Gandía , Ana
Collaboration in the UAX HCV Neurology Service in the area of small animals. 2019-2020
كلية الطب البيطري
الخبرة العلمية والعملية
- Veterinary at El Pinar Veterinary Clinic (Navalcarnero, Madrid). Since 2020.
- Graduated in Veterinary Medicine from the Alfonso X El Sabio University in 2020.
- Collaboration as a student in the UAX HCV Neurology Service in the area of small animals. 2019-2020.
- Currently studying the International Improvement Postgraduate Course in "Small Animal Surgery: soft tissues, traumatology and neurosurgery".
- Colvema Course "Diagnosis of alopecia in dogs". September 2020.
- Colvema Course "The canine cutaneous mast cell, how should we act?". November 2020.
- Leganés Norte Veterinary Clinic, as ATV. 2017-2018.