
Óscar Arroyo Vega is a renowned Landscape Architect specialized in the integration of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science in landscape design and public space planning. As Co-Founder and Collaborator in an innovative collective, he has led the creation of pioneering approaches that merge Advanced Technology and Sustainability.

His work stands out for its ability to design green environments that integrate harmoniously into the urban and natural context. As such, he stands out for his focus on the Revitalization of Public Spaces to promote social interaction and community well-being. At the same time, his vast expertise in Physical Sciences allows him to address complex challenges with innovative solutions. With this, his creative vision and rigorous technical approach has positioned him as a leading pioneer in the field of Landscape Design.

  • Co-Founder and Collaborator at COMMONAISM COLLECTIVE
  • Landscape Architect specializing in AI and Data Science
  • Master's Degree in Landscape Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia
  • Master's Degree in Landscape and Public Space by the University of Granada
  • Expert in Design Studies ESDi by the Ramon Llull University
  • Expert in Physical Sciences from the University of Barcelona
Programmes in collaboration with

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