
Learn in a few weeks of intensive work, the management of the specific tools in this field of Economic Journalism”  


Economic journalism requires journalists to master economic terminology and models, as well as the tools of communication in different media (written or audiovisual). Therefore, the field in general is looking for professionals trained in this specific subject and who have a broad knowledge of banking economics.

As one of the areas most consumed by the general public and possessing disruptive potential, economics is one of the most needed topics in the media. However, not just anyone can tackle this type of article. Therefore, TECH has created this program in order to provide informative tools on current economic models.

The professional will find inside information on the history of the sector and its transformation over the years. The importance of regulation and how it regulation and how it impacts daily activity. All this through audiovisual resources, complementary readings and exercises based on real cases, focusing the learning on the Relearning methodology and leaving behind the traditional academic model.

This complete program in Economic Journalism in Banking will open up your professional career in a highly specialized sector”

This postgraduate certificate in Economic Journalism in Banking contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Economic Journalism
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments  
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This training will be a before and after in your competitiveness as a journalist”   

The team of professors of the Professional postgraduate certificate in Economic Journalism has extensive experience in teaching at the university level, both in postgraduate and graduate programs. In addition, they offer to the Postgraduate Certificate in Economic Journalism in Banking in their vision as active professionals, which allows them to know, first hand, the deep transformation that the communication sector is undergoing.

The methodology of the programs offered at TECH Global University, in online format, allows students to break down the barriers imposed by work obligations and the difficult balance between work and personal life. Attending face-to-face classes is practically impossible for those who are involved in the daily demands of work. That is why this Professional

postgraduate certificate is the quality answer to your educational needs.
All this educational compendium makes this a postgraduate certificate of expertise and compiles all the aspects that are relevant and essential to turn the Journalism professional into an authentic expert in the fields related to this type of information. 

An exceptional opportunity to study with a high-quality program and the prestige of the largest online university in the world"


With professors who are experts in this area of work, this program is a unique opportunity for professional development"


Get started with the postgraduate certificate in Economic Journalism in Bankingand acquire all the resources, the communicative modes and the tools of economic information in the audiovisual media. For this purpose, we have developed the essential theoretical content that will provide the student with the knowledge and tools necessary to move on to practice, which will be developed intensively throughout the program.


Get to know in a complete and professional way the specific ways of working in banking journalism, with this high impact program” 

General Objective

  • Improve the quality of financial journalism Training preparing people capable of understanding, analyzing, interpreting and reporting on financial processes in the country and the world.

Specific Objectives

  • Qualify journalists specialized in financial topics who can understand and analyze the facts with rigor
  • Improve the ability to synthesize and interpret economic data for the objective elaboration economic news
  • Better understand the financial sector, its history, the current context and the communicative levers to be able to elaborate economic news
  • Improve the quality of economic information disseminated by the media

Improve the quality of financial journalism by training people capable of understanding, analyzing, interpreting and reporting on financial processes in the country and the world"

Postgraduate Certificate in Economic Journalism in Banking

Economic journalism in banking plays a key role in reporting on events, trends and developments in the financial sector. Economic journalists specializing in banking are tasked with unraveling the complexity of the economy and translating it into accessible and relevant information for the public. In this sense, banking and economic journalism are constantly and significantly intertwined in today's world. If you want to specialize in this innovative field, at TECH Global University you will find the Postgraduate Certificate in Economic Journalism in Banking that will help you fulfill this purpose. To make this program a unique and easily accessible experience, we have structured all classes in a 100% online format, where you will be able to flexibly schedule them according to your needs and have at your disposal a state-of-the-art multimedia content. In this way, you will have the opportunity to acquire essential skills to perform effectively in economic journalism in banking.

Qualify yourself in the world's largest online Faculty of Journalism and Communication

This comprehensive TECH program is an investment in your professional future, as it will allow you to differentiate yourself and stand out in the job market. As you progress through the syllabus, you will delve into the structure and functioning of the banking sector, as well as the critical analysis of the economic and financial factors that influence banking decision-making. Similarly, you will learn about banking regulation and macroeconomic policies, as well as the latest trends in fintech and digital banking. In short, this program represents an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge in the banking sector and economic journalism, acquire skills highly valued by employers and access new job opportunities. What are you waiting for to enroll? Do it now and start building your professional future in the financial sector. You will be able to communicate clearly, accurately and effectively the most relevant economic and financial information. We are waiting for you!