
Physiotherapists specializing in sports nutrition will be better able to offer comprehensive advice to improve athletes' performance"


Athletes who visit physiotherapists, either as a preventive measure or because they have suffered an injury, demand professional and increasingly personalized advice that allows them to return quickly and safely to physical activity. Therefore, specialists in this field have realized the importance of expanding their field of knowledge to other related areas, and are currently seeking programs that help them improve their knowledge in sports nutrition, which is essential to complement the practice of physical exercise, since food provides the energy needed to carry it out. 

For this reason, TECH has decided to bring together a high quality teaching team, with years of experience in the sector, who have compiled the most complete information available, so that students have immediate access to all the academic resources that will be useful to improve their skills and, therefore, the treatment provided to the clients who come to their offices. Accordingly, the program provides a global vision of sports nutrition, while focusing on the most important and innovative aspects: invisible training or proper diet for athletes, and nutrition before, during and after exercise. Additionally, it includes information related to professionals with different personal situations and different sports activities, specifying in each case the best dietary recommendations, with the objective that the physiotherapist has a complete knowledge that allows them to adapt to each user during the development of their daily practice. 

TECH presents an innovative study method, in which practice is the key to learning, so it combines theoretical resources with a multitude of practical cases, which allows for contextual learning that will place students in real environments, as if they were facing day-to-day cases in their practice. And all this in a 100% online format, which will allow students to study from anywhere in the world, without having to make unnecessary trips to a physical classroom, which will allow them to self manage their study time as they wish.  

A unique, indispensable study opportunity in the professional development of physiotherapists that will make a difference in their training, allowing them to excel in a highly competitive field that must also adapt to changes in society and nutritional trends. In short, a high quality advanced master’s degree for professionals seeking excellence.  

Expand your training with this sports nutrition program and advise your clients more effectively" 

This advanced master’s degree in Comprehensive Sports Nutrition contains the most complete and up to date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software  
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Practical cases presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by remote training
  • Continuous updating and retraining systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self evaluation and learning verification  
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Complementary resource banks that are permanently available

A highly comprehensive program with a multitude of case studies that will make studying more understandable" 

The teaching staff for this program is composed of practicing professionals. This way, TECH can fulfill the objective of academic updating that it has set for itself. A multidisciplinary staff of experienced professionals from a variety of environments, who will develop theoretical knowledge in an efficient manner, but above all, will put at the service of the students practical knowledge derived from their own experience.   

This command of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this Grand Master. As such, it was developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts and integrates the latest advances in educational technology, allowing students to study with a range of convenient and versatile multimedia tools that will give them the operational skills they need for their training.   

The design of this program is based on Problem Based Learning, an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, TECH will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative interactive video system and Learning from an Expert, students will be able to acquire the knowledge as if they were facing the scenario they are currently learning. A concept that will allow students to integrate and memorize what they have learnt in a more realistic and permanent way.   

Study with the latest educational technology available today"


Specializing in sports nutrition will allow physiotherapists to adapt exercises and diets to the particular needs of each athlete"


This TECH program has been specifically designed for physiotherapists, who increasingly find the need to further their training in the field of sports nutrition in order to improve their counseling programs and make them more complete by unifying dietary advice with exercise. This way, professionals will be able to create work plans adapted to each athlete, taking into account their physical characteristics and the sporting goals they want to achieve.    


Be able to provide nutritional advice tailored to the needs of athletes thanks to this comprehensive program”

General Objectives

  • Update the professional's knowledge of new trends in human nutrition. 
  • Promote work strategies based on the practical knowledge of the new trends in nutrition and their application to athletes 
  • Encourage the acquisition of technical skills and abilities, through a powerful audiovisual system, and the possibility of development through online simulation workshops and/or specific training
  • Encourage professional stimulation through continuous education and research
  • Train the professional for research into patients with nutritional problems
  • Handle advanced knowledge on nutritional planning in professional and non-professional athletes for the healthy performance of physical exercise
  • Manage advanced knowledge on nutritional planning in professional athletes of various fields in order to achieve maximum sports performance
  • Learn advanced knowledge about nutritional planning in professional athletes from team sports to achieve the highest sports performance
  • Manage and consolidate the initiative and entrepreneurial spirit needed to launch projects related to nutrition in physical activity and sport
  • Know how to incorporate the different scientific advances into one' s own professional field
  • Ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment
  • Advanced understanding of the context in which their area of expertise is being developed
  • Manage advanced skills in the detection of possible signs of nutritional changes associated with sports activities
  • Manage the necessary skills through the teaching-learning process that will allow them to continue training and learning in the field of sports nutrition, both through the contacts established with professors and professionals in the program, as well as on their own 
  • Specialize in the structure of muscle tissue and its role in sports
  • Know the energetic and nutritional needs of athletes in different pathophysiological situations
  • Specialize in the energetic and nutritional needs of athletes in the different situations specific to age and gender
  • Become a specialist in the dietary strategies for the prevention and treatment of injured athletes
  • Specialize in the energetic and nutritional needs of child athletes
  • Specialize in the energetic and nutritional needs of Paralympic athletes

Specific Objectives

  • Analyze the different methods for assessing nutritional status
  • Interpret and integrate anthropometric, clinical, biochemical, hematological, immunological, and pharmacological data in the patient's nutritional assessment and dietary-nutritional treatment
  • Early detection and evaluation of quantitative and qualitative deviations from the nutritional balance due to excess or deficiency
  • Describe the composition and utilities of new foods
  • Explain the different techniques and products of basic and advanced nutritional support related to the athlete’s nutrition 
  • Explain the correct use of ergogenic aids
  • Explain the current anti-doping regulations
  • Identify psychological disorders related to the practice of sport and nutrition.
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the structure of skeletal muscle
  • Understand in depth the functioning of skeletal muscle
  • Deepen understanding of the most important changes that occur in athletes
  • To delve into the mechanisms of energy production based on the type of exercise performed
  • Further understanding of the interaction between the different energy systems that make up the muscle energy metabolism
  • Interpretation of biochemical factors to detect nutritional deficits or overtraining states
  • Interpretation of the different types of body composition in order to optimize the appropriate weight and fat percentage for the sport being practised
  • Monitoring of the athlete throughout the season
  • Plan seasonal periods according to their requirements
  • Deepen understanding of the most important characteristics of the principal watersports
  • Understand the demands and requirements associated with sports activities in aquatic environments
  • Distinguish between the nutritional needs of different watersports
  • Differentiate between the main performance limiting factors caused by climate
  • Develop an acclimatization plan appropriate to the situation given
  • Deepen understanding of the physiological changes caused by high altitude
  • Establish the correct individual hydration guidelines according to the climate
  • Differentiate between the different types of vegetarian athletes
  • Gain a in depth understanding of the main mistakes made
  • Treat the notable nutritional deficiencies of sportsmen and sportswomen 
  • Manage skills to provide the athlete with the most effective tools to combine foods
  • Establish the physiological and biochemical mechanism of diabetes both at rest and during exercise
  • Deepen the understanding of how the different insulins or medications are used by diabetics
  • Assess the nutritional requirements for people with diabetes both in their daily life and in exercise, to improve their health
  • Deepen the knowledge necessary to plan nutrition for athletes of different disciplines with diabetes, in order to improve their health and performance
  • Establish the current state of evidence on Performance Enhancing Drugs in diabetics
  • Deepen understanding of the differences between the different categories of para athletes and their physiological-metabolic limitations
  • Determine the nutritional requirements of the different para-sportsmen in order to establish a specific nutritional plan
  • Further the knowledge necessary to establish interactions between the ingestion of pharmaceuticals in these athletes and nutrients, to avoid nutrient deficits
  • Understand the body composition of para athletes in different sport categories
  • Apply current scientific evidence on nutritional performance enhancing drugs
  • Establish the different characteristics and needs within sports by weight category
  • Understand in depth the different nutritional strategies for preparing the athlete for competition
  • Optimize the improvement of body composition through nutritional approach
  • Explain the specific physiological characteristics to be taken into account in the nutritional approach of different groups
  • Understand, in depth, the external and internal factors that influence the nutritional approach to these groups
  • Determine the different phases of the injury
  • Help in the prevention of injuries
  • Improve the prognosis of the injury
  • Develop a nutritional strategy to meet the changing nutritional requirements during the injury period.

Acquire advanced knowledge of nutrition, and apply the most appropriate diets for each athlete"

Advanced Master's Degree in Integral Sports Nutrition

In recent years, the pace at which people seek to improve their lifestyle and physical condition has grown due to the number of users who are introduced to the practice of sport. However, in the face of the lack of knowledge on the subject, it is necessary to have the support of various professionals who can guide the process and ensure an optimal experience. In this sense, the consultations of physiotherapists become a fundamental option for the prevention and treatment of injuries. At TECH Global University we have designed the Advanced Master's Degree in Comprehensive Sports Nutrition, a postgraduate course specifically designed so that you can expand your knowledge in order to improve your counseling programs and complement them from a global vision that unifies dietary advice with exercise. In this way, you will be able to provide athletes with adapted work plans that take into consideration their physical characteristics and the sporting goals they want to achieve in order to provide the greatest number of benefits.

Specializing in sports physiotherapy in nutrition

If one of your goals as a physiotherapist is to train in new techniques and methods to offer a quality service that can optimize the experience of your clients in their sports processes, this program is for you. With this Postgraduate Certificate, you will interpret the different methods of body composition with the aim of adapting the weight and fat percentage of the patient to the sport they practice; you will detect nutritional deficits or states of overtraining and establish strategies according to the new nutritional requirements that appear during the period of injury or muscle recovery. Thus, you will handle the most advanced knowledge for the nutritional planning of professional and non-professional athletes for the healthy performance of physical exercise. With the support of experts in the area, innovative methodologies focused on online learning and a specific study plan, you will be able to access the best educational materials from anywhere and from any device at your disposal. With this Professional Master's Degree you will have at your fingertips new skills that will allow you to perform effectively and stand out in this sector.