
Become one of the most in-demand professionals of today”


The current social need for professionals specialized in the expertise in legal proceedings requires specific training from an eminently practical perspective, and veterinary medicine is no exception. The current social need for professionals specialized in the expertise in legal proceedings requires specific training from an eminently practical perspective, and veterinary medicine is no exception. The more scientific support a legal decision has, the more justice it will impart. 

This is precisely the reason for the creation of this postgraduate diploma in Civil Veterinary Expertise, in which we count on the collaboration of authors directly related to Judicial Expertise with more than enough professional and teaching experience. Experts from Schools of Legal Practice, University Expert of Access to the Legal Profession, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, who have previously taught Judicial Expert Training Courses in the Veterinary field. 

The postgraduate diploma will analyze in detail all the questions that may arise for a Veterinary Graduate who intends to enter the world of expertise in Courts. The objective of this training is to take the veterinary professionals through a complete development, training them through a solid education to be able to intervene with judgment and responsibility in any legal proceeding to which they may be called. 

Get a complete and adequate qualification in Civil Veterinary Expertise and open new paths to your professional progress"

This postgraduate diploma in Civil Veterinary Expertise offers you the characteristics of a course of a high scientific, teaching and technological level. These are some of its most notable features: 

  • The latest technology in online teaching software 
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand 
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts 
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems 
  • Teaching supported by telepractice 
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems 
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations 
  • Practical exercises for self-evaluation and learning verification 
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the course

With a methodological design that relies on teaching techniques proven for their effectiveness, this postgraduate diploma in Civil Veterinary Expertise will take you through different teaching approaches to allow you to learn in a dynamic and effective way"

Our teaching staff is made up of professionals from different fields related to this specialty. In this way, TECH ensure that we provide you with the up-to-date training we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of professionals trained and experienced in different environments, who will cover the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but, above all, will put the practical knowledge derived from their own experience at the service of the course: one of the differential qualities of this course. 

This mastery of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this postgraduate diploma in Civil Veterinary Expertise. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of E-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, the students will be able to study with a set of comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give them the operability they need in their training. 

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice: with the help of an innovative interactive video system and

Learning from an Expert you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were facing the scenario you are learning at that moment. A concept that will allow students to integrate and memorize what they have learnt in a more realistic and permanent way. 

With the experience of professionals from the judiciary, prosecution, law, veterinary and university fields"


A postgraduate diploma in Civil Veterinary Expertise that will allow you to acquire all the necessary knowledge in this area"


The objective is to train highly qualified professionals for work experience. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping medical professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that, in just six months, you will be able to achieve with a highly intensive and precise course. 


If your goal is to turn your skills towards new paths of success and development, this is the postgraduate diploma for you: a training that aspires to excellence"

General Objectives

  • To become aware of being in possession of the necessary knowledge as a veterinary professional to be able to issue an expert report
  • Know how to project the technical knowledge in the corresponding written opinion with the necessary wording and clarity so that it can be understood by all parties
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge of the legislation on the functions of veterinary experts
  • Examine and analyze specific cases that have been the subject of veterinary expert reports in court and the importance of these reports in resolving the specific case
  • Know the general principles of veterinary law and the different veterinary activities in which they are applied
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge of what an expert opinion is
  • Acquire the necessary skills and abilities to know how the veterinary expert should give an opinion
  • Become aware, in general, of the trial or hearing as one of the moments, probably the supreme one, of the judicial processes
  • Become aware of the possibility of incurring liability as a result of the practice of the veterinary profession and judicial expertise
  • Know the ethics, dignity and professional discipline of the veterinary expert
  • Provide the professional with full knowledge of the operation of the livestock farm and the food industry, from the birth of the animal to its commercialization
  • Knowing the common general principles that all criminal proceedings require in order to lay the foundations that will later guarantee the correct performance of the veterinary testimony or expertise

Specific Objectives

Module 1. General Aspects: Causes and functions of the expert evidence. Legislation and Jurisprudence

  • Know how to respond to questions and objections on method, premises, conclusions and other aspects of the report
  • Be aware of the possibility of a complete exposition of the opinion, when such exposition requires the performance of other operations, complementary to the writing provided, through the use of documents, materials and other necessary elements
  • Be aware of and develop the capacity to respond to possible requests to extend the opinion to other related points, in case it could be carried out at the same time
  • Know the expert's opinion on the possibility and usefulness of the extension, as well as the time required to carry it out
  • Acquire the necessary knowledge of specific cases that have been the subject of veterinary expert reports in court

Module 2. Legal veterinary. Euthanasia. Forensic aspects of veterinary medicine. Anamnesis, Thanatology and Forensic Toxicology. Veterinary Necropsy

  • Understand the meaning of Veterinary Law and know how to apply it in the resolution of problems of a legal nature that arise in the veterinary activity related to the expert activity
  • Know the importance, significance and legal consequences of euthanasia in animals, both in clinical and forensic aspects and in animal experimentation
  • Knowing the different contents of the veterinary forensic activity, as an activity of assistance in the judicial resolution of cases in which the animal, corpse or not, is an expert element. This includes acquiring the ability to follow a protocol for action at the scene, knowing how to properly identify an animal species (observational and molecular methods), knowing the correct way to take biological samples for forensic studies and the importance of a correct planning of the anatomopathological examination to differentiate the different possible pathologies 
  • Know how to differentiate between the different types of death, identifying the evidence prior to death, as well as the different biotic and abiotic phenomena that occur in a corpse
  • Know how to establish the date of death, applying different chemical-physical-biological parameters, being important the knowledge of the insects that act on the corpse (cadaveric entomofauna)
  • Know how to differentiate the different injuries that appear in an animal related to forensic traumatology produced by contusions, weapons, drowning, electricity, lightning, etc.
  • Know the different intoxications that an animal can suffer through the clinical and lesional aspects, as well as the analytical aspects provided by chemistry. Know the different possibilities of chemical-toxicological analysis and the interpretation of the results obtained
  • Know the necessary material to perform a necropsy and the correct, protocolized performance of the same, being able to apply this protocol in the different animal species that can be subject to it

Module 3. Civil Liability of the Expert. Intervention of the Veterinary Expert in Civil Judicial Proceedings

  • Understand the casuistry that may lead to a declaration of civil liability
  • Act duly before the Courts of this jurisdiction, in order to know how to transmit and illustrate to their holders the technical-scientific knowledge of the veterinary expert
  • Know the functions of the agents involved in the civil process (Judges and Lawyers, fundamentally)
  • Be duly prepared for any circumstance that may arise in the civil procedure, knowing in advance the possibilities of action of the agents involved in this type of process
  • Learn how to properly challenge the judgment of other experts

A path to achieve training and professional growth that will propel you towards a greater level of competitiveness in the job market"

Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Veterinary Expertise

TECH Global University offers a complete training in animal medicine concerning judicial evidence in a deep and detailed way through the program of Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Veterinary Expertise. You will understand the basics of working with species, from the legal point of view and civil liability. In this area, specialized professionals are increasingly in demand and require an eminently practical training, in order to be able to position arguments when resolving cases. The set of general principles, ethics and professional discipline on a criminal procedure will lead the graduate to stand out in the labor field.

Be a University Expert as a Judicial Expert online

Three modules will be developed in this academic course, which refer to the generalities, causes and functions of the expert evidence, as well as the existing legislation and jurisprudence related to this field of knowledge; content on veterinary forensics, euthanasia, forensic aspects, anamnesis, thanatology, toxicology and necropsy will also be addressed. In the last cycle, the subject of the expert's civil liability and his intervention in the judicial procedure will be presented. All this is implemented with the objectives of knowing how to project these elements of a technical nature at the time of issuing an expert report correctly and in accordance with the legal provisions in a trial or in judicial proceedings.

Study this postgraduate course 100% online

This curricular plan can be carried out through an e-learning teaching method, which is totally asynchronous and with offline content, to access all the elements in the web classroom, it is only necessary to access from any digital device such as computer, tablet or a smartphone. The system that the student will face throughout the course comprises multiple cases which are simulated, based on real situations in which the student must investigate, establish hypotheses and, finally, solve the situation. For this purpose, there is a faculty of experts in both training and professional practice. Finally, you will find study material, interactive summaries, master classes, testing and retesting and complementary readings.