
The latest advances in the area of optical technologies and clinical optometry compiled in a highly efficient postgraduate diploma that will optimize your effort with the best results”

Continuous training in the latest optometric technologies and treatments is essential in professional updating, preparing to take on jobs that are increasingly integrated into the healthcare system, both public and private.

Contact lenses are one of the disciplines with the highest degree of specialization in optics and optometry. Conventional adaptations for compensation of spherical and cylindrical ametropia are generally performed by optometrists, but special adaptations require a high degree of specialization.

The postgraduate diploma in Advanced Contactology covers the main fields of action for optometrists, always with the highest level of updating and with a first class teaching staff. The study plan has been designed from the perspective and experience of experts highly specialized in their modules, and immersed in the clinical world, which has led us to know the current and future training challenges.

This postgraduate diploma has been clearly and robustly directed to the clinical field, preparing students to develop in this field with extensive theoretical and practical knowledge in optometry.

Students will follow modules, each of them structured in 10 topics. Each topic consists of a theoretical introduction, explanations by the professor, activities, etc., in such a way that learning becomes an enjoyable journey to high-level knowledge in Optical Instrumentation and Clinical Optometry.

In conclusion, this postgraduate diploma provides professionals with the theoretical and clinical knowledge necessary to address any of the specialties within Optics and Optometry, as well as opening the door to clinical research.

This postgraduate diploma in Advanced Contactology. Surgery Procedures and the the Latest Advances in Instrumentation will help you keep up to date in order to provide comprehensive quality care to patients”

This postgraduate diploma in Advanced Contactology. Surgery Procedures and the Latest Advances in Instrumentation offers you the advantages of a high-level scientific, teaching, and technological training. These are some of its most notable features: 

  • More than 100 clinical cases presented by experts in the different specialties
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The latests developments in Advanced Contactology. Surgery Procedures and the Latest Advances in Instrumentation
  • The presentation of hands-on workshops on procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques
  • An algorithm-based interactive learning system for decision-making in the clinical situations presented throughout the course
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This postgraduate diploma is the best investment you can make when choosing a refresher program to expand your existing knowledge in Advanced Contactology. Surgery Procedures and the Latest Advances in Instrumentation”

The teaching staff is made up of professionals belonging to the field of  Advances in Contactology and Surgery Procedures and the Latest Advances in Instrumentation, who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training experience designed to train for real-life situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, where the medical professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the course. For this purpose, the specialist will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in treating patients in children with extensive experience.

All the necessary methodology for non-specialist medical professionals in the field of clinical optometry, in a specific and concrete postgraduate diploma"

We have the best didactic material, an innovative methodology and a 100% online training, which will facilitate your study"


This postgraduate diploma is designed to effectively update physician knowledge in order to provide quality care based on the latest scientific evidence that guarantees patient safety.

If you are looking for success in your profession, we can help you achieve it. We offer you the most complete training on Optical Technologies and Clinical Optometry"

General Objectives

  • Cope with the fitting of all types of contact lenses
  • Advise patients in optical centers about the different procedures and their indications
  • Know in detail the technical characteristics, indications for use and limitations of different devices specifically designed for ocular analysis 
  • Learn the instruments for measuring tear quality and quantity, characterization of the cornea and sclera, measurement of the anterior chamber and the iridocorneal angle, etc., so that the professional who completes this program will know the latest instruments for measuring ocular structures

Specific Objectives

  • Detailed knowledge of the ocular surface and tears, as this is the medium through which the contact lenses will be fitted
  • In-depth knowledge of the different topographic maps and their clinical application in contactology
  • Become familiar with the use of the biomicroscope for the study of ocular health prior to fitting and its subsequent evaluation
  • Learn how to fit rigid gas permeable contact lenses in regular corneas
  • Learn how to fit, not "put in", soft contact lenses. Many of the adaptations currently being made are not optimal. The contact lens specialist will learn how to make fittings as personalized as possible
  • Become familiar with all possible solutions for irregular corneal adaptations and know the criteria to choose the best alternative
  • Handle the basics of orthokeratology and the adaptation of this type of lenses
  • Learn how to assess fitting and monitoring
  • Learn the main aspects that make for a different orthokeratology adaptation in high myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia
  • Learn how to use the tools currently available to control the progression of myopia
  • Master the fitting of multifocal lenses and know how to improve and optimize a fitting by means of defocus curves and lens power profiles
  • Solve the most frequent complications found in contact lens fittings
  • Identify ocular conditions that make it inadvisable to use contact lenses or find the best alternative for that condition
  • In-depth understanding of ocular optics and how to act on it to adjust refraction by modifying corneal power
  • In-depth understanding of ocular optics and how to act on it to modify refraction with intraocular lenses
  • Handle the excimer laser and ablation profiles according to the refraction being treated
  • Study the different techniques of corneal refractive surgery
  • Describe the preoperative tests necessary for surgical indication in corneal refractive surgery
  • Manage the role of the optometrist in the preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative process in corneal refractive surgery
  • Deepen in the postoperative medical treatment in corneal refractive surgery
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the normal evolution and complications in corneal refractive surgery
  • Study the techniques used in intraocular refractive surgery
  • Describe phakic lenses, their indications and necessary preoperative testing
  • Describe lenses for Pseudophakic eyes, their indications and necessary preoperative testing
  • Specialize in the surgical procedure of clear lens and cataract surgery
  • Learn how to perform ocular biometry and intraocular lens calculation for clear lens and cataract surgery
  • Apply the different formulas for calculating the pseudophakic intraocular lens in normal eyes
  • Deepen in the special procedures for calculating the pseudophakic intraocular lens in eyes that have previously undergone corneal refractive surgery
  • Have a comprehensive knowledge of medical and optometric treatments after surgery 
  • Describe the main complications that can occur in intraocular refractive surgery
  • Become familiar with the methods and instrumentation necessary for the characterization of the ocular lacrimal layer
  • Describe the instruments used to measure optical parameters and corneal morphology
  • Precise knowledge of the instruments necessary for the characterization of the sclera
  • Describe the techniques and instruments for measuring the irido-corneal angle
  • Introduce the instruments for intraocular pressure measurement
  • Deepen in the instruments used for the visual  field evaluation
  • Describe the instrumentation used for optic nerve evaluation
  • Describe ocular biometry and its use in Optometry

A path to achieve training and professional growth that will propel you towards a greater level of competitiveness in the employment market"

Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Contactology. Procedures in Surgery and Latest Advances in Instrumentation.

Due to the great interest of the general population in addressing their care practices, contactology stands out as one of the most important optometric specialties nowadays. This situation has generated an exponential increase in labor demand for professionals with expertise in this field of medicine. However, the growth of occupational opportunities in the sector is accompanied by greater demands regarding the degree of preparation, updating and knowledge of optometrists focused on the area. Understanding this situation and the role of academic training as an indispensable tool for an optimal insertion into this growing labor field, at TECH Global University we have designed our Postgraduate Diploma program in Advanced Contactology, Procedures in Surgery and Latest Advances in Instrumentation. In this postgraduate course, the professional will be updated on the following topics: the identification of the different solutions and alternatives in the adaptation of contact lenses to irregular corneas; and the possibilities present in the formulation of multifocal soft lenses in the control of cases of myopia.

Study an online Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Contact Lensology

The proper development of a surgical process in the area of optometry requires a high degree of precision in the procedure, in addition to a complete management of the different tools available to the professional in charge. In our program you will learn about the most recent methodological advances applied to the field of optometric surgery, contemplating the new possibilities of development of the sector, as well as the most advanced technologies of recent insertion in the area. Likewise, in this postgraduate course you will delve into the modernization of the following concepts: the various aspects and formulas to be considered in the proper planning of an intraocular lens implantation procedure; and the identification of the new types of lasers used in the processes and techniques of corneal refractive surgery.