
With the best developed distance learning systems, this MBA will allow you to learn in a contextual way, learning the practical skills that you need"

This intensive specialization program is aimed at those interested in attaining a higher level of knowledge of Corporate Technical Data Science Management. Its teaching program is unique for its careful selection of technologies, including the most recently incorporated and in demand in the business world. In addition, the incorporation of specific modules for the improvement of business vision and the management of multidisciplinary teams, makes this program different and capable of covering a large part of the educational needs of any professional who wishes to position themselves as a reference in the theoretical and practical knowledge of the latest technologies.


In today's rapidly changing world, the proliferation of new technologies is a constant. Currently, we are accustomed to cutting-edge tools, platforms or technologies that are becoming obsolete with reduced applicability in the business environment. 

Similarly, it is only natural that emerging or non-existent technologies in niche markets become trends in more general areas. 

Without any doubt, this is an unstoppable and constantly evolving process, the maximum exponent of the current technological revolution, which forces IT professionals to specialise on a permanent basis.  

In view of this situation, this MBA in Corporate Technical Data Science Management is offered as a comprehensive program that includes the most advanced and demanded technologies in the business environment. 

Therefore, in an exercise of synthesis, from both a technical and business perspective, a set of subjects that are not usually covered by general educational programs has been selected, with the aim of providing students with the necessary technological knowledge to address multiple current technological problems through the use of the most appropriate and advanced techniques. 

As such, the combination of both purely technical and business subjects, make this Professional Master's Degree a cutting-edge specialization especially oriented to professionals who seek to learn the most currently widespread technologies, or a higher level of knowledge of these. 

The main objective is to enable students to apply the knowledge acquired in this course to the real world, in a work environment that reproduces the conditions that may be encountered in the future, in a rigorous and realistic manner. 

As it is a 100% online program, students will not have to give up personal or professional obligations. Upon completion of the program, students will have updated their knowledge and will be in possession of an incredibly prestigious degree that will allow them to advance both personally and professionally.

An intensive professional growth program that will allow you to intervene in a sector with a growing demand for professionals” 

This Professional master’s degree in Corporate Technical Data Science Management contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Advanced IT Technologies
  • The graphic, schematic and eminently practical contents with which it is conceived gather scientific and practical information on those disciplines that are indispensable for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

A high-quality program that will allow students to advance quickly and steadily in knowledge acquisition, with the scientific rigor of a global quality teaching"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive education programmed to learn in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, students will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

A complete and cutting-edge program that will allow you to progressively and completely acquire the knowledge you need to work in this sector"


Comprehensive yet focused; this program will provide you with the specific knowledge IT professionals need to compete among the best in the sector"


The objective of this specialization is to prepare professionals in Professional master’s degree in Corporate Technical Data Science Management, with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their activity, using the most advanced protocols and techniques of the moment. By means of a work approach totally adaptable to the student, 
this Professional master’s degreewill progressively lead you to acquire the skills that will propel you to a higher professional level.  A unique specialization designed by professionals with extensive experience in the sector.


Delve into the field of computer technologies by incorporating the most advanced aspects of this field of work”

General Objectives

  • Analyze ERP and CRM systems, their contribution and benefits
  • Design and select the right ERP or CRM tool for each company
  • Develop each stage of the data life-cycle
  • Examine the data mining process
  • Analyze a web platform and optimizing its operation
  • Evaluate sessions and traffic to better understand the audience
  • Develop specialized knowledge on maintainable, scalable and reliable systems
  • Analyze different data models and their impact on applications
  • Analyze classical system models and identify shortcomings for use in distributed applications
  • Examine the distributed computing paradigm and establish the micro-service model
  • Generate IoT expertise
  • Develop the IoT Reference Architecture and technology framework
  • Analyze the concept of Agile Methodology for Project Management and develop the elements and processes of the SCRUM framework
  • Examine and develop the elements of the KANBAN method for Project Management
  • Base our company's differentiation on intangible resources.
  • Identify opportunities for improvement through mindfulness
  • Present a business model based on flowing with change and uncertainty rather than "breaking" through resistance
  • Dynamize the company by using emotion management as a way to success

Specific Objectives

Module 1. The Main Information Management Systems

  • Developing a commercial strategy
  • Generate specialized knowledge for commercial decision making
  • Design a unified reporting system
  • Determine how to establish communication and information exchange between the company's departments and customers
  • Be able to transform information for decision making
  • Develop a marketing plan for customer loyalty
  • Design Marketing plan to increase sales

Module 2. Data Types and Life Cycle

  • Generate specialized knowledge to perform data analysis
  • Unify diverse data, Achieving consistency of information
  • Produce relevant, effective information, for decision making
  • Establish best practices for data management according to their typology and uses
  • Use data management tools (with R)

Module 3. Number Machine Learning

  • Evaluate the skills acquired in the process of moving from information to knowledge
  • Develop the different types of machine learning
  • Analyze the metrics and validation methods of different machine learning algorithms
  • Compile the different implementations of the various machine learning methods
  • Determine the probabilistic reasoning models
  • Examine the potential of deep learning
  • Demonstrate knowledge of different machine learning algorithms

Module 4. Web Analytics

  • Generate specialized knowledge in the use of Web Analytics
  • Examine the evolution and development from its origin to the present day
  • Establish an optimal configuration of Google Analytics, a fundamental work tool in online marketing
  • Analyze web traffic to understand user behavior
  • Develop basic and advanced metrics that will allow us to evaluate hits or interactions with websites
  • Determine monitoring parameters: metrics and dimensions
  • Configure the Google Analytics tool and the use of tracking tags on the website
  • Differentiate between the two existing versions of Google Analytics: UA vs. GA4
  • Identify the the organization and structure of Universal Analytics: accounts, properties and views
  • Analyze user behavior by interpreting predefined and/or customized reports
  • Assess traffic subsets of the total data we see in reports using segments
  • Evaluate conversions by optimizing the marketing strategy and making decisions based on the results obtained

Module 5. Scalable and Reliable Mass Data Usage Systems

  • Establish the concepts of reliability, scalability and maintainability
  • Evaluate relational, document and network models
  • Analyze structured storage in the form of log, B-trees and other structures used in data engines
  • Examine consistency models and their relationship to the concept of replication
  • Understand the different replication models and associated issues
  • Develop the fundamental principles of distributed transactions
  • Examine database partitioning and keys to ensure that they are balanced

Module 6. System Administration for Distributed Deployments

  • Develop requirements for distributed applications
  • Make use of the most advanced tools for the exploitation of distributed applications
  • Analyze the use of tools for infrastructure management
  • Examine the most useful tools for the implementation of IaaS and PaaS models
  • Develop the PaaS model and some of the tools currently used in its implementation
  • Assess monitoring tools oriented to distributed systems
  • Propose verification and testing techniques for distributed platforms
  • Analyze the most used options in the implementation of Cloud platforms

Module 7. Internet of Things

  • Determine what is IoT (Internet of Things) and IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things)
  • Analyze the Industrial Internet Consortium
  • Develop what is the IoT reference architecture
  • Examine and classify IoT sensors and devices
  • Establish the communications protocols and technologies used in IoT
  • Analyze the different types of IoT platforms
  • Develop the various data management mechanisms
  • Establish security requirements for IoT data management
  • Present the different IoT application areas

Module 8. Project Management and Agile Methodologies

  • Present the PMI methodology for project management
  • Establish the difference between project, program and project portfolio
  • Evaluate the evolution of organizations working with projects
  • Analyze which are the assets of the processes in the organizations
  • Examine the matrix of process groups and knowledge areas and analyze its component processes
  • Introduce the PMI family of project management credentials
  • Evaluate the context of Agile methodologies for project management
  • Developing the VUCA context (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity)
  • Identify Agile values
  • Introduce the 12 principles of the Agile Manifesto
  • Analyze the Agile SCRUM framework for project management
  • Develop Scrum pillars
  • Identify and define Scrum values
  • Establish roles in a Scrum team
  • Present the Typified Ceremonies in Scrum
  • Assess the artifacts used by Scrum Teams
  • Analyze Scrum Team agreements
  • Examine the metrics for measuring the performance of a Scrum Team
  • Present the Agile KANBAN Framework for Project Management
  • Analyze the elements that make up the Kanban method: values, principles and general practices
  • Identify and define Kanban values
  • Develop Kanban method principles
  • Analyze the different general practices in the Kanban method
  • Examine metrics for performance measurement in Kanban
  • Identify and analyze the differences between the three methodologies: PMI, Scrum y Kanban

Module 9. Communication, Leadership and Team Management

  • Present the management skills necessary to ensure success in the technology company
  • Proposing a leadership model adapted to change
  • Establish emotional intelligence as a basic management tool in the company
  • Analyze improvement opportunities through mentoring, coaching and their difference
  • Promote a heightened state of consciousness about communication
  • Enhance the satisfaction of people in the company and reduce stress levels, improving workers' relationships with superiors or employees, with customers and even in the personal environment
  • Develop negotiation and conflict resolution strategies in the technology company

Module 10. Leadership, Ethics and Social Responsibility in Companies

  • Analyze the impact of globalization on corporate governance and corporate social responsibility
  • Evaluate the importance of effective leadership in the management and success of companies
  • Define cross-cultural management strategies and their relevance in diverse business environments
  • Develop leadership skills and understand the current challenges faced by leaders
  • Determine the principles and practices of business ethics and their application in corporate decision making
  • Structure strategies for the implementation and improvement of sustainability and social responsibility in business

Module 11. People and Talent Management

  • Determine the relationship between strategic direction and human resources management
  • Delve into the competencies necessary for the effective management of human resources by competencies
  • Delve into the methodologies for performance evaluation and management
  • Integrate innovations in talent management and their impact on employee retention and staff loyalty
  • Develop strategies for motivation and development of high performance teams
  • Propose effective solutions for change management and conflict resolution in organizations

Module 12. Economic and Financial Management

  • Analyze the macroeconomic environment and its influence on the national and international financial system
  • Define the information systems and Business Intelligence for financial decision-making
  • Differentiate key financial decisions and risk management in financial management
  • Evaluate strategies for financial planning and obtain business financing

Module 13. Commercial and  Strategic Marketing Management

  • Structure the conceptual framework and the importance of commercial management in companies
  • Delve into the fundamental elements and activities of marketing and their impact on the organization Determine the stages of the strategic marketing planning process.
  • Evaluate strategies to improve corporate communication and the digital reputation of the company

Module 14.  Define the concept of General Management and its relevance in business management

  • Evaluate the roles and responsibilities of managers in organizational culture
  • Analyze the importance of operations management and quality management in the value chain
  • Develop interpersonal communication and public speaking skills for the formation of spokespersons

A comprehensive program for IT professionals, which will allow them to compete among the best in the sector"

Professional Master's Degree in Technical Management of Data Science in the Company

The digital revolution has transformed the way companies manage their data and make decisions. Data Science has become an essential tool for most business sectors, but its management and direction requires specialized skills and knowledge. That is why the Professional Master's Degree in Technical Management of Data Science in Business has become an excellent option for those computer scientists who want to expand their skills in this field and develop professionally in a highly demanded area.

Study online without neglecting your personal life.

The Professional Master's Degree in Technical Management of Data Science in the Enterprise will allow you to identify the different types of existing data, manage web analytics techniques, deepen in scalable systems and massive use of data or master Agile methodologies. All this learning will be provided by a highly prestigious teaching staff, made up of experts in the management of technological projects who will provide you with the knowledge that will be most applicable in your day-to-day professional life.