
This postgraduate certificate provides a valuable addition to the prior studies of any website engineer seeking high-quality, specialized education in Web Programming Languages"


Nowadays, most companies have their own internet space, where they offer corporate data, contact forms and, in some cases, sales options. In this way, the web allows them to reach a larger number of customers and improve their relationship with them.

This trend has led to a considerable growth in the demand for professionals in web design, development and programming (one of the most important and interesting sectors within the digital field). For this reason, having a good background in this field provides a better outlook for the future. This is a professional sector recommended for people with extensive web design and development management skills. Therefore, a web programmer must be able to competently handle the technical resources needed to tackle professional web-related projects (both the creation and improvement of functionality), of virtually any kind.

This program builds specialist knowledge on web page creation, from the programmer's point of view. In terms of the customer environment, it delves into design and layout (HTML and CSS), including the creation of dynamic pages (JavaScript). Professionals will also work on the server side, using PHP and a database manager (MySQL). Furthermore, different techniques, tools, frameworks and libraries will be used to facilitate many programming tasks, such as the creation of visual effects and the use of complex functions. Finally, various optimization techniques and good programming practices, especially useful during project development will be discussed.

This postgraduate certificate has been created by a team of expert teachers with multi-faceted skillsets and a wealth of experience and specialized knowledge in their respective fields. As it is a 100% online program, the student will not have to neglect their personal or professional commitments. At the end of the program, students will have updated their knowledge and will be in possession of a prestigious Postgraduate Certificate that will allow them to advance personally and professionally.

Deepen your knowledge in the field of computer technologies by incorporating the most advanced aspects of this area of work”

This postgraduate certificate in Web Programming Languages contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The examination of case studies presented by experts in Web Programming Languages
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents which they contain, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be undertaken to improve learning
  • A special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Specialize with the best and acquire the knowledge and skills you need to embark on the study on Web Programming Languages"

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who pour their work experience into this postgraduate certificate program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning designed for real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.   

All the subjects and areas of knowledge have been compiled in a complete and up-to-date syllabus. in order to bring the student to the highest theoretical and practical level"


All the subjects and areas of knowledge have been compiled in a complete and up-to-date syllabus. in order to bring the student to the highest theoretical and practical level"


The objective of this specialization is to train professionals in Web Programming Languages, with the necessary knowledge and skills to perform their work, using the most advanced protocols and techniques available. Through a work approach that is fully adaptable to the student, this postgraduate certificate will progressively lead them to acquire the skills that will propel them to a superior professional level. A unique program designed by professionals with extensive experience in the sector.


In this postgraduate certificate you will be able to combine the efficiency of the most advanced learning methods with the flexibility of a program created to adapt to your schedule, without sacrificing quality"

General Objectives

  • Examine the characteristics of agile project management and determine the differences with predictive or traditional approaches 
  • Assimilate the key principles of agile mindset and practice 
  • Analyze the different agile methodologies and determine the best framework to adopt according to project characteristics 
  • Initiate, plan, execute, monitor, and close an agile project 
  • Lead and differentiate the roles of an agile team and recommend strategies for overcoming the challenges faced by dispersed or offshore agile teams

Specific Objectives

  • Integrate applications developed in PHP with MySQL databases 
  • Master customer interaction process using forms, cookies and sessions
  • Gain specialized knowledge of web application and web page development, both on the client and server side
  • Examine web programming languages and their implementation in development environments 
  • Analyze the different frameworks and libraries for the main web programming languages
  • Determine the different optimization techniques to be considered during the development of any web project

Comprehensive yet focused; this program will provide you with the specific knowledge IT professionals need to compete among the best in the sector”

Postgraduate Certificate in Web Programming Language

In the digital and highly connected world we live in, mastering the web programming language has become essential for those who wish to excel in the field of technology and online application development. At TECH Global University, we present our Postgraduate Certificate in Web Programming Language, specially designed to provide you with the necessary skills to become an expert in web development. The Postgraduate Certificate in Web Programming Language will provide you with the fundamental knowledge in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, the main pillars of web development. You will learn how to create attractive and functional web pages, applying the best design and programming practices. In addition, you will become familiar with the basic concepts of client-server interaction and the development of dynamic web applications. One of the main benefits of our online modality is the opportunity to practice your skills in a controlled online environment. Through practical exercises and projects, you will be able to apply what you have learned in real situations and receive personalized feedback from our expert teachers. This will allow you to improve your web development skills and gain confidence in your technical abilities.

Enroll now and start advancing in your professional path.

Our program is taught online, which offers you the flexibility and convenience of studying from anywhere and at any time that fits your schedule. At TECH Global University, we know that time is valuable, and with our online mode, you can organize your studies according to your personal and professional commitments, without having to sacrifice your academic growth. Don't miss this opportunity to become an expert in the web programming language. Join TECH Global University and acquire the skills you need to excel in the technology field, enroll now and start building your future in web development!