
With this postgraduate certificate you will learn about the perspectives of innovation and development of oncological surgery, which will provide you with a broad and current vision of the future and present profession" 


Currently, Oncological Surgery has undergone an exponential development thanks to the efforts of surgeons in their daily fight against advanced malignant diseases, which has led to improved survival expectations for patients. Oncologic Surgery not only involves the removal of the tumor, but also the implementation of new adjuvant therapies and the integration of knowledge in translational or clinical research. Thus, it has become essential for oncologic surgeons to have knowledge of research, methodology, statistics, molecular biology and adjuvant therapies to surgery. 

In this context, a 100% online program in Innovation, Research and Development in Digestive Oncologic Surger has been designed for those specialists seeking to advance in the management of patients with digestive cancer. This course addresses innovative aspects in the management of oncological patients, such as basic research, the incorporation of mathematical models, the implementation of new intraoperative technology, new diagnostic analyses based on genomics and therapies directed towards specific targets using immunotherapy and the patient's own immune system. Knowledge of these innovative aspects will improve the outlook in the field of research, diagnosis and treatment of oncology patients, and thus improve the quality of patient care. 

In short, the exponential development of Oncological Surgery has allowed the integration of knowledge in translational or clinical research and the implementation of new adjuvant therapies in the management of oncological patients. In this context, the postgraduate certificate in Innovation, Research and Development in Digestive Oncologic Surger is an excellent opportunity for health professionals to acquire knowledge in innovative and advanced aspects in the management of patients with digestive cancer, which will improve the quality of patient care and their survival expectations. 

You will delve into how navigation systems, 3D models, artificial intelligence and intraoperative virtual reality in the approach to oncologic disease are revolutionizing oncologic surgery"

This postgraduate certificate in Innovation, Research and Development in Digestive Oncologic Surger contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:  

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Digestive Surgery and Oncology
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 

A program that will provide you with the necessary knowledge to design and initiate research in Oncologic Surgery, as well as the sources of funding and the methodology to apply for research grants"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this educational program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professionals with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to learn in real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented throughout the academic course. For this purpose, the students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned experts.   

This is a 100% online program that delves into the new minimally invasive methods in complex oncological surgery"


Thanks to the Relearning methodology, you will obtain a situated, progressive and contextual knowledge, with which you will be able to apply what you have learned to your clinical practice from the very first moment"


The main objective of the postgraduate certificate in Innovation, Research and Development in Digestive Oncologic Surger is to provide health professionals with advanced and updated knowledge in the management of oncological patients. Among the specific objectives of the course are the incorporation of new technologies and adjuvant therapies, the use of mathematical models and diagnostic analysis based on genomics, as well as the use of therapies directed towards specific targets using immunotherapy and the patient's own immune system. All this in order to improve the outlook in the field of research, diagnosis and treatment of patients with digestive cancer and, consequently, the quality of care for our patients.


This program will allow you to incorporate new technologies and adjuvant therapies in the management of oncology patients, which will enable you to provide more up-to-date care based on the latest scientific evidence"

General Objectives

  • Deepen the specific knowledge on the management of patients with tumors affecting the digestive system 
  • Discern the surgical techniques to be used and the new technologies currently available for their diagnosis and treatment
  • Know where modern surgery is heading and which are the ways of its development
  • Study the fundamentals of research in oncological surgery
  • Know the way to develop research projects, how to do it and where to get help
  • Develop skills and technical knowledge with which to face any situation presented by a patient in an oncological surgery unit of the digestive system

Specific Objectives

  • Implement knowledge in basic-translational research, presenting the different strategies in molecular analysis
  • Study the different laboratory research models: animal models, 2D cellular models and 3D organoids
  • Obtain the necessary knowledge to start a clinical research in Oncologic Surgery, how to design a clinical trial and to know the sources of funding and the methodology to apply for research grants
  • Know the use of Big Data and artificial intelligence in research, what information they provide and their validity
  • Understand the different techniques for the application of fluorescence as an aid in Oncologic Digestive Surgery, when to use it and the benefits it can provide
  • Deepen the knowledge of current technological advances and how they can facilitate the surgical technique in Oncologic Digestive Surgery
  • Study navigation systems, 3D models and intraoperative virtual and augmented reality
  • Learn about the new minimally invasive surgical approach techniques, their indications and advantages. Understand the differences between laparoscopy and robotics
  • Learn about the intraoperative ablative and adjuvant techniques that currently exist, how to use them and in which cases, as well as the side effects or complications they may generate
  • Study what liquid biopsy is, how it is performed, what it is used for, how it can be used for diagnosis, prognosis and early detection of recurrences
  • Have knowledge of the new lines of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment in oncology, based on molecular biology, target therapies or immunotherapy
  • Learn about the intraoperative ablative and adjuvant techniques that currently exist, how to use them and in which cases, as well as the side effects or complications they may generate
  • Study what liquid biopsy is, how it is performed, what it is used for, how it can be used for diagnosis, prognosis and early detection of recurrences
  • Have knowledge of the new lines of diagnosis, prognosis and treatment in oncology, based on molecular biology, target therapies or immunotherapy

This Postgraduate Certificate will meet even your highest expectations thanks to a detailed and comprehensive syllabus"

Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation, Research and Development in Oncologic Digestive Oncology Surgery

Digestive oncologic surgery is a branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment of cancer-related digestive diseases, such as cancer of the stomach, small intestine, colon and rectum, among others. This area has become one of the most important in modern medicine due to the high incidence of these pathologies in the population. For this reason, at TECH Global University we have created the Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation, Research and Development in Oncologic Digestive Oncology Surgery, where topics such as innovation in surgical techniques, the development of new technologies in the treatment of digestive cancer and research in the field of oncologic surgery will be addressed. This program seeks to train highly qualified professionals in the management of the latest techniques and tools for the treatment of digestive cancer.

The Postgraduate Certificate in Innovation, Research and Development in Oncologic Digestive Oncology Surgery is designed to train professionals in the comprehensive care of the oncologic patient, from diagnosis to treatment and postoperative follow-up. During the program, knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system will be deepened, as well as the identification and early diagnosis of digestive cancer. In addition, the acquisition of skills in the use of advanced technologies for oncological surgery, such as robotic and laparoscopic surgery, will be worked on. Likewise, research in the field of oncological surgery will be addressed, such as the identification of new biomarkers and the evaluation of the efficacy of new therapies for the treatment of digestive cancer.