
A comprehensive program created to take you to the next level in the field of university teaching and research and to help you instill your passion for learning in your students"

This advanced master’s degree in  University Teaching and Research in Education has among its objectives the promotion and strengthening of the competencies of teachers in the university environment, taking into account the most current tools oriented to higher education. In addition, one of the most important aspects of university professors is the promotion of scientific research among young people, so this specialization has an important focus on this discipline.

Active teaching methodologies and techniques, quality and evaluation models in education, the phases of programming and implementation of educational projects that are followed in different centers or the tools and resources that exist to carry out the practice of university teaching, are just some of the topics on which this specialization focuses. In addition to this, he has extensive knowledge of the basics of educational research, as well as advanced methods and techniques for the development of scientific research at the university level.

Throughout this specialization, the student will learn all of the current approaches to the different challenges posed by their profession. A high-level step that will become a process of not only professional but also personal improvement. In addition, at TECH we assume a social commitment: to help highly qualified professionals to specialize and to develop their personal, social and labor competencies during the course of their training. 

We will not only take you through the theoretical knowledge, but we will show you another way of studying and learning, more organic, simpler and more efficient. We will work to keep you motivated, create in you a passion for learning and push you to think and develop critical thinking. 

This advanced master’s degree is designed to give you access to the specific knowledge of this discipline in an intensive and practical way. A great value for any professional. 

Furthermore, as it is a 100% online specialization, the student decides where and when to study. No fixed schedules and no obligation to move to the classroom, which facilitates the reconciliation with family and work life.

Professors must update their teaching skills to advance their career. In this advanced master’s degree we give you the keys to university teaching and research in an intensive and complete training program”  

This advanced master’s degree in University Teaching and Research in Education contains the most complete and up-to-date academic program on the university scene. The most important features of the program include:

  • The latest technology in e-learning software 
  • Intensely visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand 
  • The development of practical case studies presented by practising experts 
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems 
  • Teaching supported by telepractice 
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems 
  • Self-regulated learning: full compatibility with other occupations 
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification 
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums 
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection 
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after completing the program

A program created for professionals who aspire to excellence that will allow you to acquire new skills and strategies in a smooth and effective way”

Our teaching staff is made up of working professionals. In this way, , we ensure that we provide you with the training update we are aiming for. A multidisciplinary team of doctors with training and experience in different environments, who will develop the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but above all, they will bring their practical knowledge from their own experience to the course.

This command of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design of this Grand Master. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the necessary skills you need for your specialization.  

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice. With the help of an innovative interactive video system and Learning from an Expert, you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were actually dealing with the scenario you are learning about. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way. 

A high-level scientific specialization, supported by advanced technological development and the teaching experience of the best professionals"

A deep and comprehensive dive into strategies and approaches in university teaching and research"


The objective of this advanced master’s degree is to specialize highly qualified professionals for workplace. An objective that is complemented, moreover, in a global manner, by promoting human development that lays the foundations for a better society. This objective is focused on helping professionals reach a much higher level of expertise and control. A goal that you can take for granted with a high-intensity and high-precision specialization.  

If your goal is to improve in your profession and to acquire a qualification that will enable you to compete among the best, then look no further: welcome to TECH” 

General Objectives

  • Encourage skills and competences in university teachers 
  • Understand the most up to date tools for working as a teacher in the university field 
  • Learn how to motivate your students to take an interest in continuing their studies and entering into the field of research 
  • Get up to date on the changes taking place in the field of education 
  • Training professionals for the practice of research in education 
  • Learn how to carry out specific programs to improve school performance 
  • Research forms and processes in education in the school environment
  • Analyze and integrate the knowledge necessary to foster students' school and social development   

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Active Methodologies and Didactic Techniques

  • Achieve student self-motivation 
  • Understand the methodology adapted to professors and their needs 
  • Know how to choose the methodology best suited to the context in which the teaching process takes place 
  • Learn about the most innovative strategies and tools that use a variety of resources 

Module 2. Higher Education

  • Understand the principles and objectives that led to the emergence of higher education institutions worldwide 
  • Learn to reflect on the new pedagogical, technological and social needs that universities need to respond to 

Module 3. Quality Models and Quality Assessment in Education

  • Learn to improve your knowledge on the workings of the institution itself, and teaching and learning processes 
  • Learn to collect information on whether they are achieving their learning objectives or not 
  • Know how to introduce measures for timely improvement to prevent student underachievement and school failure 

Module 4. Programming and Implementing Educational Projects

  • Acquire the skills needed in a specific field of knowledge 
  • Conduct a detailed study of the educational project followed in the center 
  • Know the different types of the most important educational projects that are being developed both nationally and internationally 
  • Learn the most important aspects to take into account in the programming and implementing of educational projects 

Module 5. Teacher Tools and Resources for Teaching and Learning

  • Learn to select those strategies, resources and tools that have been applied in education 
  • Know how to present and incorporate new methodologies, resources and techniques which allow the teacher to anticipate new challenges 
  • Work on the teaching of tomorrow so that it can integrate educational change will inevitably go hand in hand with new social and technological developments 
  • Prepare students for a changing and more uncertain environment 
  • Learn to incorporate activities such as the use and enjoyment of new technologies and social networks, gamification in teaching, as well as online educational platforms 

Module 6. Introduction to Teaching Skills

  • Learn how to make a broad, objective and experience-based description of the skills that every teacher must develop and strengthen before and during their work in the classroom 
  • Know how to analyze all the educational stages in which the teacher is involved, as well as the skills that all current teachers should possess 
  • Review the educational laws up to the present day 
  • Recognize different tools and strategies for analysis and assessment of the teaching profession a means to improve and perfect it 

Module 7. Skill Based Learning in the University Field

  • Know how to direct students' efforts towards new approaches to education 
  • Pursue competency-based learning, where knowledge is combined with its application in practical, diverse, changing and realistic situations 
  • Incorporate skill-based work 

Module 8. Educational Research Methodology

  • Know how to develop attitudes and skills for scientific research as an essential requirement to contribute to the progress and welfare of society 

Module 9. Fundamentals, Processes and Methods in Research

  • Determine the elements and sequence that should be followed in the methodological design of educational research, in order to frame it within the scientific procedure 
  • Knowledge and work with basic concepts of descriptive statistics 
  • Become familiar with univariate and bivariate descriptive statistics 
  • Acquire skills and interpret a frequency table, a bar chart and some descriptive indexes 
  • Analyze and interpret qualitative data 
  • Acquire skills and interpret contingency tables as a tool for descriptive analysis of the relationship between variables 
  • Know and handle specific computer programs used in the area that help to analyze and interpret the results obtained 

Module 10. Experimental Research: Design as a Model

  • Know and be able to apply experimental scientific methodologies in research 
  • Know how to carry out an experimental investigation, following the phases and the approach of the same one 
  • Differentiate the different experimental designs and be able to apply them correctly 
  • Experimental rigor 
  • Apply the correct statistical analysis for each type of design 
  • Analyze and contrast the data obtained in the empirical setting correctly 

Module 11. Techniques and Instruments for Data Collection in Qualitative Research

  • Know the techniques for categorizing, analyzing and summarizing qualitative information 
  • Knowing the quality of the instruments 
  • Identify and properly use the instruments used to collect information 
  • Adequately record the information obtained through the observation technique 
  • Know the ethics of qualitative information 

Module 12. Computer Resources for Educational Research

  • Ethical and legal use of information 
  • Know the process of scientific publication 
  • Communicate and disseminate information 
  • Manage computer resources for quantitative data 
  • Manage computer resources for qualitative data 

Module 13. Data Collection Techniques and Instruments and Measurement

  • Learn basic psychometric concepts 
  • Knowing the research process 
  • Acquire skills for the collection of information using quantitative techniques
  • Acquire knowledge for the process of elaboration of instruments
  • Learning to analyze the reliability and validity of an instrument 
  • Handling and interpreting psychometric test scores 

Module 14. Item Response Theory (IRT)

  • Familiarity with IRT for the development and study of the data collection instrument 
  • Introduce the student to the basic concepts of IRT 
  • Understanding of the different models for item analysis 
  • Know how to apply the different models for item analysis 
  • Analyze the quality of measurement instruments through the IRT premises 
  • Apply this theory to other measurement processes in education

Module 15. Multivariate Analysis

  • Become familiar with multivariance analysis 
  • Know the models of techniques and procedures that study the interrelationships between variables 
  • Being able to describe the pattern of behavior of the observed variables 
  • Study the differences between groups 
  • Know how to apply the techniques that comprise multivariate interdependence models 
  • Interpret contingency tables 

Module 16. Direction of Thesis and Scientific Research, Guidance to University Students

  • Know how to direct and orientate your students interested in scientific research 
  • Acquire the resources to carry out not only effective, but also enjoyable and motivating work 
  • Discover the importance of motivation and orientation of students interested in investigation 
  • Acquire the knowledge and practical tools to carry out research guidance with complete confidence 

Module 17. Innovation, Diversity and Equity in Education

  • Focus your knowledge on innovation, diversity and equity in education 
  • Provide the student with all the necessary material to study through a series of activities for reflection, research and inquiry 
  • Learn to implement innovative educational plans in your respective centers and classrooms 

Module 18. Talent, vocation, and creativity

  • Identify the nature of talent 
  • List the characteristics of talent  

Our goal is to help you achieve yours, through a very unique program of specialization that will become an unparalleled professional growth experience"

Advanced Master's Degree in University Teaching and Research in Education


The professional training of future generations is a task that, in addition to demanding a great social responsibility, requires solid competencies in methodological matters. In TECH Global University we have wide recognition in the higher education sector, therefore, as experts in the field, we know how essential it is to transmit to a future graduate the specific knowledge in a thorough, dynamic and easy way, in order to motivate him/her to constant self-improvement. Do you want to be part of this vocational orientation? The Advanced Master's Degree in Teaching and University Research in Education is the qualification opportunity you have been looking for. Through the syllabus, you will explore the active teaching methodologies and techniques, the models of quality and evaluation in education, the phases of programming and implementation of educational projects that are implemented in the centers and the tools or resources that exist to carry out university teaching. By taking this Postgraduate Certificate, you will obtain multiple benefits for your career, on the one hand, you will acquire the necessary skills to enrich the formative process of students, and on the other hand, you will be able to enter a sector with a wide variety of job offers.

Qualify as a university teacher with this Advanced Master's Degree


Do you want to improve your professional career but don't have enough time? At TECH, that's not a problem, our classes are virtual and self-managed. Here, we have a unique methodology and innovative documentation banks available at all times. In our curriculum, you will find fundamental topics ranging from active methodologies and teaching techniques, educational quality models, project programming and implementation and teaching tools or resources for teaching, to competency-based learning in the university environment, research methodology and its related processes: descriptive, univariate and bivariate statistics, frequency table and bar chart. In addition, you will learn about experimental inquiry, techniques and instruments for data collection in qualitative and quantitative research, as well as computer resources for multivariate analysis. In this way, you will be able to plan specific programs that improve academic performance, as well as direct theses or scientific research papers.