
Do not miss the opportunity to study this postgraduate diploma in Biodiversity Conservation with us It's the perfect opportunity to stand out and advance your career”


Unlike other training programs, the postgraduate diploma in Biodiversity Conservation approaches wildlife management from an interdisciplinary point of view.

The numerous conventions on Biodiversity Conservation, agreed at the international level since the 1980s, have become the best tool in the fight against the loss of species diversity, and have served as a common link between the effort and commitment of different countries in the appreciation of natural heritage.

This consolidation of efforts and adoption of common international action policies has been shaping the current regulatory framework which, from its origins to the present, has grown to guarantee the main lines of action in this area are regulated.

Wildlife management covers a wide spectrum of lines of research and action, in addition to the study of health surveillance and disease control, which is usually the general line of study in similar programs. However, in the future, veterinary professionals will have to face other lines of work in biodiversity conservation, which are also extensively discussed throughout the syllabus.

Nowadays, it is difficult to find a program like this one, which provides students with specialized education in the use of the most common software in daily practice. Today there are many computer tools available that are considered necessary and that facilitate and increase the level of quality of work.

Species biology is not only based on theoretical knowledge, but also on spatial and geolocalized data. The only way to understand and visualize how species are distributed is by using Geographic Information Systems to represent and model the data.

This complete training program is designed by professors with the highest recognized degree of specialization, thus guaranteeing its quality in all aspects in wildlife, both clinical and scientific. A unique opportunity to specialize in an area where professional positions are in high demand, from the hands of outstanding professionals.

Train with us and learn the concepts associated with wildlife populations and the processes and interactions that take place”

This postgraduate diploma in Biodiversity Conservation contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Wildlife
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional development
  • New developments in Wildlife Management
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Wildlife Management
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This Biodiversity Conservation is the best investment you can make in selecting an up-to-date program in postgraduate diploma”

It includes, in its Teaching staff, Professionals belonging to the veterinary field, who pour into this training the experience of their work, in addition to recognized Specialists from Reference Societies and Prestigious Universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive specialization programmed to learn in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the specialist must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this, the professional will have the help of an innovative, interactive video system made by recognized and experienced experts in Wildlife. 

This program comes with the best educational material, providing you with a contextual approach that will facilitate your learning"


This 100% online postgraduate diploma will allow you to combine your studies with your professional work while expanding your knowledge in this field"


The postgraduate diploma in Biodiversity Conservation is designed to facilitate the performance of veterinary professionals with the latest advances and most innovative treatments in the sector.


You will learn to analyze one of the main threats to biodiversity loss, i.e., invasive alien species, establishing the main lines of action to manage them”

General Objectives

  • Establish the ecological basis to understand the relevant concepts in the area
  • Develop the concepts associated with wildlife populations and the processes and interactions that take place
  • Establish the differences between the types of surrogate species and how to read them as environmental indicators
  • Compile energy flows and processes that take place in different ecosystems
  • Discuss the international regulatory framework of Wildlife Management
  • Examine the main legal implementation tools in biodiversity conservation at the European level
  • Discuss the tools used in the three main areas of biodiversity conservation: sites, species and environmental conservation
  • Establish management mechanisms in line with the regulations discussed
  • Examine the main implementation tools in biodiversity conservation
  • Analyze the main direct and indirect wildlife observation methods
  • Establish the factors necessary to design monitoring programs
  • Develop the main species census methods
  • Choose the appropriate census methodology

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Fundamentals of Ecology

  • Define the different biological indicators associated with the study of animal populations
  • Develop population dynamics through the definition of species life history strategies
  • Establish the critical periods in the life cycle of species and their vulnerability to extinction
  • Study surrogate species, through real examples, and identify differences and similarities between them
  • Define the basics of plant ecology and plant-animal interactions
  • Analyze the structure of ecosystems and the joint action of various factors that influence their development
  • Value the energy flows and cycles that occur in the natural environment

Module 2. Regulatory Bases in Species Conservation

  • Develop the main lines of action at the international level in biodiversity conservation
  • Analyze the objectives of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and its strategy
  • Develop the Convention on Biological Diversity as a basic international reference on biodiversity concerns
  • Establish the Ramsar Convention as a basic tool in the conservation and wise use of wetlands and their resources
  • Analyze the main European directives in the field of biodiversity conservation

Module 3. Wildlife Management

  • Understand the threats and factors that lead to the loss of natural resources and the extinction of species
  • Define the main strategies used in endangered species conservation
  • Compile actions to be carried out on habitats and on each of the links in the chain from diet onwards, framed within on-site  management frameworks
  • Develop captive breeding and reintroductions as two of the main off-site management mechanisms
  • Define the overlap between forest management and species conservation
  • Analyze the problem of invasive alien species and define the main lines of action in this area

Module 4. Wildlife Census

  • Identify fundamental methods and tools used to identify wildlife signs
  • Facilitate understanding of key parameters when designing wildlife census
  • Learn to identify the remains of the main wildlife species
  • Introduce photo-trapping as one of the indirect population monitoring techniques
  • Analyze the adequacy of static versus dynamic censuses according to the target species
  • Determine the key factors in analysing wildlife tracks

Make the most of the opportunity and take the step to get up to date on the latest developments in Biodiversity Conservation" 

Postgraduate Diploma in Biodiversity Conservation

In the current context, the protection of biological diversity is one of the most urgent issues to be addressed. This should not only be approached from the point of view of experts in biology; on the contrary, it is important that actions, plans, proposals and policies aimed at this task are permeated by the diverse perspectives of multiple disciplines. Given the growing role of veterinary professionals in the actions within ecosystems, at TECH Global University we have developed this Postgraduate Diploma in Biodiversity Conservation which, in addition to establishing the ecological basis for the understanding of the essential concepts of this subject, will allow you to know, analyze and become familiar with the different regulations and tools used in the international framework.

Obtain a program and specialize in the protection of biological diversity.

The lines of research and action to address this problem cover a wide spectrum and increasingly require highly trained professionals. In this sense, those who wish to train in this area of knowledge will deepen in the concepts associated with wildlife populations, as well as in the processes and interactions that take place in the ecosystems in which they develop. In addition, they will have the ability to design monitoring programs using the main methods, such as direct and indirect observation, establishing the necessary factors and taking into account the three main axes: spaces, species and environmental prevention.

Specialize in the largest digital university in the world

At TECH Global University we offer you a unique program. You will have the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and skills from an interdisciplinary approach. You will also acquire the necessary skills through the study of real cases and the resolution of complex situations with the use of specific mechanisms and tools that will allow you to perform skillfully in your working life.