الخبرة العلمية والعملية

  • Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Zaragoza in 1987 and a doctorate from the same University in 2003.
  • Specialist in Livestock Artificial Insemination (1998, General Council of Veterinary Colleges of Spain, the Veterinary Faculty and the General Council of Aragon).
  • Animal Reproduction Specialist (1994, CIHEAM: Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza).
  • Associate professor since 2004 at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) in the subject of Reproduction and Obstetrics, and in the Master of Initiation to research in Veterinary Sciences, in the Department of Animal Pathology.
  • He completes his training in the programs of the Zaragoza Institute of Education Sciences within the field of teaching innovation.
  • Since 2010 he has participated in the subject of "Tutored External Practices of the Degree in Veterinary Medicine" tutoring 4th and 5th year students of the Degree in Veterinary Medicine.
  • Since 2012 she has participated in the Orientation Program of the University of Zaragoza as a tutor for 1st year students.
  • She actively participates as a tutor of final degree projects in the Degree in Veterinary Medicine and as a member of the tribunal of different Doctoral Theses and End-of-Degree and Final Master's Thesis.
البرامج التي يتعاون فيها

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