
Include in your skillset the broadest and most up-to-date knowledge in the educational care of pre-school students and take a leap forward in your professional competencies”


The teacher who works with such young children needs a complete set of knowledge that allows them to distinguish the different cognitive and learning styles, so that they can give appropriate responses to each one of them, differentiating very well which ones are and which are not.

This program will provide all the knowledge that the teacher who works in the first cycles of the students' schooling will need in the context of educational attention. In this sense, throughout this program, the professional will be able to include in their knowledge the new advances that have arisen in recent years.

All this conglomerate of knowledge will be presented through the virtual campus, which can be accessed 24 hours a day. In addition, it has high-impact audiovisual resources, complementary readings and practical exercises, based on the Relearning learning model.

In this sense, this professional master’s degree becomes an opportunity for the educator who wants to learn about the latest and most recent aspects included in pedagogy. All this in a 100% online program that can be developed from any device with an Internet connection, without having to attend presential centers.

In this professional master’s degree, teachers will find the necessary tools to boost their capacity to intervene in early learning difficulties”

This professional master’s degree in Pre-School Education contains the most complete and up-to-date educational program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of practical cases presented in simulated scenarios by experts in the field of study, where the student will evoke in an orderly manner the knowledge learned and demonstrate the acquisition of the competencies
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • The latest news on the educational task of the early childhood education teacher
  • Practical exercises where the students undergo the self-assessment process to improve learning, as well as activities at different skill levels
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies and teaching research
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

We offer you the best teaching methodology with a multitude of practical cases so that you can develop your study as if you were facing real cases”

It includes in its teaching staff professionals belonging to the field of Pre-School Education, who bring to this preparation their work experience, as well as recognized specialists from reference societies and prestigious universities.

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow professionals to learn in a contextual and situated learning environment, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive specialization for real situations.

The design of this program focuses on Problem-Based Learning, by means of which teachers must try to solve the different professional practice situations that are presented to them. To do so, they will have the help of an innovative interactive video system created by recognized experts in Pre-School Education, and with great experience.

Acquire and integrate into your teaching work the educational tools and strategies in relation to the educational needs in the pre-school classroom"


Immerse yourself in the study of this complete program and get ready to compete with the best"


The program in Pre-School Education is oriented to develop in the students the skills required for the exercise of their profession. For this, TECH Global University offers the most complete specialization from the hand of leading experts in the field.


Advance your career by integrating new mental and practical tools that will facilitate and boost your daily practice”

General Objective

  • Develop in professionals the specific knowledge and skills to perform their work in the field of early childhood education with total guarantees of quality, so that their students are able to advance in their educational process

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Early Education

  • Know the latest research on child development
  • Build an overall view of the developmental processes that compose it
  • Understand the factors that affect children during the first years of life
  • Identify the main processes and stages of psychological development throughout the life cycle
  • Analyze and evaluate the developmental characteristics
  • Identify the demands, problems and differences of the human being in the different stages

Module 2. Learning Difficulties I

  • Provide students with an overview of the learning difficulties that can be found in the classroom
  • Detect the different difficulties that students may present
  • Distinguish the concepts, problems and learning difficulties
  • Know the different learning styles and cognitive styles
  • Prevent learning difficulties before they occur
  • Intervening before the different learning problems

Module 3. Learning Difficulties II

  • Study the specific theory for Pre-School Education
  • Identify the different learning difficulties
  • Analyze the different learning disorders
  • Know how to recognize specific learning disorders
  • Know the different affective difficulties
  • Stablish family-school relationships

Module 4. Personalized Education. Anthropological, Philosophical, and Psychological Foundations

  • Acquire the necessary tools for reflection
  • Awake professional and intellectual concerns in order to learn to be good professionals
  • Get to know the different pedagogical foundations of education
  • Identify the different learning situations in personalized education
  • Develop the necessary tools for a good organization of from center
  • Internalize teacher education for a good educational response

Module 5. Self-knowledge and Personal Autonomy in Pre-School Education

  • Know, understand and assist in the emergence of self-knowledge
  • Lay the foundations of their self-concept and self-esteem is one of the most beautiful tasks of the Pre-School Education teacher
  • In addition, aspects facilitating the development of autonomy in the classroom and some key elements for the process of separation-individuation will be addressed
  • As a whole, this course will address these aspects and how they intersect in order to have a holistic view of the process at this educational stage
  • Identify warning signs about the student's level of self-esteem
  • Gain knowledge about the assessment of self-concept

Module 6. Equality and Diversity in the Classroom

  • Know the different terms closely related to each other and their application in the classroom
  • Detect possible factors of school failure
  • Acquire the necessary tools to avoid school failure at school
  • Detect the signs of possible bullying at school
  • Develop tools to promote inclusive and intercultural schools
  • Obtain the skills to work with different ICT
  • Identify the different disorders in schools
  • Develop psychomotor functioning in Pre-School Education

Module 7. History, Current Situation and Future Outlook of Special Education

  • Offer a global vision of Special Education
  • Analyze how the evolutionary trajectory of this education has been and what is the current panorama and the new paradigms that continue to be formed

Module 8. Behaviour and Learning Difficulties

  • Study the basic aspects of the most common behavioral and learning disorders in the Pre-School Education stage
  • Acquire the necessary tools to be able to detect, understand and intervene in these disorders

Module 9. Education of Children with Disabilities or Developmental Difficulties

  • Learn to identify the personal educational needs of students with disabilities or developmental difficulties and detect warning signs and how to prevent and intervene with at-risk learners

Module 10. Education of High-Capacity Children

  • Get to know the intervention strategies for the development of students with high abilities, as well as the different enrichment and creativity development proposals

Become a high school teacher and take a step forward in your professional career”

Professional Master's Degree in Pre-School Education

Education is one of the fundamental pillars in the lives of children, since it contributes to their physical, social, emotional and intellectual development. In addition, it is what helps to form their identity, personality and in the future their labor and professional profile. At TECH we have the largest school of education in the world, so you can specialize and become an expert with our Professional Master's Degree in Pre-School Education. Professionals will receive high-quality education, and will have the necessary skills to address various situations that boost the growth of their students.

Obtain an online Professional Master's Degree

At TECH Global University we offer you a completely online education, so you can manage your schedules and available spaces as it best suits you. Also, we provide you with the most complete and up-to-date program in different branches; this includes the development of practical cases to face real cases, theoretical lessons and graphic content, as well as continuous participation with experts in discussion forums and knowledge of the latest developments on educational phases.

An essential Professional Master's Degree for teachers


Teaching professionals who wish to enhance their skills and maximize their job profile, will find in TECH the best opportunity for growth tailored to their requirements, since they will be able to obtain a continuous updating of knowledge. In addition, they will have a broad mastery of new technologies applied to teaching, in a period of 1,500 hours.