
As a physician you will have deep knowledge on the different drugs, which will be of great help for patients to resume their normal life’’


Patients suffering from mental illnesses, such as psychosis or dementia, require multidisciplinary therapeutic processes involving different professionals, such as physicians, psychiatrists or psychologists, among others. It is therefore important for these specialists to constantly update their knowledge in the field of pharmacology.  This program will allow the students to learn about the action of the drug in the organism, as well as the origin, synthesis, preparation and other actions from the molecular level to the level of the whole organism.

In the same way, the way they are located and move in the organism, the ways of administration, therapeutic indications, toxic actions will be observed. This knowledge is essential to ensure that a drug does not produce adverse effects that worsen the pathology or others that the patient may have, but to achieve beneficial therapeutic effects for the patient.

Over the course of 6 weeks, the students will delve into the field of prescribing the most Appropriate Medication for Psychosis and Dementia, understanding the competitive advantages it brings, thus positioning themselves at the forefront of the medical sector. In addition, the graduate has the best 100% online study methodology, which eliminates the need to attend classes in person and to follow a predetermined schedule.

Enhance your sessions by addressing the clinical use of medication in patients with dementia"

This postgraduate certificate in Appropriate Medication for Psychosis and Dementia contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The development of case studies presented by experts in Appropriate Medication for Psychosis and Dementia
  • Graphic, schematic, and practical contents with which they are created, provide scientific and practical information on the disciplines that are essential for professional practice
  • Practical exercises where the self-assessment process can be carried out to improve learning 
  • Its special emphasis on innovative methodologies  
  • Theoretical lessons, questions to the expert, debate forums on controversial topics, and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection

Make this postgraduate certificate the opportunity to develop the intervention with the medicine according to the mental logic of the different ages, as a high level professional"

The program includes, in its teaching staff, professionals from the sector who bring to this program the experience of their work, in addition to recognized specialists from prestigious reference societies and universities. 

Its multimedia content, developed with the latest educational technology, will allow the professionals a situated and contextual learning, that is, a simulated environment that will provide an immersive education programmed to prepare in real situations. 

This program’s design focuses on Problem-Based Learning, through which the professionals must try to solve the different professional practice situations that arise during the academic program. For this purpose, it will be aided by an innovative system of interactive videos produced by renowned experts. 

By means of practical and didactic cases you will be able to perform and adapt pharmacological intervention protocols within an interdisciplinary framework of psychosis"


The medical field requires trained professionals, and we give you the keys to position yourself among the professional elite"


As Psychopharmacology is such a broad and continuously evolving area, the framework of action of this postgraduate certificate aims to provide the graduates with a broad view of the most important novelties and developments in the field of Psychosis and Dementia. In this way, you will have a greater perspective with which to incorporate the most appropriate medication exposed throughout the syllabus into your daily work. 


You will be able to choose the most suitable medication for your patient with Psychosis and/or Dementia, thanks to the different updated knowledge that you will acquire in this program"

General Objectives

  • Master the current knowledge on medication used in psychiatry and neurology
  • Train to achieve the therapist-patient-medication link
  • Identify the absorption properties of medication
  • Develop proficiency in pharmacodynamics
  • Describe in protocols the intervention programs, taking into account the characteristics and aspects of the medication intake
  • Identify the evolution of the different disorders listed in the DSM-5 or ICD-10
  • Master the fields of physician-psychologist interaction in family intervention
  • Train the professional on all the updated references on the diagnosis, intervention and therapeutic process in order to interact with the medication
  • Describe with decision protocols the individualized study of family members in order to perform a rigorous psychopathological study
  • Use decision trees to permanently perform differential diagnosis
  • Organize all the information within a multidisciplinary framing model in the study of the biopsychosocial framework of the psychotherapy-pharmacology relationship

Specific Objectives

  • Learn the side effects of medication for Alzheimer's disease
  • Differentiate and frame the disorders of a psychotic systemic disorder
  • Describe and master the clinic of schizophrenia according to the theory of communication and double bind
  • Perform and adapt pharmacological intervention protocols within an interdisciplinary framework of Psychosis
  • Address the clinical use of medication in patients with dementia
  • Develop the intervention with the drug according to the mental logic of the different age groups
  • Master and manage the differential characteristics of psychological pathologies

This program has a practical side, with integrated real cases, so that you can take advantage of the content in the best way and apply it in your professional activity"

Postgraduate Certificate in Appropriate Medication for Psychosis and Dementia

Psychosis refers to a group of mental disorders in which the person loses touch with reality, while dementia is a syndrome characterized by progressive loss of cognitive function. Appropriate medication in such diseases is a fundamental part of their treatment, as they can help reduce symptoms such as hallucinations and delusions. However, they can also have some side effects that can destabilize the patient's health. If you are looking for a high quality program that covers this topic, at TECH Global University you will find the ideal degree. The Postgraduate Certificate in Appropriate Medication for Psychosis and Dementia is a 100% online program, composed of innovative didactic resources that will give a plus to your educational experience. Through an extensive program, designed by specialists belonging to the sector, you will learn about pharmacotherapy in patients with such mental pathologies, addressing the main types of drugs used, their mechanisms of action and side effects.

All about appropriate medication for psychosis and dementia in this Postgraduate Certificate

Medication for these illnesses is a vitally important topic in the clinical practice of psychiatry. Therefore, at TECH we focus on providing you with the most relevant content that will turn you into a specialist. The complete structure of our curriculum will lead you to study from the treatment of these disorders with antipsychotics, antidepressants, anxiolytics and mood stabilizers, to the mechanisms of action of these drugs and their possible side effects. You will also explore best practices for medication use, addressing appropriate dosages, duration of treatment, and strategies to reduce common side effects. With this training, you will master psychosis and dementia, their symptoms and their impact on the lives of affected individuals.