
The main objective of these classes is to help the student to acquire the necessary oral skills to be able to certify their level and to promote their personal and professional growth by helping them to achieve success in the mastery of the German language.

A unique program, delivered in telematic and intensive format that will become, a before and after in the student's academic competencies. 

A C1 level in oral German will open professional doors that were previously unimaginable" 

Today, almost all academies and language schools that teach German offer a traditional teaching method, based on the repetition of simple linguistic structures with no connection to adequately structured content or concrete skills. At TECH we want to continue to break down barriers and avoid this ineffective system. For this reason, we have implemented in these language conversation classes a personalized method that allows us to stimulate learning by encouraging imagination and learning through sensory exploration in order to be able to understand and interpret our surroundings.

This system allows the brain to work and learn a second language in the most natural way possible, the same way that we learned our mother tongue. A unique learning methodology, based on the knowledge of native university professors.

Certify your C1 in German for the CEFR thanks to these individual conversation classes that TECH has created for you.
Certify your C1 in German for the CEFR thanks to these individual conversation classes that TECH has created for you.
clase preparación del nivel c1 en francés

It is proven that learning languages increases your intelligence. Learning a foreign language strengthens the brain's neural networks”

José Antonio Marina.
Philosopher, writer and teacher.

A unique and stimulating experience 

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Flexible and Tailored 

Take the best German conversation program, at your own pace based on your personal availability and schedule.

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Acquires Skills and Abilities

With our method you will practice and reinforce the oral communication skills required for this level.

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Join a large community and exchange knowledge and experiences with students from all over the world.


The Language Conversation Classes for Level C1 in German are designed with the overall objective that the student acquires the necessary oral skills to face the exam that accredits their level before the CEFR and pass it through practice, training, repetition, personalized follow-up, intensity and teaching excellence of the TECH method. Upon completion of the program, the student will be able to speak fluently in German and will be able to use the skills acquired in different environments. 

Your goals and TECH's goals come together and materialize in these conversation classes of high curricular value"

General Objectives

  • Use the language learned as a means of communication and personal expression, both in class and in everyday situations, whether face-to-face or virtual
  • Understand, interact and express oneself orally in a simple but appropriate and effective way in these situations
  • Approach the most relevant social aspects of everyday life situations and use the most usual forms of social relations and treatment
  • Use the linguistic resources necessary to get by in these situations
  • Strengthen the learner's initial motivation, looking for opportunities to use the new language, including those offered by the new information and communication technologies
  • Acquire tools that enable the student to assess and improve their own learning and use of the language

Specific Objectives

  • Understand enough to meet basic needs, identify the communicative intent, subject matter, main points, and formal and informal register, within the standard, of short, clear and simple messages, in context and on familiar topics
  • From conversations and/or directed activities, extract the essential information and main points on contextual everyday matters, pronounced clearly, in good acoustic conditions and provided that some more difficult parts can be listened to again
  • Interpret, in texts, the conventions and features of the genre to which they belong that are idiosyncratic of Hispanic culture, by searching for historical and cultural references, etc.
  • Interpret the message of the text, identifying the main ideas, secondary ideas and details, as well as the relationships established between all the elements
  • Transfer information without the risk of data loss, reconstruct or repair poorly constructed or structured texts, save possible omissions, losses, etc., due to problems in the transmission or reception of speech
  • Adopt a critical attitude in the interpretation of texts, using one's own reference system and competences
  • Produce understandable, appropriate and coherent speech to fulfill basic communication functions and those related to their interests
  • Use a basic but sufficient linguistic repertoire to make oneself understood, although with still very limited control, with a need for pauses, rephrasing, gestures and graphic support
  • Carry out, without much effort and in an efficient manner, simple exchanges and actively participate, with the help of interlocutors, in conversations related to usual communication situations, personal or professional, carried out in the standard language
  • Learn the sociocultural aspects and social conventions that have the greatest impact on daily life, as well as those related to one's own field, in order to translate them into behavior and communication
  • Recognize and use the most common forms of greeting, courtesy, and treatment
  • Use, in general, a standard language register of basic but careful formality and informality. Recognize some very frequent colloquial expressions, as well as elementary cultural references related to everyday life
  • Understand gestures, behaviors and values that are different from one's own that underlie the most obvious, everyday socio-cultural aspects
  • Achieve a sufficient repertoire of linguistic exponents for the functions of the level and use correctly the "formulas" and structures learned
  • In language construction, achieving limited control, with the possible systematic errors of the level
  • Pronounce clearly and understandably even if the foreign accent is evident
  • Write with correct spelling the common language practiced

C1 German Individual Online Conversation Classes

Certifying yourself as an advanced German speaker is one of the best ways to access a world of unimaginable possibilities in terms of professional growth, travel and personal relationships. If you already have a considerable command of this language, don't miss the opportunity to make this achievement a reality by qualifying yourself in an innovative and effective way that is revolutionizing the language teaching landscape. This is the C1 German Individual Online Conversation Classes taught by TECH Global University through a completely online format and based on the development of conversations with native teachers during one-hour sessions over four months. This personalized and flexible teaching model, which has already helped many professionals pass their advanced German certification exam, is the next step in achieving your goals. We have a unique multilingual team capable of enhancing your language skills in a simple and efficient way.

Prepare yourself in German C1 with online classes

The advantage of our course over similar academic options is that you will be able to interact directly with a knowledgeable German speaker through individualized lessons in which you can receive feedback on the specific aspects you need to work on. Several studies in the field of neurolinguistics have shown that a person who wants to learn a new language obtains better results, both by listening to conversations (gradually adapting the ear to the phonetics and vocabulary) and by practicing them. Do you want to become more fluent in the second most spoken language in Europe? Enroll in our individual classes. We guarantee you an enriching experience that will bring out your potential as a bilingual, giving you solid speaking skills thanks to the simulation of real-life situations and tips for successfully taking your CEFR certification test. Looking for a high level of comprehension and speaking skills or to familiarize yourself with the grammar and vocabulary of more specific environments, commonly used by native speakers? Then these classes are for you.