
Dr. Rebeca Vera Echevarría is a specialist in Ophthalmology, a discipline she practices in different centers throughout the country. Throughout her professional career, she has studied pathologies such as cataracts and their surgery, ocular appendages or the intravitreal injection technique. Likewise, Dr. Rebeca Vera Echevarría also develops tasks related to refractive surgery and the care of retinal problems, glaucoma, cornea, dry eye, eyelids, orbit, tear ducts, AMD and ophthalmologic pediatrics.

A set of extensive knowledge that has allowed him to congrass in this medical field. For this reason, she combines her work as an ophthalmologist with the dissemination of her knowledge by publishing numerous specialized articles and teaching as an adjunct professor in various educational institutions.

  • Author of numerous specialized publications
  • Graduate in Medicine
  • Specialist in Ophthalmology at the University Hospital Gregorio Marañón
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