
Learn all the necessary information about Non-Routine Vaccines so that you can carry out your work with total confidence and guarantees of success"


Non-routine vaccines are those that are not included in the vaccination schedules, therefore, are not financed. One of the reasons why they are not scheduled for general use throughout the community is because they are understood to be of individual interest, according to the risk factors of each person. A clear example of this type of medication are vaccines for allergies or those that must be administered to visit countries where certain diseases are present.

During the course of this Postgraduate certificate, the main non-routine vaccines will be studied. Each one of them is preceded by a contextualization of the disease against which it acts and the preventive measures that the health professional must know about it, as well as the existing vaccines of each one of them with their characteristics, indications, contraindications and vaccination guidelines.

The knowledge of non-routine vaccines is essential for any healthcare professional, especially for nurses, since it is a type of vaccine that causes many doubts in the staff that administers it, so the study of this Postgraduate certificate will allow the student to know in depth these vaccines to be able to administer them or perform a health education intervention on them safely.

In thisPostgraduate certificate we have proposed to offer you the most complete education on vaccination in a simple and easy to learn way. Also, being a 100% online program, you will have the opportunity to combine your study hours with the rest of your daily obligations, so that you can increase your education in a comfortable way.

We offer you the opportunity to study with a multitude of practical cases in such a way that you can learn new skills as if you were dealing with real patients”

This  Postgraduate certificate in Non-Routine - Non-Funded Vaccines contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of clinical cases presented by vaccine experts
  • Its graphic, schematic and practical contents provide scientific and assistance information on those disciplines essential for the professional practice
  • New developments on vaccinations
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Our programs have the best teaching methodology and the latest educational tools, which will allow you to study from home without sacrificing the possibilities offered by on-site classes”

Its teaching staff includes a professionals from the field of vaccines in nursing, who bring the experience of their work to this program, as well as recognised specialists from leading scientific societies.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive program designed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in vaccination and with extensive teaching experience.

This Postgraduate certificate is the best investment you can make in education to acquire the best and most up-to-date education in vaccination"


Increase your proficiency in the field of vaccination and improve yourself through this specialization of high educational value"


This Postgraduate certificate in Non-Routine - Non-Funded Vaccines is aimed at facilitating the nurse's performance and increasing their ability to treat patients who require this type of intervention with full guarantees of success.


Our goal is to offer our students the most complete educational program on the market so that they are able to excel and broaden their knowledge and, therefore, become more efficient in their profession"

General Objectives

  • Identify the different vaccines classified as non-systematic vaccines
  • Know in depth the characteristics of the allergy vaccine, the different types of existing vaccines and the correct administration guidelines Integrate the administration protocol in case of missed doses
  • Apply the characteristics of the hepatitis A vaccine, the different types of existing vaccine and the correct administration guidelines
  • Relate the characteristics of the disease to the Hepatitis A vaccine
  • Know In-depth the characteristics of the rabies vaccine, the different types of existing vaccine and the correct administration guidelines
  • Relate the characteristics of the disease to the Rabies vaccine
  • Understand in depth the characteristics of rotavirus vaccine, the different types of vaccine available and the correct administration guidelines
  • Relate the characteristics of the disease to the rotavirus vaccine
  • Know extensively the characteristics of the vaccine against japanese encephalitis, the different types of existing vaccines and the correct administration guidelines
  • Relate the characteristics of the disease to the japanese encephalitis vaccine
  • Learn more about the characteristics of the yellow fever vaccine, the different types of vaccine available and the correct administration guidelines
  • Relate the characteristics of the disease to yellow fave vaccine
  • Learn more about the characteristics of the typhoid fever vaccine, the different types of vaccine available and the correct administration guidelines
  • Relate the characteristics of the disease to the typhoid fever vaccine
  • Learn more about the characteristics of the pneumococcal vaccine, the different types of vaccine available and the correct administration guidelines
  • Relate the characteristics of the disease to the cholera vaccine
  • Learn more about the characteristics of the TB vaccine, the different types of vaccine available and the correct administration guidelines
  • Relate the characteristics of the disease to the TB vaccine
  • Specialize in the characteristics of the meningococcal B vaccine, the different types of existing vaccines and the correct administration guidelines
  • Relate disease characteristics to meningococcal vaccine B

Acquire the most up-to-date knowledge in this field of work and apply advanced protocols in this intervention in your day-to-day work"

Postgraduate Certificate in Non-Routine - Non-Funded Vaccines 

Vaccines are a fundamental tool in the prevention of infectious diseases. However, not all vaccines are included in the vaccination schedules financed by the autonomous communities. These are the so-called non-systematic and non-financed vaccines, which are administered according to the risk factors of each patient. This Postgraduate Certificate in Non-Routine - Non-Funded Vaccines will allow you to deepen in the characteristics, indications, contraindications and vaccination guidelines of each of the Non-Routine Vaccines, and will offer you a contextualization on the disease against which it exerts its action and the prevention measures that you should know.

Teaching contents designed with the latest educational technology.

This Postgraduate Certificate in Non-Routine - Non-Funded Vaccines is essential for nurses to be able to administer them or provide information and health education about them in a safe and effective way. All this, from the hand of professional experts in vaccination. Moreover, as this is a 100% online program you will be able to balance your studies with your daily obligations and increase your education in a comfortable and flexible way.