the aesthetic patient, being able to make an accurate diagnosis and apply the most appropriate treatment
  • Update and reinforce the knowledge in dermatology necessary for the correct care of aesthetic nursing patients
  • Provide nurses with the necessary tools and guidelines to deal efficiently with the different dermatological pathologies
  • Reinforce the role of the nurse in the treatment of these pathologies
  • Identify the role of treatments in the prevention and treatment of dermatological pathologies
  • Know the general characteristics of the skin and its anatomy
  • Know how to differentiate and deal with the most common topical pathologies today
  • Know the basic characteristics of dermo-aesthetic treatments for the face
  • Know the basic characteristics of dermo-aesthetic treatments for the Bodies
  • Discern between the most effective treatments in each case
  • In-depth study of the most effective hair care treatments currently available

Specific objectives

Module 1. Dermo-aesthetic nursing

  • Know the basics of dermo-aesthetic nursing
  • Know how to structure the organization of the dermo-aesthetic medicine practice
  • Correctly manage the hygienic and sanitary protocols in the dermo-aesthetic nursing office
  • Know how to manage sanitary waste

Module 2. Aging and cosmetic assessment in dermo-aesthetic nursing

  • Understand the structural and skeletal changes that the skin undergoes during the aging process
  • Know how to work with injuries caused by aging
  • In-depth study of the different theories on aging
  • Skin Parameters: Moisturisation, Elasticity, Colour, Oil Production, Desquamation
  • Have the tools to perform a good visual and cosmetic diagnosis and assessment
  • Know the different approaches for facial and body flaccidity and volume loss

Module 3. Skin

  • Know the anatomical structures of the skin
  • Know the different approaches for facial and body flaccidity and volume loss
  • Analyze the different functions of the skin
  • Know which are the different skin cares according to the patient's stage of life
  • In-depth knowledge of the effects of solar radiation on the skin and the different means of photoprotection
  • Learn the different types of Skin
  • Understanding the basics of facial hygiene
  • Know the different moisturizing techniques for the skin

Module 4. Dermocosmetics

  • Know the different processes for the preparation of the skin for the different types of treatments
  • Understand the basics of dermo-cosmetics
  • Know how to handle different cosmetic skin care products
  • Know the dermo-cosmetic care for acne, rosacea and other skin disorders

Module 5. Aesthetic massage in dermo-aesthetic nursing

  • Know how to apply aesthetic massages for immediate effects
  • Understanding the classification of massages
  • Know the maneuvers applied to aesthetic body massage
  • In-depth knowledge of the different types of existing massages, their effects and application mechanisms

Module 6. Nursing in hair removal

  • In-depth study of the aspects, classification and influence of laser hair removal
  • Know the aspects, classification and influence of photoepilation with pulsed light
  • Understanding the objectives of laser hair removal
  • Know how to program and work with laser hair removal equipment
  • Manage the correct procedures and informed consent for performing laser hair removal
  • Know the protection measures for both professionals and clients in laser hair removal procedures

Module 7. Nursing care in other procedures and treatments

  • Acquire in-depth knowledge of different procedures and treatments such as fillers, botulinum toxin or support threads
  • In-depth training in the use of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)
  • Deepen in the use of carboxytherapy, rhinomodeling and mentoplasty

Module 8. Nutrition applied to dermoaesthetic nursing

  • Deepen in the different nursing care in anti-aging nutricosmetics
  • Know the most frequent nutritional alterations related to dermo-aesthetics
  • Analyze the psychological aspects in dermo-aesthetic nursing Psychological aspects in dermoaesthetic nursing
  • Know the different psychological disorders of body image

Module 9. Nursing in gynecoesthetics

  • Know in depth the anatomy of the vulva
  • Know the anatomy of the vagina, its histology and relationships
  • Analyze the Anatomy of the Female Pelvic Floor
  • Understand the classification of anatomical defects of the labia majora and labia minora
  • In-depth study of the social, cultural, surgical and psychological management of female genital mutilation
  • Know how to deal with superficial or complete obstetric tears
  • Be able to manage and improve the different anatomical alterations of the vagina
  • Offer an effective solution to patients with different gynecological pathologies
  • Know the different anesthetic techniques in gynecology

Module 10. Dermoesthetics in oncology

  • Know the use and advantages of dermo-aesthetic nursing in oncology patients
  • In-depth knowledge of the tests that should be performed prior to any treatment in an oncology patient
  • Know how to apply the different dermo-aesthetic nursing care in elderly, adult and child patients
  • Understand the implications of dermo-aesthetic nursing intervention before, during and after oncology treatment

 If you want to position yourself at the forefront of this field then don’t hesitate to study at TECH: you will find the most up-to-date knowledge in the market” 

Professional Master's Degree in Aesthetic Nursing

Health and beauty have been hand in hand since the dawn of civilization itself. In ancient Egypt, both men and women mixed powders with lead salts to paint and outline their eyes, an act that apart from aesthetic, was considered an omen of protection against disease. Today, the same tradition is still in force, although using other methods such as dermo-aesthetic treatments, which means that no health care professional should be left out of such aspects. With this in mind, TECH Global University presents its Professional Master's Degree in Aesthetic Nursing, a postgraduate course of ten modules of educational interaction offered in a completely online format that aspires to be synonymous with flexibility, self-regulation, immersive intensity and cognitive enhancement aided by innovative teaching methodologies. Through a very complete syllabus, you will learn about: skin care update, aging and cosmetic assessment, dermocosmetics, depilation nursing, care in procedures and treatments such as bioplasties, among others. Do you want to turn your hands into tools of gratifying renewal in patients? Come and get to know this program.

Study a Professional Master's Degree in Aesthetic Nursing


At TECH we are recognized worldwide for offering the most suitable and efficient postgraduate programs when it comes to excel in the labor sector. This postgraduate course is no exception. Throughout 1500 hours, we will instruct you in detail in the theoretical foundations and practical procedures that are most in demand in the world of aesthetic health. You will add to your curriculum varied skills in topics such as pulsed light photoepilation, facial carboxitherapy or aesthetic body massage techniques, just to name a few. Aspects such as nutrition, gyneco-aesthetics and dermo-aesthetic care for oncology patients will also be addressed. All this dispensed through an online platform that bases its effectiveness on state-of-the-art educational technology. Do you want to strengthen your skills as a nurse in neonatal skin care or menopause counseling? Would you like to aspire to work in the most prestigious aesthetic centers or similar clinics? Dare then to know a new form of professionalization by enrolling with TECH.