
You will learn how to delve deeper into the BIM concept and make the decision on which commercial software to use"


The BIM methodology basically consists of the creation of a collaborative work platform that allows all the actors involved in the road project to have coherent and grouped information available.

BIM must be implemented in the different phases of the road. In construction, it is usually simpler as it does not start from a pre-existing information structure. For this reason, we devoted detailed attention to the implementation of the BIM methodology in an infrastructure already in service, something that is particularly new in this type of study.

Since the use of BIM has a greater background in other types of infrastructures, a specific topic has been included that addresses this knowledge in order to facilitate the student's learning process through the observation of other experiences.

In the last block, which contains three units, the student will delve deeper into the concepts of the digital twin, awaken interest in other skills that highway professionals should have, such as the use of databases, programming concepts centered on Python, or Big Data techniques. Finally, the block reviews the main 3D visualization technologies such as 3D printing, virtual reality/augmented reality or point cloud.

As it is a 100% online Postgraduate Certificate, it provides the student with the ease of being able to take it comfortably, wherever and whenever they want. All you need is a device with internet access to take your career one step further. A modality in accordance with the current times with all the guarantees to position the professional in a highly demanded area such as road construction. 

Highways are an indispensable part of the transportation network, both for people and goods. These transportation routes have been indispensable since the origins of civilization, since they encourage the progress of peoples” 

This postgraduate certificate in BIM for Roads contains the most complete and up-to-date syllabus on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • Case studies presented by experts in Highway Engineering 
  • A deeper understanding of the management of resources for highway projects 
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

With this high-level program you will learn how to approach BIM implementation in both projects and pre-existing infrastructures" 

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities.

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide an immersive training program designed to train in real situations.

This program is designed around Problem Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic year. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts. 

As it is an online program, you can study wherever and whenever you want. You will only need an electronic device with internet access.


A high quality program that will allow you to acquire in-depth knowledge of everything related to BIM for Roads.


The postgraduate certificate in BIM for Roads is designed for students to acquire the in-depth skills required to perform various functions oriented to the management and design of road projects. To this end, we offer a comprehensive syllabus with quality content and highly qualified management that will seek to help the professional achieve all their objectives, therefore, improving not only their qualifications, but also their rank in the sector. 


An intensive and highly effective program that will allow professionals to make a qualitative leap in their professional practice in the sector"  

General Objectives

  • Master the different life phases of a highway, and the associated contracts and administrative procedures, both at national and international level 
  • Develop detailed knowledge of how a company is managed and the most important management systems
  • Analyze the different phases in the construction of a highway and the different types of bituminous mixes
  • Detailed knowledge of the factors that affect the safety and comfort of the road, the parameters that measure it and the possible actions for its correction
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of the different tunnel construction methods, the most frequent pathologies, and how to establish a maintenance plan
  • Analyze the singularities of each type of structure, and how to optimize its inspection and maintenance
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the different electromechanical and traffic installations in tunnels, their function, operation and the importance of preventive and corrective maintenance
  • Analyze the assets that comprise a road, what factors should be taken into account in inspections, and what are the actions associated with each one of them 
  • Accurately understand the life cycle of the road and associated assets
  • In-depth breakdown of the factors that affect occupational risk prevention 
  • Know the fundamental aspects of the operation of a road in detail: applicable regulations, processing of files or authorizations
  • Understand how a predictive traffic model is performed and its applications
  • Mastering the fundamental factors that affect Road Safety  
  • Understand precisely how winter maintenance is organized and managed
  • Analyze the operation of a Tunnel Control Center and how the different incidents are managed
  • Know in detail the structure of the Operation Manual and the actors involved in tunnel operation
  • Break down the conditions for defining the minimum conditions under which a tunnel can be operated, and how to establish the associated methodology for fault resolution
  • In-depth understanding of BIM methodology and how to apply it to each phase: design, construction and maintenance and operation
  • Make a comprehensive analysis of the most current trends in terms of society, environment and technology: connected vehicle, autonomous vehicle, Smart Roads
  • Have a firm grasp on the possibilities that some technologies are offering. In this way, combined with the student's experience, it can be the perfect alliance when designing the actual application or improving existing processes

Specific Objectives

  • Gain insight into the BIM concept and distinguish it from simply deciding which commercial software to use
  • Delve into the different levels of implementation
  • Be prepared to address BIM implementation in both projects and pre-existing infrastructure
  • Analyze the technologies that complement the BIM philosophy

During the course, innovative contents about BIM for Roads will be addressed, which will provide the student with in-depth knowledge in this sector" 

Postgraduate Certificate in BIM in Roads

If ancient civilizations could leave architectural wonders such as the pyramids, Machu Pichu or Chichen Itza without any advanced machinery, what could modern engineering not do with the use of technologies that even allow virtual simulations? This is the approach of the Postgraduate Certificate in BIM in Roads offered by TECH Global University, an approach to one of the most fundamental methodologies for the planning and development phase of projects involving civil engineering. Do you want to overcome the complexities inherent in the realization of a public road as an expert, help optimize infrastructure in the transport system, get large-scale tenders? Then we are your best option in the educational market. We have a 100% online teaching system that contains innovative dynamics of great academic prestige such as the relearning process. If contributing to urban development and excelling as an engineer is your goal, you are in the right place.

Study a Postgraduate Certificate on BIM in roads

CAD is a well-known tool within the world of architecture that has long facilitated the design of 2D and 3D plans. The advancement of both knowledge in construction and in the digital media environment, soon showed the limitations of the program. Fortunately there are complementary alternatives: BIM (Building Information Modeling), a multidimensional methodology that integrates elements such as time and costs into its databases, as well as helping to reduce conflicts, provide a detailed design vision and improve productivity. Throughout our Postgraduate Certificate we will deepen you in the management of this system with a full focus on highway construction. The syllabus, broken down into ten thematic units, covers everything from project documentation to new technologies such as 3D printing. If you aspire to make your name synonymous with unbeatable infrastructures, take heart and find out why we have the largest online Faculty of Engineering in the world.