
Thanks to this professional master’s degree, you will be able to keep abreast of scientific and technical advances in PPCS" 

The World Health Organization (WHO) warned that 50% of chronic patients are abandoning therapeutic treatments. These high figures mean that patients visit the Emergency Departments more frequently. A panorama that can be reduced thanks to the daily work carried out by pharmacists in community pharmacies. In this way, the information they provide about treatments can improve the results of these treatments and even prevent the appearance of problems related to the drugs themselves. 

All of this affects both the quality of care and the patient's own health. The professionals therefore have an active role to play, and in some cases even a determining factor in the physical and/or mental well-being of the person. This professional master’s degree provides students with the latest knowledge on Professional Pharmaceutical Care Services in Community Pharmacy. For this purpose, TECH has assembled a team of professionals with extensive experience in the sector and versed in this subject. 

The extensive knowledge of the faculty of this program is reflected in the syllabus, where students can learn more about the PPCS aimed at improving the process of use of medicines and medical devices, their assessment and the care provided by the pharmacist. 

A 100% online professional master’s degree that provides the professionals with the ease of being able to study it comfortably, wherever and whenever they want. You will only need an electronic device (computer, tablet or cell phone) with internet access to achieve the knowledge update you are looking for. It is also an ideal educational option for those who wish to obtain a university degree that is compatible with their professional and/or work responsibilities.

A 100% online education designed for professionals who wish to combine a university degree with other areas of their lives"

This professional master’s degree in Professional Pharmaceutical Care Services in Community Pharmacy contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features of the program include:

  • The development of practical cases presented by experts in Pharmacy
  • The graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where self-assessment can be used to improve learning
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies 
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection assignments 
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an internet connection 

This professional master’s degree will allow you to learn everything from the advice on immunization in travelers to the appropriate results of drugs and medical devices”

The program’s teaching staff includes professionals from the sector who contribute their work experience to this training program, as well as renowned specialists from leading societies and prestigious universities. 

The multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will provide the professional with situated and contextual learning, i.e., a simulated environment that will provide immersive training programmed to train in real situations. 

This program is designed around Problem-Based Learning, whereby the professional must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise throughout the program. For this purpose, the student will be assisted by an innovative interactive video system created by renowned and experienced experts.  

With a computer or a tablet you can comfortably connect to the campus where you have the complete syllabus of this university degree"

Delve in a much more agile way into procedures used in the adaptation of drugs to the patient's needs"


The design of the program of this professional master’s degree has been focused so that the professional can be up to date on the latest advances that have occurred in the Professional Pharmaceutical Care Services in Community Pharmacy. For this purpose, it has multimedia didactic material in which the latest technology applied to academic teaching has been used. As a result, at the end of the course, the students will have broadened their knowledge in the promotion of pharmaceutical care strategies and the most appropriate orientation in the use of medicines. 

Access 24 hours a day to the most comprehensive and innovative content on the wide range of services offered by pharmacists in community pharmacies"

General Objectives

  • Update the knowledge of community pharmacists in the different professional pharmaceutical care services
  • Promote pharmaceutical care strategies based on the approach to the patient from the community pharmacy in the socio-health and home environment
  • Encourage the acquisition of skills through a powerful audiovisual system, and the possibility of development through online simulation workshops and/or specific training 
  • Encourage the professional stimulation of the community pharmacist through continuing education and research 
  • Incorporate the provision of the different professional pharmaceutical care services into the usual practice of community pharmacy 
  • Promote the professional development of community pharmacists in the field of community pharmacy 

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Pharmaceutical Care in Community Pharmacy 

  • Analyze the influence of pharmaceutical care in community pharmacy, its contributions and interest 
  • Differentiate between the different services provided in community pharmacy 
  • Reconsider new pharmaceutical services in patient healthcare 
  • Identify the professional pharmaceutical care services that can be provided to patients by community pharmacies in different care settings 
  • Differentiate the role of the community pharmacist in each of the different healthcare settings 
  • Identify PPCS related to veterinary drugs to be provided in the community pharmacy 

Module 2. PPCS Aimed at Improving the Process of Using Medicines and Medical Devices I 

  • Acquire the knowledge for the provision of each of the different services aimed at improving the process of use of medicines and medical devices 
  • Analyze the implications of drug development and preparation on adherence and the process of using pharmacological treatments 
  • Highlight the advantages of individualized drug formulation over industrially manufactured drugs 
  • Define procedures used in the adaptation of medications to the patient’s needs 
  • Describe the involvement of the community pharmacist in relation to dose adjustment of certain medications 
  • Identify the different stages of the pharmaceutical indication service
  • Identify unsuitable self-care drug claims in order to reconvert them into pharmaceutical indications 
  • Understand the concept of complementary prescription and its implementation in other countries 
  • Identify the different types of pharmacist interventions in the indication and prescription of medicines 
  • Execute the necessary verifications to dispense a drug 
  • Assess the dispensing procedure and consider its different additional processes 
  • Incorporate modifications to the dispensing process in drug initiation treatments 
  • Identify the needs posed by innovative drugs and how they affect their dispensing in community pharmacies 
  • Review different patient clinical situations that require an adjustment of medication dosage 
  • Differentiate between the checks to be carried out in a dispensing process according to the different types of medicines 

Module 3. PPCS Aimed at Improving the Process of Using Medicines and Medical Devices II 

  • Identify the different clinical situations and services in which a medication review is necessary 
  • Differentiate between the different types of drug reviews
  • Show how to perform a review of the patient's medication use
  • Handle the different inhalation and insulin delivery devices used in pharmacological treatment 
  • Question the situations faced by patients that justify the need for assistance in administering the medication they use
  • Describe the different types of complex medicines, as well as the explanation of their management to the patient or caregiver 
  • Assess the withdrawal and maintenance of prescribed medications to be taken by the patient in transitions between different levels of care 
  • Reflect on the use of unit doses in dispensing to institutionalized patients 
  • Detect and solve patients' problems with the medications they have in their medicine cabinets 
  • Identify the different services that can be used in patient care to improve adherence to treatment 
  • Identify treatment outcomes directly observed in patient treatment 
  • Recognize the role of drug repackaging as a strategy for improving the adherence of certain patients to pharmacological treatments 
  • Differentiate between customized reconditioning systems and dose adaptation and adjustment systems (dosing, etc.) 
  • Differentiate between advice and consultation as drug information provision activities
  • Define the different types of pharmacotherapeutic drug information queries and how they are resolved 
  • Convey knowledge about medicines 
  • Design health education services for different therapeutic groups 

Module 4. PPCS Aimed at Assessing and Improving Health Outcomes of Medicines and Medical Devices 

  • Acquire the knowledge for the provision of each of the different services aimed at assessing and improving the results of medicines and medical devices 
  • Assess the clinical outcome of medications used by patients 
  • Detect the main adverse reactions that a patient may suffer 
  • Differentiate the different vascular risk factors and their intervention 
  • Learn the necessary knowledge to perform the smoking cessation service 
  • Describe the syringe exchange program 

Module 5. PPCS Related to Community Health I 

  • Acquire the knowledge for the provision of each of the different services related to community health 
  • Incorporate the measurement of different somatometric, physiological and clinical parameters in the monitoring of pharmacological treatment 
  • Assess the usefulness of screening 
  • Reflect on the importance of detecting outbreaks that cannot be reported through the classic epidemiological network 
  • Describe the different clinical parameters that can be used in disease screening 
  • Identify the different screenings performed in community pharmacy
  • Assess the positive result of a test for HIV antibodies
  • Incorporate strepto-testing into the pharmaceutical indication service 
  • Apply the procedure for colon cancer screening 
  • Differentiate between the diabetes screening service and the diabetes counseling, management and control service 
  • Review the different tests for detection of drugs of abuse and the reliability of the results obtained 
  • Describe the procedure for dispensing methadone to patients dependent on opioids 
  • Design health campaigns for public health problems 
  • Reflect on the scope of environmental health campaigns 
  • Manage health campaigns for food safety issues 

Module 6. PPCS Related to Community Health II 

  • Assess the role of community pharmacy in health campaigns on non-violent behavior 
  • Describe the nutritional counseling service 
  • Advise on immunization for travelers 
  • Review the knowledge of child nutrition and describe the screening service for cognitive impairment and its importance in the field of pharmaceutical care 
  • Describe the vascular risk measurement and control service 
  • Describe the COPD screening and management service 
  • Assess the importance of screening for malnutrition in the nutritional counseling service 
  • Promote immunization in children and adults 
  • Describe the diabetes counseling, management and control service 
  • Learn how to successfully cope with the dehabituation of patients to benzodiazepines 

Module 7. Necessary Tools for PPCS Implementation 

  • Differentiate between ethical code and deontological code 
  • Reflect on the use of new technologies in the provision of PPCS and their usefulness in patient care  
  • Design PPCS advertising taking into account the required criteria 
  • Analyze the skills of the different public administrations in the PPCS 
  • Analyze the barriers that hinder the implementation of PPCS 
  • Review the patient's obligations and rights in the provision of PPCS 
  • Use PPCS advertising appropriately 
  • Acquire the necessary marketing knowledge to promote the provision of the different PPCS 
  • Establish the needs for the implementation of PPCS 
  • Identify the different tools available to implement and deliver PPCS 
  • Become familiar with PPCS pricing 
  • Manage human and material resources in the provision of PPCS 
  • Adapt the image of the pharmacy to the provision of PPCS 

You will update your knowledge on the obligations and rights of the patient in the provision of PPCS" 

Professional Master's Degree in Professional Pharmaceutical Care Services in Community Pharmacy

Appropriate practices in pharmaceutical assistance have a positive impact on the health field, since they not only improve quality, but also contribute to the guarantee of public health. Taking into account that in TECH Global University one of our main objectives is the dynamic accompaniment in the processes of professional strengthening, we have created this Professional Master's Degree focused on the various forms of provision of pharmacotherapeutic information. Thanks to our comprehensive curriculum, students will address the current situation of pharmaceutical care in Spain and in other countries, where research is being carried out in the models of provision of this type of services. In addition, the indispensable aspects to understand the importance of the design, evaluation and monitoring of medicines are exposed. Secondly, a series of tools for the correct measurement of somatometric, physiological and biochemical parameters is offered. Finally, special emphasis is placed on the ethical and legal aspects that govern the practice, analyzing the role of advertising in the field of competitiveness.

Postgraduate course in Community Pharmacy - Professional Pharmaceutical Care Services

With this postgraduate course of TECH it is possible to develop, integrally, the necessary competences to face the current and future demands of health care in pharmacy. By going through each of the proposed thematic axes, students will be able to fully immerse themselves in the conceptualization and adoption of the Pharmaceutical Care model, as well as in the management of the pharmacotherapeutic monitoring and pharmacovigilance stages. All this, in order to optimize the operation of counseling and primary intervention services in the centers of their community. The Professional Master's Degree also offers specialized content in the planning of prevention and health promotion campaigns, environmental and food safety. At the end of the program, the graduate will be able to develop and implement programs that promote the centralization not only in medicines, but also in patient care. Due to this background, he/she will be characterized by being an experienced professional in the development of the processes of reorientation of pharmaceutical work and highly competent in meeting the demands of its users.