García Vellisca, Mariano Alberto
Senior Research Officer in Neural Engineering. United Kingdom
With a PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Mariano Alberto García Vellisca joined the Brain-Computer Interface and Neural Engineering (BCI-NE) group at the University of Essex, to collaborate in the Enabling Technologies for Sensory Feedback in Next-Generation Assistive Devices project, funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.
From there, he contributed to develop several interesting models and prototypes to advance the field of medicine, climate, agriculture, financial, social behaviors and how to improve education at all stages, as well as the quality of life of people in general. He has also collaborated with some researchers in multidisciplinary fields in Neuroscience, Physics, Electronics and Materials Engineering.
One of those projects is known as Transradial dexterous osseointegrated osteointegrated prosthesis with neural control and sensory feedback (DeTOP), within the H2020 framework, using machine learning algorithms to develop a new technology that could predict the intention of hand movement based on EMG Data recorded in a human forearm. Along with his line of work, he has also collaborated in exclusive graduate programs and other studies for professionals.
- Senior Research Officer in Neural Engineering. United Kingdom
- Collaborator in the Discovery Research-CTB Program at the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
- Senior Research Officer in the Brain-Computer Interface and Neural Engineering (BCI-NE) research group at the University of Essex. UK
- Research Officer at the Biomedical Technology Center of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
- Electronics Engineer at GPS Technology SA
- Electronic Engineer at Relequick SA
- Teacher of Vocational Training at IES Moratalaz.
- PhD in Biomedical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Madrid.
- Electronics Engineer at the Complutense University of Madrid.
- Professional Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
- Internal Auditor of Quality Management Systems according to ISO 9001. Bureau Veritas, Spain