
It analyzes the new requirements and advances of the Railroad System from a dynamic perspective and is backed by the extensive experience of excellent teaching staff" 


The railroad was not born from a spontaneous idea, but after a long process to improve the transportation of coal that began in the 17th century. In those days, the tracks were built with wooden beams that were supported and nailed to sleepers. Over time, this system has evolved and received greater support from state governments. This has favored its path to becoming an environmentally sustainable means of transport, something very much in demand in today's industry. Thus, it has become a fundamental requirement for engineers in this area to continue their academic studies and specialize in a field with a great international projection.

This Professional master’s degree explores the engineering and operation of railroads from a traditional, technical and operational perspective, but taking into account the current international context, which establishes new specific requirements for professionals in this sector. Special emphasis is placed on the new trends and technologies towards which the railroad is moving, in order to increase its technical efficiency and its service to society. Likewise, an analysis of the new safety requirements that are substantially conditioning the design and operations of the Railroad Systems is proposed.

The program is applicable in all geographical areas related to railroads, with a clear international dimension. We have taken into account specific aspects of railroad networks, projects and services that represent an outstanding reference in the railroad field and therefore are of great interest for the student. The Professional master’s degree has been planned in a practical way, so that the contents can be directly applied in the different professional fields of the railroad.

New technologies play an important role in this program. The railroad sector requires professionals who, already having technical competence in the traditional aspects of the sector, are familiar with, and know, the new challenges that the railroad is facing. For this reason, this program incorporates specific modules on research, development and innovation in the sector and on the digital transformation it is undergoing, all of which are key elements in the new strategy to be followed.

With the graphic and practical content, this Professional master’s degree provides students all the knowledge they need in their daily work day"

This Professional master’s degree in Railroad Systems contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include: 

  • Improve professional skills in the field of railroad systems
  • Update and focus the student's company's strategies in these terms
  • Demand new requirements in the technology acquisition processes
  • Add value to the technical projects to be developed by student's companies and organizations
  • The graphic, schematic, and eminently practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Have access to a program that is applicable in all geographical areas related to railroads, and has a clear international dimension”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.

Become a professional in the railroad sector by possessing the technical competencies in the traditional aspects of the sector"


Apply the new concepts of safe design and modifications in the Railroad System in service to your professional field"


In order to acquire the competencies that the student needs to gain up-to-date knowledge in this sector, a program has been designed to deepen understanding of the key aspects of Railroad Systems. The knowledge gained in throughout the course will help the professional from a global point of view, with comprehensive training to help them achieve the proposed objectives. You will develop your skills in pursuit of reaching an eminently technological objective, gaining up-to-date knowledge of current trends in Railroad Systems.


Implement new strategies to manage the needs of the technological modernization of the Railroad System, fulfilling a series of objectives that will boost your professional career" 

General objectives

  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the different technical concepts of the railroad in its different fields
  • Know the technological advances that the railroad sector is experiencing mainly due to the new digital revolution, but without forgetting the traditional approaches on which this mode of transport is based
  • Understand the changes in the industry that have triggered the demand for new technical requirements
  • Implement strategies based on the technological changes that have arisen in the sector
  • Gain up-to-date knowledge in all aspects and trends of railroads

Specific objectives

Module 1. The Railroad and Its Engineering in the Current Context

  • Analyze the position of the railroad with respect to other modes of transportation, identifying its main advantages and areas for improvement
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the current structures and organizations on which the railroad sector is based (regulators, railroad managers, industry, institutions, groups, etc.)
  • Discuss in detail the main technological trends that the sector is currently experiencing
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the characteristics of the different railroad operating systems, the main technical areas in the infrastructure and rolling stock
  • Establish the technical interactions between infrastructure and rolling stock, as well as the existing technical criteria and conditions for the design of Railroad Systems
  • Explain different worldwide references in terms of railroad networks, infrastructures and technical projects with high impact on the sector

Module 2. Electric Traction Energy

  • Make an exhaustive analysis of the main technical aspects of electric traction energy in railroads, highlighting the most important milestones and their current situation
  • Specify the technical characteristics of the installations associated with the electric traction energy according to the different Railroad Systems
    Gain a deeper understanding of the specific aspects related to the electric braking systems used on trains and their strategic importance for the railroad infrastructure
  • Establish the technical characteristics of the different components that make up the railroad electrical system, including a detailed analysis of it
  • Address the particularities of electrification in direct current and single-phase alternating current, emphasizing their operational advantages and disadvantages
  • Analyze the characteristics that the engineering project associated with the traction electric power installations must have
  • Direct the student in the practical application of the content presented

Module 3. Control, Command and Signaling (CCS)

  • Explain in a clear and structured way the main technical aspects of the installations associated with railroad control, command and signaling
  • Specify the technical characteristics of the different components that make up the CCS system
  • Provide an in-depth breakdown of the specific characteristics of ERTMS and CBTC signaling systems, as the newest standardized systems in the current context
  • Specify in detail the technical characteristics of the CCS installations according to the different Railroad Systems
  • Analyze the characteristics that the engineering project associated with CCS installations must have
  • Direct the student in the practical application of the content presented

Module 4. Telecommunications

  • Identify the main technical aspects of the railroad telecommunications in the current moment
  • Specify the technical characteristics of the different components that make up fixed railroad telecommunications
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the technical characteristics of the different components that make up the rail mobile telecommunications, including future migration to the FRMCS standard
  • Reflect on how telecommunications on the railroad is currently focused on a commercial business where third parties use the railroad's own infrastructure
  • Analyze the characteristics that the engineering project associated with telecommunication installations must have
  • Direct the student in the practical application of the content presented

Module 5. Civil Infrastructure

  • Gain deeper understanding of the interaction of the vehicle with the civil infrastructure, analyzing in detail the dynamic phenomena that occur, in order to determine the design parameters of the platform and the rest of the components
  • Specify the technical characteristics of the different components that make up the infrastructure subsystem, such as platform, tunnels, bridges and viaducts
  • Specify the characteristics of the road as the main component of the civil infrastructure Taking into account its traditional typology as a ballastless track, analyzing the different elements involved
  • Establish the characteristics of the track devices, highlighting the turnouts, switches and crossings, as well as other auxiliary elements associated with the operation of the track
  • Address the technical characteristics of the civil infrastructure according to the different Railroad Systems
    Integrate the concept of infrastructure resilience to external events, analyzing its current importance in the strategy of railroad infrastructure management companies
  • Direct the student in the practical application of the content presented

Module 6. Rolling Stock

  • Perform an in-depth study of the main technical aspects of rail vehicles
  • Explain in a clear and structured way the technical characteristics of the different components that make up the railroad rolling stock
  • Specify the technical characteristics of railroad dynamics from a rolling stock point of view
  • Analyze the aspects governing the maintenance of railroad vehicles
  • Direct the student in the practical application of the content presented

Module 7. Risks and Safety

  • Make the student reflect on the importance that this aspect has nowadays in railroad engineering and operation
  • Master the various regulations governing the application of this type of process on the different railroad systems and subsystems undergoing a change that may have safety implications
  • Specify the different agents involved in the risk and safety management process
  • Gain in-depth knowledge in the different steps to be followed to apply the process on the design of a system or in the case of a modification when it is already in service
  • Apply the concepts learned in a practical way in real cases

Module 8. Operation

  • Establish the main technical aspects of rail operation activities at the present time
  • Specify the main factors affecting rail traffic regulation, including the corresponding capacity analyses
  • Analyze the particularities of passenger and freight rail transport
  • Address the economic criteria currently governing the management of railroad companies, both in terms of infrastructure management companies and railroad transport companies
  • Make the student reflect on the importance of energy consumption in the railroad sector and how energy efficiency measures need to be incorporated into the
  • business strategy, while analyzing each of these measures
  • Specify how the different operational incidents in the service should be managed through plans, resources and decision centers
  • Analyze the scope of safety and civil protection in the railroad sector, specifying the different plans, resources and decision centers

Module 9. Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I)

  • Make the student reflect on the importance of developing a business strategy based on research, development and innovation in railroad technology, identifying the new technological challenges posed
  • Analyze the current situation with respect to research, development and innovation programs, as well as the different policies and strategies to promote and finance them
  • We will place special emphasis on the different phases and stages of the research, development and innovation process, including the management of the final results obtained
  • Specify, for each technical area analyzed, the particularities in terms of research, development and innovation, highlighting the main lines of work, associated initiatives and existing working groups
  • Address the most disruptive Railroad Systems, i.e., those that do not use traditional techniques for their operation, such as magnetic levitation systems and those based on the new Hyperloop concept

Module 10. The Digital Revolution in Railroads

  • Reflect on the technological evolution of the railroad, including the new digital revolution it is currently undergoing
  • Analyze the different digital technologies applicable to the railroad sector, specifically detailing the most strategic ones
  • Master the application of new digital technologies in different areas of the railroad, identifying the associated improvements: traction energy, passenger stations, railroad logistics, maintenance and traffic management
  • Reflect on the importance of cybersecurity in the railroad sector
  • Analyze digitization programs and strategies in different world railroads

With a methodology based on practical cases, it meets the objectives that will help you grow in a highly demanded sector at a global level" 

Professional Master's Degree in Railway Systems

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Railway technology has been adapting to the needs of many medium and large cities around the world. Its importance is linked to the existing connection chains between national and transnational borders, where part of the economy of each country is based and policies are built, so that in this way these projects continue to be beneficial in the communication and stability of the variants of this type of infrastructure. Undoubtedly, this transportation network contributes to the needs and energy plans designed in a global and local agenda, which invites the reduction of environmental pollution being this the most environmentally friendly means of mobility. That is why the Professional Master's Degree in Railway Systems TECH focuses on training professionals with the fundamental tools to understand and perform a critical analysis in relation to this enriching technological and industrial field.

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This program is developed over one year and consists of ten modules, in which we delve into the railroad and its engineering in the current context, traction electric power, control, command and signaling (CMS), telecommunications, civil infrastructure, rolling stock, risks and safety, operation, research, development and innovation and the new digital revolution in this system. All of the above was designed with the objectives of deepening the different technical concepts of the sector due to the technological scientific progress, without leaving aside the traditional approaches on which this transport model is based. All this is possible with the methodology used by TECH which is based on e-learning, in which the contents are given in the asynchronous and offline modality, allowing flexibility in the schedule and place of study. In the Professional Master's Degree the students will face multiple simulated cases, based on real situations, so that in this way they can investigate, create one or more hypotheses and finally provide a solution to the problem.