
Dr. Patricia Silva Zaragüeta is not only a renowned specialist for her practice in the medical area of Gynecology and Obstetrics, but also for her contributions to science. The results of her thesis focused on the approach to hydrosalpinx through the Essure® device have considerably increased the success of in vitro treatments to 100%, decreasing the surgical risk and avoiding the patient's entrance to the operating room, anesthesia and hospitalization.  

She is also a physician who for years has combined research with practice at La Paz University Hospital, focusing her work, above all, on patients with problems with conception or during pregnancy.  

  • Specialist in Reproductive Medicine at La Paz University Hospital
  • Researcher in the area of Reproduction, Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • Developer of the Essure in vitro fertilization treatment
  • Doctor in Medicine and Surgery from the Autonomous University of Madrid
Programmes in collaboration with

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