Why study at TECH?

You will learn to establish the indications for the use of different diagnostic imaging techniques for orthopedic problems”


Veterinarians face new challenges every day in treating their patients. The Professional master’s degree in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals comprises a complete and up-to-date educational program including the latest advances in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep), Camelids (Camels, Alpacas and Llamas), Swine (Pigs, Wild Boars) and Equidae (Horses, Donkeys and Mules) 

The theoretical and practical content has been chosen taking into account its potential practical application in daily clinical practice. Furthermore, the audiovisual material collects scientific and practical information on the essential disciplines for professional practice. 

In each topic, practical cases presented by experts in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals have been developed, with the objective of the practically applying the knowledge acquired. In addition, students will participate in a self-evaluation process to improve their learning and knowledge during their practical activities. 

The teaching team of the Professional master’s degree in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals has programmed a careful selection of techniques used in the diagnosis and treatment of limping in ruminants (cattle, sheep), camelids (camels, alpacas, llamas), swine (pigs, wild boars) and equidae (horses, donkeys and mules), including the description of musculoskeletal surgery interventions and rehabilitation in those species with which they work.

The teaching surgeons of this Professional master’s degree are Graduates of the European or American College of Veterinary Surgeons and have extensive experience both in the university field and in private practice. In both areas, they are responsible for large animal surgery services in leading veterinary centers and most of them direct residency programs, Master's Degree programs and research projects.

All of these elements mentioned above make this Professional master’s degree a unique specialization program, exclusive and different to all the courses offered in other universities.

Do not miss the opportunity to take this Professional master’s degree with TECH. It's the perfect opportunity to advance in your veterinary career"

This Professional master’s degree in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • Practical cases presented by experts in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional development
  • Latest innovations in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Special emphasis on innovative methodologies in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

This Professional master’s degree is the best investment you can make when choosing a refresher program to update your existing knowledge of Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals”

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive learning programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the specialist must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the professional will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals. 

This program comes with the best teaching material, providing you with a contextual approach that will facilitate your learning"


Thanks to its online modality, you will be able to study wherever and whenever you want, with the help of professionals in the sector"


The structure of the content has been designed by the best professionals in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals sector, with extensive experience and recognized prestige in the profession, backed by the volume of cases reviewed, studied, and diagnosed, and with extensive knowledge of new technologies applied to veterinary medicine.


This Professional master’s degree in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market”

Module 1. Diagnosis of Lameness in Large Animals: Ruminants, Swine and Equidae 

1.1. Medical History 

1.1.1. Basic Information 
1.1.2. Current Problem 
1.1.3. Importance of Conformation Thoracic Limbs Pelvic Limbs Back Digits 

1.2. Static Physical Examination 

1.2.1. Observation 
1.2.2. Palpitation 

1.3. Dynamic Physical Evaluation 

1.3.1. Basic Biomechanical Characteristics 
1.3.2. Examination Protocol 
1.3.3. Lameness of the Thoracic Limbs 
1.3.4. Lameness of the Pelvic Limb 
1.3.5. Types of Claudication 
1.3.6. Compensatory Lameness 
1.3.7. Classification 
1.3.8. Flexion Test 

1.4. Diagnostic Anesthesia 

1.4.1. Types of Local Anesthetics 
1.4.2. General Considerations 
1.4.3. Perineural Anesthesia 
1.4.4. Intrasynovial Anesthesia 
1.4.5. R ecommended Action Protocols 
1.4.6. Interpretation of Results 

1.5. Analysis and Quantification of Movement 

1.5.1. Kinetic Study 
1.5.2. Kinematic Study 

1.6. Radiological Examination 

1.6.1. General Considerations 
1.6.2. Main Findings and Interpretation 

1.7. Ultrasound Examination 

1.7.1. General Considerations 
1.7.2. Main Findings and Interpretation 

1.8. Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Techniques 

1.8.1. Magnetic Resonance 
1.8.2. Computerized Tomography 
1.8.3. Gammagraphy 

1.9. Introduction to Treatment 

1.9.1. Conservative Medicine Therapies 
1.9.2. Surgical Management 

1.10. Clinical Examination in Ruminants, Swine and Camelids 

1.10.1. Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep) and Camelids (Camels, Alpacas and Llamas) 
1.10.2. Swine (Pigs, Wild Boar) 

Module 2. Main Musculoskeletal Pathologies in Large Animals: Ruminants, Swine and Equidae 

2.1. Articular Pathology 

2.1.1. Classification 
2.1.2. Etiology 
2.1.3. Main Joints Affected in Sport Horses 
2.1.4. Diagnosis 
2.1.5. Treatment Management 

2.2. Maladaptive Bone Pathology 

2.2.1. Etiology 
2.2.2. Diagnosis 
2.2.3. Treatment Management 

2.3. Tendon Pathology 

2.3.1. Etiology 
2.3.2. Main Areas Affected in Sport Horses 
2.3.3. Diagnosis 
2.3.4. Treatment Management 

2.4. Ligament Pathology 

2.4.1. Etiology 
2.4.2. Main Areas Affected in Sport Horses 
2.4.3. Diagnosis 
2.4.4. Treatment Management 
2.5. Muscular Pathology 

2.5.1. Etiology and Classification 

2.5.2. Diagnosis 
2.5.3. Treatment Management 

2.6. Head, Dorsum and Pelvis Pathologies

2.6.1. Cervical Pathology 
2.6.2. Thoracolumbar Pathologies 
2.6.3. Lumbosacral Pathologies
2.6.4. Sacroiliac Pathology 

2.7. Podotrochlear Pathologies. Palmar Hoof Pain 

2.7.1. Etiology 
2.7.2. Clinical Signs 
2.7.3. Diagnosis 
2.7.4. Treatment Management 

2.8. Conservative Therapy and Therapeutic Farriery 

2.8.1. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatories 
2.8.2. Corticosteroids 
2.8.3. Hyaluronic Acid 
2.8.4. Glycosaminoglycans and Oral Supplements 
2.8.5. Bisphosphonates 
2.8.6. Polyacrylamide Gel 
2.8.7. Other Treatments 
2.8.8. Therapeutic Farriery 

2.9. Regenerative Biological Therapy 

2.9.1. Use of Mesenchymal Cells 
2.9.2. Autologous Conditioned Serum 
2.9.3. Autologous Protein Solution 
2.9.4. Growth Factors 
2.9.5. Platelet-Rich Plasma 

2.10. Main Musculoskeletal Pathologies in Ruminants, Camelids and Swine 

2.10.1. Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep) and Camelids (Camels, Alpacas and Llamas) 
2.10.2. Swine (Pigs, Wild Boar) 

Module 3. Arthroscopy, Bursoscopy and Tenoscopy in Large Animals: Ruminants, Swine and Equidae 

3.1. Fundamentals and of the Arthroscopy Technique. Arthroscopy Instruments and Equipment

3.1.1. Start of Veterinary Arthroscopy
3.1.2. Arthroscopy Specific Material
3.1.3. Arthroscopy Technique Patient Preparation Insertion and Position of Instruments Triangulation Technique Arthroscopic Diagnosis and Techniques

3.2. Arthroscopic Indications and Technique for the Metacarpus/Metatarsophalangeal Joint

3.2.1. Indications
3.2.2. Arthroscopic Exploration of the Dorsal Recess and Palmar/Patellar Recess
3.2.3. Arthroscopic Surgery of the Distal Dorsal Recess Fragmentation and Osteochondral Fragments Use of Arthroscopy in the Treatment of Condylar Fractures and First Phalangeal Fractures Villonodular Synovitis

3.2.4. Arthroscopic Recessopalmar/Plantar Surgery Removal of Osteochondral Fragments

3.3. Indications and Arthroscopic Technique of the Carpus

3.3.1. Indications
3.3.2. Arthroscopic Exploration of the Antebrachiocarpal Joint (Radiocarpal)
3.3.3. Arthroscopic Examination of the Intercarpal Joint
3.3.4. Arthroscopic Surgery of Antebrachiocarpal and Intercarpal Joints Fragmentation and Osteochondral Fragments Ligament Lacerations Biarticular Fractures

3.3.5. Arthroscopic Examination of the Carpal Joint in Ruminants

3.4. Arthroscopic Indications and Technique for the the Distal and Proximal Interphalangeal Joint

3.4.1. Indications
3.4.2. Arthroscopic Exploration of the Distal Interphalangeal Joint
3.4.3. Arthroscopic Surgery of the Distal Interphalangeal Joint Removal of Osteochondral Fragments Subchondral Cysts of the Third Phalange

3.4.4. Arthroscopic Examination of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
3.4.5. Arthroscopic Surgery of the Proximal Interphalangeal Joint
3.4.6. Arthroscopic Examination of These Joints in Ruminants 

3.5. Arthroscopic Indications and Technique for the Tarsocrural Joint

3.5.1. Indications
3.5.2. Arthroscopic Examination of the Dorsal Recess and Palmar Recess
3.5.3. Arthroscopic Surgery of the Dorsal Recess and PalmarPatellar Recess Osteochondritis Dissecans Fractures Collateral Ligament Injuries

3.5.4. Arthroscopic Examination of the Tarsocrural Joint in Ruminants

3.6. Arthroscopic Indications and Technique for the Patellofemoral Joint and Femorotibial Joints

3.6.1. Indications
3.6.2. Arthroscopic Examination of the Patellofemoral Joint
3.6.3. Arthroscopic Surgery of the Patellofemoral Joint Osteochondritis Dissecans Fragmentation of the Patella

3.6.4. Arthroscopic Examination of the Femorotibial Joints
3.6.5. Arthroscopic Surgery of the Femorotibial Joints Cystic Lesions Articular Cartilage Injuries Fractures Cruciate Ligament Injuries Meniscal Injuries

3.6.6. Arthroscopic Exploration of the Patellofemoral Joint and Femorotibial Joints in Ruminants

3.7. Indications and Arthroscopic Technique of the Elbow, Scapulohumeral and Coxofemoral Joints

3.7.1. Indications
3.7.2. Exploration
3.7.3. Scapulohumeral Osteochondrosis
3.7.4. Fractures and Osteochondrosis Dissecans of the Elbow
3.7.5. Soft Tissue and Osteocartilaginous Lesions of the Coxofemoral Joint

3.8. Indications and Arthroscopic Technique of the Flexor Digital Sheath, Carpal and Tarsal Canal

3.8.1. Indications
3.8.2. Exploration
3.8.3. Tenoscopic Surgery Diagnosis and Debridement of Tendon Lacerations Demotomy of Palmar/Plantar Annular Ligament Excision of Osteochondromas and Exostoses Removal of the Accessory Ligament of the SDFT

3.9. Indications and Arthroscopic Technique of the Navicular, Calcaneal, and Bicipital Bursae

3.9.1. Indications
3.9.2. Examinations
3.9.3. Bursoscopic Surgery Laceration at the Calcaneal Insertion of SDFT Fragmentation of the Calcaneal Tuberosity Traumatic Bicipital Bursitis Penetrating Injuries of the Podotrochlear Bursa Lacerations of the SDFT in the Podotrochlear Bursa

3.10. Post-Operative Care, Complications and Rehabilitation Plans

3.10.1. Post-Operative Care
3.10.2. Complications Associated with Synovial Endoscopy Techniques
3.10.3. Postoperative Rehabilitation Plans

Module 4. Musculoskeletal Injuries and Infections in Large Animals: Ruminants, Swine and Equidae 

4.1. Exploration and Wound Types

4.1.1. Anatomy
4.1.2. Initial Assessment, Emergency Treatment
4.1.3. Wound Classification
4.1.4. Wound Healing Process
4.1.5. Factors Influencing Wound Infection and Wound Healing
4.1.6. Primary and Secondary Intention Wound Healing
4.1.7. Particularities in Ruminants and Swine

4.2. Tissue Management, Hemostasis and Suture Techniques

4.2.1. Incision and Tissue Dissection
4.2.2. Hemostasis Mechanical Hemostasis Ligatures Tourniquet Electrocoagulation Chemical Hemostasis

4.2.3. Tissue Management, Irrigation and Suctioning

4.3. Suturing Materials and Techniques

4.3.1. Materials Used Instruments Suture Material Selection Needles Drainages 

4.3.2. Approaches to Wound Suturing
4.3.3. Suture Patterns

4.4. Acute Wound Repair 

4.4.1. Wound Treatment Medication
4.4.2. Debriding
4.4.3. Hoof Wounds 
4.4.4. Emphysema Secondary to Wounds

4.5. Repair and Management of Chronic and/or Infected Wounds

4.5.1. Particularities of Chronic and Infected Wounds 
4.5.2. Causes of Chronic Wounds
4.5.3. Management of Severely Contaminated Wounds
4.5.4. Laser Benefits
4.5.5. Larvotherapy
4.5.6. Cutaneous Fistulas Treatment

4.6. Management and Repair of Synovial Wounds, Joint Lavage and Physitis

4.6.1. Diagnosis
4.6.2. Treatment Systemic and Local Antibiotic Therapy Types of Joint Lavage Analgesia

4.6.3. Physitis Diagnosis Treatment

4.6.4. Particularities in Ruminants and Swine

4.7. Bandages, Dressings, Topical Treatments and Negative Pressure Therapy

4.7.1. Types and Indications of the Different Types of Bandages and Dressings
4.7.2. Topical Treatment Types
4.7.3. Ozone Therapy
4.7.4. Negative Pressure Therapy

4.8. Tendon Lacerations Management and Repair

4.8.1. Diagnosis
4.8.2. Emergency Treatment
4.8.3. Paratendinous Laceration
4.8.4. Tenorraphy
4.8.5. Avulsion and Rupture of Tendons in Ruminants
4.8.6. Ligament Lacerations in Ruminants and Swine

4.9. Reconstructive Surgery and Skin Grafting

4.9.1. Principles and Techniques of Reconstructive Surgery
4.9.2. Principles and Techniques of Skin Grafts

4.10 Treatment of Exuberant Granulation Tissue Sarcoid Burns 

4.10.1. Causes of the Appearance of Exuberant Granulation Tissue
4.10.2. Treatment of Exuberant Granulation Tissue
4.10.3. Sarcoid Appearance in Wounds Wound Associated Sarcoid Type Treatment

4.10.4. Burn Treatment

Module 5. Development Diseases: Angular and Flexural Deformities; Osteochondrosis and Subchondral Cyst in Large Animals: Ruminants, Swine and Equidae 

5.1. Angular Deformities Etiopathogenesis

5.1.1. Anatomy
5.1.2. Hormonal Factors
5.1.3. Perinatal and Developmental Factors

5.2. Diagnosis and Preserved Treatment of Angular Deformities

5.2.1. Clinical and Radiography Diagnosis
5.2.2. Use of Splints, Resins and Fittings
5.2.3. Use of Shockwaves

5.3. Surgical Treatment of Angular Deformities

5.3.1. Bone Growth Stimulation Techniques
5.3.2. Bone Growth Delay Techniques
5.3.3. Corrective Ostectomy
5.3.4. Prognosis

5.4. Etiopathogenesis and Diagnosis of Flexural Deformities

5.4.1. Congenital
5.4.2. Acquired

5.5 Conservation Treatment of Flexural Deformities

5.5.1. Physiotherapy and Exercise Control
5.5.2. Medical Treatment
5.5.3. Use of Splints and Resins

5.6. Surgical Treatment of Flexural Deformities

5.6.1. Distal Interphalangeal Joint
5.6.2. Metacarpal/Metatarsal-Phalangeal Joint
5.6.3. Carpal Joint
5.6.4. Tarsal Joint

5.7. Osteochondrosis I

5.7.1. Etiopathogenesis
5.7.2. Diagnosis
5.7.3. Location of Lesions

5.8. Osteochondrosis II

5.8.2. Treatment
5.8.3. Prognosis

5.9. Subchondral Bone Cyst I

5.9.1. Etiopathogenesis
5.9.2. Diagnosis
5.9.3. Location of Lesions

5.10. Subchondral Bone Cyst II

5.10.1. Treatment
5.10.2. Prognosis

Module 6. Preoperative Aspects in Large Animals: Ruminants, Swine and Equidae 

6.1. Preparation for Surgery: Decision-Making, Operation Risks, Patient Considerations 

6.1.1. Surgical Risk 
6.1.2. Preoperative Patient Evaluation 

6.2. Pharmacological Management for On-Site Procedures 

6.2.1. Sedation Drugs 
6.2.2. Continuous Infusions 
6.2.3. Local Anesthetics 
6.2.4. Containment Systems, Other Considerations 
6.2.5. Selection of Procedures to be Performed On Site 

6.3. General Anesthesia 

6.3.1. Inhalation General Anesthesia 
6.3.2. Intravenous General Anesthesia 

6.4. Recovery from General Anesthesia 

6.4.1. Management During Recovery 
6.4.2. Factors Affecting Recovery 
6.4.3. Different Techniques or Installations for Anesthetic Recovery 

6.5. General Surgical Technique 

6.5.1. General Aspects 
6.5.2. Basic Manipulation of Surgical Instruments 
6.5.3. Tissue Incision, Blunt Dissection 
6.5.4. Tissue Retraction and Handling 
6.5.5. Surgical Irrigation and Suction 

6.6. Preparation of the Surgery, Personnel, Patient and Surgical Area 

6.6.1. Pre-surgery Planning 
6.6.2. Surgical Attire, Preparation of Surgical Equipment: Gloves, Gowns etc. 
6.6.3. Preparation of the Patient and Surgical Area 

6.7. Use of Diagnostic Imaging in Orthopedic Surgery 

6.7.1. Diagnostic Imaging Techniques 
6.7.2. Diagnostic Imaging in Preparation for Surgery 
6.7.3. Use of the Intraoperation Image

6.8. Disinfection of Material, Sterilization 

6.8.1. Cold Disinfection 
6.8.2. Packaging the Material 
6.8.3. Different Autoclaves and Sterilizing Products 

6.9. Orthopedic Surgical Instruments in Large Animals 

6.9.1. General Instruments in Orthopedics 
6.9.2. Arthroscopic Instruments 
6.9.3. Osteosynthesis Instruments 

6.10. The Operating Room for Large Animals 

6.10.1. Basic Installations 
6.10.2. Importance of the Design of the Operating Room, Asepsis 
6.10.3. Technical Specifications of the Advanced Surgical Equipment 

Module 7. Reparation of Fractures in Large Animals Ruminants, Swine and Equidae 

7.1. Bone Metabolism and Healing 

7.1.1. Anatomy 
7.1.2. Histological Structure 
7.1.3. Bone Healing 
7.1.4. Biomechanics of the Bone 
7.1.5. Classification of Fractures 

7.2. Stabilization of Fractures in an Emergency, Decision Making and Transport 

7.2.1. Clinical Examination of a Patient With a Suspected Fracture 
7.2.2. Stabilization of a Patient With Fractures 
7.2.3. Transport of a Patient With a Fracture 
7.2.4. Stabilization of Fractures, Decision Making and Transport of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep), Camelids (Camels, Alpacas and Llamas) and Swine (Pigs, Wild Boar) 

7.3. External Coaptation 

7.3.1. Placement of Robert Jones Bandages 
7.3.2. Placement of Acrylic Casts 
7.3.3. Splints, Bandages With Casts and Combinations 
7.3.4. Complications of Acrylic Casts 
7.3.5. Removal of Acrylic Casts 

7.4. Reducing Fractures, Management of Soft Tissue in the Approach 

7.4.1. Displacements of Fracture Strands 
7.4.2. Objectives of the Fracture Reduction 
7.4.3. Reduction Techniques 
7.4.4. Evaluation of Reduction 
7.4.5. Management of Soft Tissues 
7.4.6. Histology and Blood Supply of the Skin 
7.4.7. Physical Properties and Biomechanics of the Skin 
7.4.8. Planning the Approach 
7.4.9. Incisions 
7.4.10. Wound Closure 

7.5. Materials for Implants in Large Animals 

7.5.1. Material Properties 
7.5.2. Stainless Steel 
7.5.3. Titanium 
7.5.4. Material Fatigue 

7.6. External Fixators 

7.6.1. Transfixion Casts 
7.6.2. External Fixators 
7.6.3. External Fixators of Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep), Camelids (Camels, Alpacas and Llamas) and Swine (Pigs, Wild Boar) 

7.7. Instruments for Inserting an Implant 

7.7.1. Plate Contouring Instruments 
7.7.2. Instruments for Inserting Screws 
7.7.3. Instruments for Inserting Plates 

7.8. Implants 

7.8.1. Screws 
7.8.2. Plates 
7.8.3. Placement Techniques 
7.8.4. Functions of Each Implant 
7.8.5. Tension Band 

7.9. Bone Grafts 

7.9.1. Indications 
7.9.2. Removal Sites 
7.9.3. Complications 
7.9.4. Synthetic Bone Grafts 

7.10. Complications of Inserting an Implant 

7.10.1. Lack of Reduction 
7.10.2. Incorrect Number and Size of Implants 
7.10.3. Incorrect Position of the Implant 
7.10.4. Complications Related to the Compression Screw 
7.10.5. Complications Related to Plates 

Module 8. Common Orthopedic Surgery Procedures of the Musculoskeletal System in Large Animals: Ruminants, Swine and Equidae Part I 

8.1. Fractures of Distal Phalanx and Navicular Bone 

8.1.1. Distal Phalanx Causes Classification Clinical Signs Treatment 

8.1.2. Navicular Bone Fracture Causes Clinical Signs and Diagnosis Treatment 

8.1.3. Digital Neurectomy 
8.1.4. Bovine Distal Phalanx Fracture
8.1.5. Bovine Pedal Osteitis 
8.1.6. Sepsis of the Common Digital Flexor Tendon Sheath in Ruminants Tenosynoviotomy With Resection of Affected Tissue 

8.2. Middle Phalanx Fracture 

8.2.1. Etiology 
8.2.2. Clinical Signs 
8.2.3. Diagnosis 
8.2.4. Settings Palmar/Plantar Eminence Fractures Uni- and Biaxial Fractures Axial Fractures Comminuted Fractures 

8.3. Proximal Phalangeal and Proximal Interphalangeal Joints 

8.3.1. Osteoarthritis 
8.3.2. Subchondral Cystic Lesions 
8.3.3. Dislocations and Subluxations 
8.3.4. Fracture Configurations 
8.3.5. Clinical Signs 
8.3.6. Diaphyseal Fractures 
8.3.7. Incomplete Sagittal Fractures 
8.3.8. Non-Displaced Long Incomplete Sagittal Incomplete Fractures 
8.3.9. Displaced Complete Sagittal Fractures 
8.3.10. Frontal Fractures 
8.3.11. Comminuted Fractures 

8.4. Metacarpal- Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint 

8.4.1. Proximal Sesamoid Bone Fractures Mid-Body Basal Abaxial Sagittal Biaxial 

8.4.2. Osteoarthritis 
8.4.3. Subchondral Cystic Lesions 
8.4.4. Dislocation 
8.4.5. Tenosynovitis/Desmitis/Constriction of the Annular Ligament Mass Removal Section of the Annular Ligament Tendon Debridement 

8.5. Metacarpal/Metatarsal Bones 

8.5.1. Lateral Condylar Fractures Signs Diagnosis Emergency Treatment Surgery of Displaced Fractures Surgery of Non-Displaced Fractures 

8.5.2. Medial Condylar Fractures Open Approach Surgery Minimally Invasive Surgery Post-Operative Care Prognosis 

8.5.3. Transverse Fractures of the Distal Diaphysis of the Third Metacarpal Bone Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

8.5.4. Diaphyseal Fractures Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

8.5.5. Distal Physial Fractures 
8.5.6. Proximal Articular Fractures 
8.5.7. Dorsal Cortical Fractures Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

8.5.8. Metacarpal/Metatarsal Bone Fractures in Ruminants (Cattle, Sheep) and Camelids (Camels, Alpacas and Llamas) 

8.6. Rudimentary Metacarpal/Metatarsal Bones 

8.6.1. Fractures 
8.6.2. Clinical Examination 
8.6.3. Diagnosis 
8.6.4. Proximal Fractures Debridement Internal Fixation Ostectomy Complete Removal Prognosis Complications 

8.6.5. Mid-Body Fractures Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

8.6.6. Distal Fractures Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

8.6.7. Exostosis Pathophysiology Clinical Examination Diagnosis Treatment Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

8.6.8. Polydactyly in Ruminants and Equidae 
8.6.9. Neoplasty

8.7. Tendon and Ligament Pathologies That Can Be Resolved Surgically 

8.7.1. Carporadic Extensor Carpi Radialis Tendon Rupture Pathophysiology Diagnosis Treatments Prognosis 

8.7.2. Biceps Brachii Tendon and Infraspinatus Tendon Pathologies Treatment Biceps Tendon Transection Prognosis 

8.7.3. Surgery for Suspensory Ligament Desmopathy in the Forelimb 
8.7.4. Surgery of Suspensory Ligament Branches 
8.7.5. Suspensory Ligament Damage in Ruminants 
8.7.6. Tenectomy of the Medial Head of the Deep Digital Flexor Tendon 
8.7.7. Surgery for Suspensory Ligament Dismopathy of the Hind Limb 
8.7.8. Intermittent Patella Fixation in Equidae 
8.7.9. Patella Fixation in Ruminants 
8.7.10. Tears or Avulsions of Collateral Ligaments in Ruminants 
8.7.11. Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Ruminants Peri-Surgical Planning Imbrication of Stifle Joint Cranial Cruciate Ligament Replacement With the Gluteobiceps Tendon With Synthetic Material Post-Surgery and Prognosis 

8.7.12. Damage to Collateral Ligaments of the Stifle Surgery Prognosis 

8.7.13. Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Dislocation 

8.8. Muscle Pathologies That Can Be Resolved Surgically 

8.8.1. Fibrotic Myopathy Pathophysiology Diagnosis Treatments Prognosis 

8.8.2. Arpeo (Equine Reflex Hypertonia) Pathophysiology Diagnosis Treatments Prognosis 

8.8.3. Third Peroneal Pathophysiology Diagnosis Treatments Prognosis 

8.8.4. Rupture and Avulsion of the Gastrocnemius Muscles Pathophysiology Diagnosis Treatments Prognosis 

8.8.5. Aerophagia Pathophysiology Diagnosis Treatments Prognosis 

8.8.6. Spastic Paresis 

8.9. Arthrodesis 

8.9.1. Equine Distal Interphalangeal Joint 
8.9.2. Arthrodesis of the Distal Bovine Interphalangeal Joint 
8.9.3. Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 
8.9.4. Metacarpal/Metatarsophalangeal Joint 
8.9.5. Of the Carpus 
8.9.6. Of the Shoulder 
8.9.7. Of Distal Tarsal Joints 
8.9.8. Talocalcaneal 

8.10. Laminitis and Amputations in Ruminants, Swine and Equidae 

8.10.1. Laminitis Deep Digital Flexor Tendon Tenotomy At Pastern Level At Mid Metacarpal-Metatarsal Level Prognosis 

8.10.2. Amputations in Ruminants, Swine and Equidae Bovine Digit Amputation Bovine Extra Digit Amputation Tail Amputation Limb Amputation Specifics in Swine 

Module 9. Common Orthopedic Surgery Procedures of the Musculoskeletal System in Large Animals: Ruminants, Swine and Equidae Part II 

9.1. Carpus 

9.1.1. Pathophysiology 
9.1.2. Multifragmentary Fractures Pathogenesis Diagnosis Treatment 

9.1.3. Accessory Bone Fracture Pathogenesis Diagnosis Treatment Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

9.1.4. Carpal Hygroma 
9.1.5. Radial Distal Exostosis Clinical Examination Diagnosis Treatment Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

9.1.6. Dislocation Pathogenesis Diagnosis Treatment Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

9.1.7. Coronation Pathogenesis Diagnosis Treatment 

9.1.8. Synovial Osteochondromatosis 
9.1.9. Circumscribed Calcinosis Pathophysiology Diagnosis Treatments Prognosis 

9.2. Radio and Ulna 

9.2.1. Ulna Fracture Anatomy Pathogenesis Diagnosis Treatment Emergency Stabilization Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis Complications 

9.2.2. Radius Fractures Anatomy Pathogenesis Diagnosis Treatment Emergency Stabilization Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis Complications 

9.2.3. Radial Osteochondroma Pathogenesis Diagnosis Treatment Prognosis 

9.2.4. Subchondral Cystic Lesions 
9.2.5. Enostosis-Like Lesions 

9.3. Humerus Fractures 

9.3.1. Anatomy 
9.3.2. Greater Tubercle Fracture Diagnosis Treatment Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

9.3.3. Fracture of the Deltoid Tuberosity Diagnosis Treatment Prognosis 

9.3.4. Stress Fractures Diagnosis Treatment Prognosis 

9.3.5. Physiological Fractures 
9.3.6. Diaphyseal Fractures Diagnosis Treatment Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Prognosis 

9.3.7. Supraglenoid Tubercle Fractures Treatment Fragment Removal Internal Fixation Prognosis 

9.4. Tarsus 

9.4.1. Osteoarthritis of the Distal Intertarsal Joints Surgical Treatment Post-Operative Care Prognosis 

9.4.2. Osteoarthritis of Talocalcaneal Joint 
9.4.3. Fractures of the Distal Tibia 
9.4.4. Talus Bone Trochlear Ridges Sagittal Fractures 

9.4.5. Calcaneus Chip Fractures of the Heel Pad 

9.4.6. Small Tarsal Bone Fractures 
9.4.7. Tarsal Hygroma in Ruminants 

9.5. Tibia and Femorotibiorotullary Joint 

9.5.1. Enostosis-Like Lesions 
9.5.2. Stress Fractures Etiology Signs Diagnosis Treatment 

9.5.3. Tibial Fissures Clinical Signs and Diagnosis Treatment 

9.5.4. Proximal Physial Fractures Clinical Signs and Diagnosis Treatment Post-Operative Care Complications Prognosis 

9.5.5. Diaphyseal Fractures Clinical Signs and Diagnosis Treatment Post-Operative Care Complications Prognosis 

9.5.6. Distal Physial Fractures 
9.5.7. Tibial Ridge Fractures 
9.5.8. Stifle Patella Fractures Subchondral Cystic Lesions Transcondylar Screw 

9.6. Femur and Pelvis 

9.6.1. Head and Neck Fractures 
9.6.2. Third Trochanter Fractures 
9.6.3. Diaphysis Fractures 
9.6.4. Distal Fractures Prognosis 

9.6.5. Pelvis Fractures Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Of the Coxal Tuberosity Clinical Signs Diagnosis Treatment Of the Wing of the Ileum Of the Body of the Ileum Pubis and Ischium Acetabulum 

9.7. Luxations and Subluxations in Ruminants and Equidae 

9.7.1. Distal Interphalangeal Joint 
9.7.2. Proximal Interphalangeal Joint 
9.7.3. Metacarpal/ Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint 
9.7.4. Carpus 
9.7.5. Scapulohumeral Joint 
9.7.6. Coxofemoral Joint 
9.7.7. Dorsal Defect of the Patella 
9.7.8. Lateral Patella Dislocation in Equidae 
9.7.9. Of Patella in Calves and Small Ruminants Lateral Capsule Imbrication Transposition of Tibial Tuberosity Sulcoplasty 

9.7.10. Of the Tarsal Joint 

9.8. Head 

9.8.1. Temporomandibular Joint Condylectomy 

9.8.2. Craniomaxillofacial Fractures Incisors, Mandible and Premaxillary Diagnosis Surgical Management Post-Operative 

9.8.3. Fractures of the Skull and Paranasal Sinuses Clinical Signs and Diagnosis Treatment Post-Operative Care Complications Prognosis 

9.8.4. Periorbital Fractures Clinical Signs and Diagnosis Treatment Post-Operative Care Complications Prognosis 

9.8.5. Paranasal Sinus Fistulas 
9.8.6. Dehorning Indications Techniques Complications 

9.8.7. Frontal Sinus Trepanation in Ruminants Indications Anatomy Clinical Signs Technique Postoperative Care and Complications 

9.8.8. Mandibular, Premaxillary and Maxillary Rostral Resection Treatment Post-Operative Care Complications Prognosis 

9.8.9. Wry Nose Treatment Post-Operative Care Complications Prognosis 

9.8.10. Upper and Lower Prognathism Treatment Post-Operative Care 

9.8.11. Suture Periostitis Diagnosis Treatment 

9.9. Spinal Column Surgery in Equidae 

9.9.1. Considerations of the Patient and Operating Room 
9.9.2. Approaches 
9.9.3. Incisions Sutures 
9.9.4. Anesthetic Recovery 
9.9.5. Post-Operative Care 
9.9.6. Cervical Fractures Atlas and Axis Subluxation and Atlantoaxial Dislocation From C3 to C7 

9.9.7. Thoracolumbar Fractures Dorsal Spinal Processes Vertebral Bodies 

9.9.8. Traumatic Sacral Injury 
9.9.9. Traumatic Coccygeal Injury 
9.9.10. Crushed Tail Head Syndrome 
9.9.11. Developmental Disorders Cervical Vertebral Stenotic Spinal Myelopathy Surgical Treatment Intervertebral Fusion Laminectomy Complications Occipitoatlantoaxial Malformation Atlantoaxial Subluxation Atlantoaxial Instability 

9.10. Neurosurgery 

9.10.1. Cerebral Trauma Surgery 
9.10.2. Peripheral Nerve Surgery General Surgical Repair Techniques Suprascapular and Axillary Nerve Damage Treatment Non-Surgical Treatment Decompression of the Scapular Nerve Prognosis 

Module 10. Rehabilitation of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Sport Horses 

10.1. Significance of Musculoskeletal Injuries in Sport Horses

10.1.1. Introduction
10.1.2. Impact of Musculoskeletal Injuries on the Equine Industry
10.1.3. Most Common Musculoskeletal Injuries According to the Equestrian Discipline
10.1.4. Factors Associated With the Incidence of Injuries in Sport Horses

10.2. Physiotherapeutic Assessment of the Horse

10.2.1. Introduction
10.2.2. Clinical Evaluation
10.2.3. Body Alignment Assessment
10.2.4. Static Physical Assessment Palpitation Active Mobility Test Passive Mobility Tests

10.3. Physiotherapeutic Assessment of the Limbs

10.3.1. Physiotherapeutic Assessment of the Thoracic Limbs Scapula and Scapulohumeral Joint Elbow and Forearm Joint Carpal Joint and Shank Distal Joints: Metacarpal/Tarsal-Phalangeal, Proximal Interphalangeal and Distal Interphalangeal Joints

10.3.2. Physiotherapeutic Assessment of the Pelvic Limbs Coxofemoral and Rump Joints Stifle and Leg Articulation Tarsal Joint

10.4. Physiotherapeutic Assessment of the Head of Vertebral Column

10.4.1. Physiotherapeutic Assessment of the Head Head Hyoid Apparatus Temporomandibular Joint

10.4.2. Physiotherapeutic Assessment of the Vertebral Column Cervical Region Thoracic Region Lumbar Region Sacroiliac Joint

10.5. Neuromuscular Assessment of the Sport Horse

10.5.1. Introduction
10.5.2. Neurological Evaluation Neurological Examination Evaluation of Cranial Nerves Evaluation of Posture and Gait Assessment of Reflexes and Proprioception

10.5.3. Diagnostic Tests Diagnostic Imaging Techniques Electromyography Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis

10.5.4. Main Neurologic Pathologies
10.5.5. Main Muscular Pathologies

10.6. Manual Therapy Techniques

10.6.1. Introduction
10.6.2. Technical Aspects of Manual Therapy
10.6.3. Considerations of Manual Therapy
10.6.4. Main Techniques of Manual Therapy
10.6.5. Manual Therapy in Limbs and Joints
10.6.6. Manual Therapy in the Spine

10.7. Electrotherapy

10.7.1. Introduction
10.7.2. Principles of Electrotherapy
10.7.3. Tissue Electrostimulation Activation of Peripheral Nerves Application of Electric Stimulation

10.7.4. Pain Control Mechanism of Action Indications of Its Use in Pain Control Main Applications

10.7.5. Muscular Stimulation Mechanism of Action Indications for Use Main Applications

10.7.6. Laser Therapy
10.7.7. Ultrasound
10.7.8. Radiofrequency

10.8. Hydrotherapy

10.8.1. Introduction
10.8.2. Physical Properties of Water
10.8.3. Physiological Response to Exercise
10.8.4. Types of Hydrotherapy Aquatic Therapy in Flotation Aquatic Therapy in Semi-Flotation

10.8.5. Main applications of Hydrotherapy

10.9. Controlled Exercise

10.9.1. Introduction
10.9.2. Stretching
10.9.3. Core Training
10.9.4. Cavalleti and Proprioceptive Bracelets

10.10. Rehabilitation Plans

10.10.1. Introduction
10.10.2. Tendo-Ligament Injuries
10.10.2. Muscle Injuries
10.10.3. Bone and Cartilage Lesions


unique, key and decisive training experience to boost your professional development”

Professional Master's Degree in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals

The diversity in the animal kingdom is so wide that it would be a mistake to assume the scope of the veterinary role is limited only to typical domestic pets. Treating the fracture of an equine specimen or surgically intervene a bovine for some serious pathology, are tasks that should also be part of the curriculum compendium if what you want is to become a veterinary professional of the best category. At TECH Global University, you can become versed in this field by studying the Professional Master's Degree in Traumatology and Orthopedic Surgery in Large Animals: an online postgraduate program that brings together the most up-to-date scientific knowledge, digital technology and teaching methodologies to provide you with a professionalization experience like no other. Through ten modules free of fixed schedules, you will learn topics such as: main musculoskeletal pathologies in large animals (ruminants, swine and equids); arthroscopy, bursoscopy and tenoscopy; fracture repair, orthopedic surgeries, among others. If you are looking to boost your career under the mentorship of the best experts, you came to the perfect place.

Learn about veterinary traumatology and surgery for large animals

Veterinary medicine is a field that has enormous possibilities for career growth due to its multifaceted applications. To ensure this, it is necessary to have a strong desire for self-improvement and to bet on a continuous updating of skills. This postgraduate course in particular has all the theoretical and practical tools for you to learn to treat from regular wounds that require a dressing to those procedures of great complexity such as cranial and peripheral nerve surgery, amputation or spinal surgery. The syllabus is motivating for the completeness of its approaches involving even unconventional species such as camelids (camels, alpacas and llamas). Thanks to our innovative teaching model that uses the Relearning methodology, you are guaranteed a Professional Master's Degree in extraordinary quality in an advanced digital environment that you can access from the device, place and time of your choice. Take the step to enroll with TECH and professionalize yourself in an unparalleled way.