
A comprehensive update in Animal Production and Health with the most effective educational program on the online market’’


The professional master’s degree in Animal Production and Health offers an integrated approach (in line with the concept of One Health) for professionals to develop tools enabling them to deal with the complexities of changing disease environments. 

This integrative approach places greater emphasis on agroecological resilience, biodiversity protection, efficient use of natural resources, and maintaining the safety of food supply chains, particularly in technologically under-resourced areas. It also takes an in-depth look at the various animal diseases and their close relationship with human health and the environment. 

The topics that make up this program focus on Animal Production and Health issues that impact on economic production and public health, such as: zoonotic diseases, transboundary diseases, disease transmission by species, specialist feeding, animal production and hygiene, safety in animal feed manufacturing, and strengthening veterinary systems. 

Thus, TECH has designed this program for veterinarians who wish to update and build on their knowledge of Animal Production and Health. It should be noted that, being online, this program facilitates learning by allowing students to organize their schedule in the best possible way and to study when they like. 

With this high-level program you will learn how to assess the impact of livestock production on public health’’

This professional master’s degree in Animal Production and Health contains the most complete and up-to-date program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • Case studies presented by practising experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other commitments
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and work for individual reflection
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an Internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation banks that are permanently available, even after the course 

A comprehensive educational program that will allow you to acquire the most advanced knowledge of all the areas in which specialist veterinarians are involved’’

Our teaching staff is made up of professionals from different fields related to Animal Production and Health. In this way we ensure that we deliver an educational update in line with objectives. A multidisciplinary team of professionals trained and experienced in different areas, will cover the theoretical knowledge in an efficient way, but above all, will bring practical knowledge from their own experience to the course: one of the factors that makes this program unique. 

This mastery of the subject matter is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, you will be able to study with a range of easy-to-use and versatile multimedia tools that will give you the skills you need for your specialization.

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely, we will use telepractice learning: with the help of an innovative interactive video system, and Learning from an Expert, you will be able to learn as if you were actually dealing with the scenario being studied. A concept that will allow you to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way. 

This innovative program will use a range of different teaching approaches to allow you to learn in a dynamic and effective way"


Benefit from the experience of practising professionals and the analysis of actual success stories, in a high-impact professional master’s degree"


Our objective is to educate highly qualified professionals for the working world. A goal that, in just a few months you will be able to achieve, with a high-intensity and effective program. 


With this high-level program, you will learn how to establish biosecurity measures for livestock production’’

General objectives

  • Develop specialized knowledge in the field of Animal Production and Health 
  • Analyze the impact of livestock production on public health 
  • Examine the concept of Globalization
  • Explain the term "One Health" and its relationship with veterinary medicine
  • Analyze the competent authorities from the veterinarian's point of view
  • Specify which communications should be made to the competent authorities 
  • Establish the anatomical characteristics of the species of interest from a pathophysiological standpoint
  • Examine the physiological processes of the different apparatuses and organ systems of the different animal species
  • Develop a specialized, general, and specific view of the anatomy and physiology of the animal species of interest
  • Analyze the relationships between the different organic systems and apparatuses
  • Build technical and scientific knowledge on animal nutrition and animal food
  • Implement strategies for optimal nutrition and feeding of the various species of economic and domestic animals and wildlife
  • Establish the principles of good animal feeding practices
  • Develop advanced skills and knowledge in Veterinary Epidemiology
  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge on the analysis of epidemiological causes, associations, patterns, trends, and risks
  • Apply the skills acquired to design strategies for the prevention and control of infections/diseases relevant to veterinarians
  • Analyze the main aspects of ruminant and equine production to obtain healthy products, which are profitable while respecting the environment and animal welfare
  • Determine the infectious-contagious diseases of major interest in ruminants and equids, emphasizing epidemiological, pathogenic, clinical, diagnostic, and control aspects
  • Develop methodological skills to detect (diagnose), prevent, and treat the main diseases for these species
  • Examine the main infectious and contagious diseases in ruminants and equines, highlighting the unique aspects that define each type of pathological process
  • Develop advanced capabilities in the field of swine production and health
  • Integrate knowledge to address real problems and propose models and solutions in an efficient, effective, reasoned, and accurate way
  • Offer specialized technical support, which can add value for each farm that is assessed
  • Control or eradicate diseases with economic repercussions
  • Analyze the different production systems that exist for Avian Production 
  • Develop specialized knowledge of advanced aspects of Avian Health
  • Perfect technical and scientific knowledge on the main diseases affecting birds
  • Explore control and eradication methods for the main diseases affecting birds
  • Develop specialist expertise in advanced aspects of wildlife health
  • Design and assess wildlife health surveillance systems
  • Determine the importance of Wildlife Health for Animal Health, Public Health, and Conservation
  • Enhance the handling, management and exploitation of game species and intensive production
  • Examine the most common and important diseases in domestic dogs and cats and describe their management with an emphasis on animal welfare 
  • Specify the morphological, ecological, epidemiological, and parasite-host relationship characteristics, as well as the etiology and clinical manifestations
  • Analyze the progression of diseases in pet populations and their possible influence on human health
  • Establish the treatment and control of the main diseases affecting pets and contribute to animal welfare
  • Analyze the levels of organization of living beings in interaction with the environment: individuals, populations, communities, and biosphere ecosystems 
  • Enhance cognitive, communicative and specific professional tools and skills for the evaluation, assessment and resolution of animal welfare problems
  • Train high-level veterinarians to be able to apply the knowledge obtained to promote and contribute to the resolution of local, national and international animal welfare issues, with a high regard for ethics, accountability, social responsibility, and environmental concerns
  • Enhance cognitive, communicative, and specific professional tools and competencies for the evaluation, assessment, measurement and resolution of animal welfare issues

Specific objectives

Module 1. Important Animal Production and Health Aspects

  • Describe biosecurity measures in livestock production
  • Analyze the veterinary controls to be carried out at border control
  • Identify zoonotic diseases and communicate them to the authorities
  • Classify antibiotics according to their use group for animals  paying attention to antibiotic resistance
  • Describe the official bodies in the field of animal health
  • Specify which notifications should be made to the competent authority and in what manner
  • Analyze the different animal identification systems depending on the species in question
  • Develop specialist knowledge on livestock diseases whose declaration is mandatory
  • Examine the latest innovations and perspectives on animal health

Module 2. Animal Anatomy and Physiology 

  • Develop specialist knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the animal species of interest
  • Examine the anatomical structures of the different apparatus and systems
  • Analyze the comparative anatomy of the different species
  • Directly relate the anatomical structures with the functionality and physiology of the process in which they are involved
  • Study the anatomical-physiological foundations to understand the pathological processes directly or indirectly involved in Animal Health
  • Deepen understanding of the physiological processes most frequently related to pathological processes
  • Apply the acquired knowledge to specific cases
  • Consider Animal Health as a fundamental pillar of Public Health

Module 3. Animal Nutrition and Food 

  • Analyze the different types of food and their importance in zootechnics
  • Know the principles of analysis and characteristics of nutritional components in animal food
  • Examine the physicochemical processes by which animals obtain nutrients through food intake in the different stages of development
  • Implement the principles of feeding mechanisms of domestic species (monogastrics and ruminants) in each productive stage
  • Specify the most appropriate tools for the implementation of good practices in animal feeding
  • Analyze the tools used for the control and assurance of quality and safety of food for animal consumption

Module 4. Animal Production and Health 

  • Acquire advanced knowledge in Epidemiology
  • Gain specialist knowledge related to the field of animal health in the design of experiments and epidemiological studies
  • Develop specialist knowledge on the statistical analysis of data in veterinary epidemiology
  • Learn to use specific software for Epidemiology
  • Develop skills in Spatial Epidemiology
  • Develop skills to design veterinary health prevention and control strategies
  • Develop Veterinary Health Management skills

Module 5. Ruminant and Equine Production and Health 

  • Analyze the different aspects involved in the production and management of ruminants and equines, and their influence on Health,
  • Animal Welfare, quality of the final product, and efficiency of the production process
  • Develop specialized knowledge in the performance of ruminant and equine necropsies, interpretation of lesions, reporting, and sample collection
  • Analyze the main diseases in ruminants and equids, highlighting epidemiological and control approaches
  • Examine the unique pathological aspects of each process to establish a differential diagnosis
  • Establish control strategies to combat the main diseases of veterinary relevance in ruminants and equids

Module 6. Swine Production and Health 

  • Autonomously analyze and apply the concepts, tools and relevant management to sanitation in pig farming
  • Accurately diagnose and define the etiology of the pathology and pathophysiological mechanisms of the main diseases affecting swine production
  • Propose diagnostic methods, legal treatments, and prevention methods related to swine health
  • Improve facilities, management, and feeding, in order to obtain maximum productive performance
  • Provide guidance and demonstrate that attention to animal welfare at all stages allows better results in swine production
  • Design farms, minimizing the negative impact on the environment
  • Identify opportunities for improvement on farms and communicate this knowledge to people working in swine production

Module 7. Poultry Production and Health 

  • Examine the different production systems available for poultry production
  • Analyze the differences and similarities between different production systems
  • Establish the main biosecurity measures in poultry farms
  • Autonomously perform an avian necropsy based on the guidelines obtained in the program
  • Identify the macroscopic lesions found in an anatomopathological examination and establish a differential diagnosis of the most probable disease
  • Explore the most relevant Pathologies affecting Production Birds
  • Design strategies for the prevention of poultry pathologies

Module 8. Wildlife Production and Health 

  • Appreciate the importance of wildlife health surveillance
  • Examine the usefulness of wildlife health studies in animal health, public health and conservation management of wildlife species and ecosystems
  • Analyze the main morbid and infectious processes of wildlife species
  • List diagnostic techniques for wildlife and the main diagnostic difficulties
  • Develop skills for the research and study of wildlife diseases, focussing on health management
  • Develop critical thinking skills in the evaluation of surveillance systems and wildlife health studies
  • Develop skills to carry out the handling, management, and exploitation of game species and animal production

Module 9. Health of Dogs, Cats and Other Species 

  • Examine each disease affecting pets
  • Identify their mode of transmission of the pathogenic agents
  • Identify the hosts needed to complete the pathogens' biological cycle
  • Evaluate the symptomatology of each of the diseases
  • Determine the factors determining their establishment in a given location
  • Identify the forms of diagnosis and treatment for each of the diseases to be treated
  • Examine the most important prophylactic measures for optimal control 

Module 10. Ecology and Animal Welfare 

  • Develop analytical and critical thinking skills through the study of ecological problems
  • Develop the basic concepts of ecology, structure, and functioning
  • Promote innovation as a development tool in animal welfare
  • Build specialist knowledge on animal welfare committed to sustainable development
  • Enhance social-ethical processes with viable, effective, and efficient animal welfare solutions
  • Provide specialist training to students in animal welfare so that they are  aware of and committed to sustainable development and care of the environment
  • Encourage the creation and development of innovation programs related to animal welfare
  • Enhance ethical, technical, and social processes to generate viable, effective, and efficient animal welfare solutions in line with the concept of "One Health, One Welfare"
  • Drive social awareness processes focused on the creation of short-term solutions for the application of animal welfare

A path to professional development and growth that will propel you towards a greater level of competitiveness in the employment market’’

Professional Master's Degree in Animal Production and Health


Care in animal production and protection is a point of great attention nowadays, which is why specialized professionals who can carry out prevention processes competently and efficiently are sought after. In the Professional Master's Degree in Animal Production and Health at TECH Global University we focus on providing high quality content, accompanied by an agroecological resilience look with which you can ensure the protection of both the existing biodiversity and natural resources of the region. In addition, throughout this comprehensive program you will obtain an objective and critical look that will allow you to analyze in depth the impact of livestock production on public health, designing efficient action plans to counteract the problems encountered.

Professional Master's Degree in Animal Production and Health 100% online


The Professional Master's Degree in Animal Production and Health at TECH was designed by the best specialists in veterinary medicine. Therefore, you have the possibility of accessing new thematic axes related to anatomy, physiology, dog health and animal nutrition, as well as other thematic approaches that will be of utmost importance to develop with total security in professional practice. In addition, in our 1,500 instructional hour program we will delve into various animal diseases and their close connection to human health and the environment, as the goal is for you to be able to respond efficiently in the event of a health crisis.