
The necessary and indispensable developments that the veterinarian working with ruminants must master in order to practice safely in surgery, with the peculiarities and specifications unique to this area"


In the process of training in veterinary medicine and, in particular, in ruminant or collective medicine, it is essential, before getting into more specific subjects, to acquire a series of clinical skills to face the different pathologies that will be addressed in this postgraduate diploma. For this reason, it is essential to know the different diagnostic methods and, of course, the most appropriate alternatives for the treatment of the different pathologies. 

Taking into account the size and behavior of bovines, the first chapter deals with the methods of immobilization of these, for their examination or even the approach of minor surgical processes or podiatry. It must be taken into account that 90% of the procedures are ambulatory, therefore it is essential to know the basic material necessary to be able to carry out all the interventions correctly and efficiently. 

The surgery of animals for slaughter has progressed enormously with technological advances such as laparoscopy, teloscopy or ultrasound diagnosis even in field surgery.
It is essential to emphasize the importance of animal welfare, which is already taken for granted by veterinarians, farmers and the general public. The patient should know the basics of pain and its appropriate management through sedation and analgesia techniques, and the surgical procedures necessary to resolve the pre-existing pathology.

This postgraduate diploma reviews the principles of ruminant surgery and reviews diagnostic procedures, surgical indications, operative techniques and postoperative management in digestive, skin, ocular, umbilical, male and female genital, and urinary tract surgery.

The module in Surgery of the Musculoskeletal System deals with the processes that affect the limbs of ruminants and compromise their welfare and productivity. The study includes everything from the anatomy and biomechanics of the hoof, preventive management and diagnosis and treatment of podiatric conditions to tendon, joint and bone conditions, to emergency treatment of bone fractures, as well as prognosis and surgical options for long bone fractures.

Essential yet rare training for the specialist veterinary clinician that will set you apart as a specialist in this field of work"

This postgraduate diploma in Ruminant Surgery contains the most complete and up-to-date scientific program on the market. The most important features include:

  • The latest technology in online teaching software
  • A highly visual teaching system, supported by graphic and schematic contents that are easy to assimilate and understand
  • The development of practical case presented by experts
  • State-of-the-art interactive video systems
  • Teaching supported by telepractice
  • Continuous updating and recycling systems
  • Autonomous learning: full compatibility with other occupations
  • Practical exercises for self-assessment and learning verification
  • Support groups and educational synergies: questions to the expert, debate and knowledge forums
  • Communication with the teacher and individual reflection work
  • Content that is accessible from any fixed or portable device with an internet connection
  • Supplementary documentation databases are permanently available, even after the Postgraduate Diploma has finished 

The clinical, specialized and advanced fundamentals, based on veterinary evidence that will allow you to face the daily intervention in cattle and ruminants"

Our teaching staff is made up of professionals from different fields related to this specialty. In this way, TECH makes sure to offer professionals the up-to-date objective it intends. A multidisciplinary team of professionals trained and experienced in different environments who will develop theoretical knowledge efficiently, but, above all, will provide students with practical knowledge derived from their teaching experience: one of the differential qualities of this program.

This mastery of the subject is complemented by the effectiveness of the methodological design. Developed by a multidisciplinary team of e-Learning experts, it integrates the latest advances in educational technology. In this way, the student will be able to study with comfortable and versatile multimedia tools that will give them the operability they need in their training. 

The design of this program is based on Problem-Based Learning: an approach that conceives learning as a highly practical process. To achieve this remotely telepractice will be used: with the help of an innovative system of interactive videos and learning from an expert you will be able to acquire the knowledge as if you were facing the case you are learning at that moment. A concept that will make it possible to integrate and fix learning in a more realistic and permanent way.

With a methodological design based on proven teaching techniques, this innovative program will take you through different teaching approaches to allow you to learn in a dynamic and effective way"


Supported by evidence, the approach of this program will allow you to learn in a contextual way and acquire the skills you will really need in your daily practice"


The completion of this postgraduate diploma provides the veterinary professional with specialized and advanced clinical fundamentals, based on evidence to face the daily clinical practice in cattle and ruminants. 

In addition to this up-to-date approach to the problems encountered in daily clinical practice, the bibliography provided and the structuring of the topics will allow you to keep this knowledge up to date.


The postgraduate diploma in Ruminant Surgery will allow you to learn the specific techniques in this field, taking into account the special economic and logistical situations in which they are usually performed"

General Objectives

  • Determine the methods of physical and chemical containment for the development of the clinical activity
  • Examine the different methods of diagnostics and research within the herd
  • Specify the existing treatments useful for the treatment of ruminant pathologies
  • Analyze the importance of analgesia in ruminants, the basis of animal welfare and the management of diseases that usually cause pain in ruminants
  • Establish the economic and health impact of pain in animals and its impact on production
  • Generate specialized knowledge on identification and treatment procedures specific to ruminants, in order to reduce, treat or avoid pain in our veterinary management
  • Develop the main analgesic techniques and procedures applied in ruminants
  • Review surgical principles and adapt them to ruminant surgery
  • Determine the main surgical conditions affecting soft tissues in ruminants
  • Be able to make the decision to plan a surgical intervention
  • Analyze the fundamental surgical technique
  • Address perioperative complication
  • Generate specialized knowledge to take the necessary measures to prevent such complication 
  • Establish how to search for complementary information on soft tissue surgery in ruminants    
  • Determine the importance and impact of lameness in ruminant
  • Examine how to diagnose lameness
  • Develop the main conditions of the musculoskeletal system in ruminants
  • Generate specialized knowledge to make the decision to indicate a surgical intervention
  • Establish the fundamental surgical techniques in ruminant traumatology and orthopedics
  • Analyze perioperative complications and take the necessary measures to prevent such complications  
  • Know how to search for complementary information on ruminant traumatology and orthopedics

Specific Objectives

Module 1. Clinical Skills

  • Compile the methods of containment in bovine animals 
  • Determine the basic material for a ruminant clinical veterinarian
  • Identify problems at the collective leve
  • Establish the basis of diagnosis and know the special diagnostics in ruminant medicine  
  • Specify antimicrobial therapies by means of laboratory studies
  • Analyze fluid therapy as a daily work tool
  • Demonstrate the different analgesic therapies in ruminant
  • Propose different analgesia and sedation protocols at systemic and local level
  • Review particular analgesia and sedation protocols in ruminants
  • Diagnose the main pathologies that cause pain, and the techniques or drugs necessary for their treatment   
  • Enable the student to establish the pharmacological therapeutic treatments or specific techniques in exploratory and/or surgical procedures necessary for each pathology

Module 2. Soft Tissue Surgery

  • Examine, substantiate and develop prognosis of surgical techniques related to common ruminant wounding, dehorning and eye surgery.    
  • Analyze prognosis of surgical techniques related to umbilicus, foreskin, penis and scrotum surgery
  • Generate specialized knowledge on surgical techniques related to urinary tract surgery

Module 3. Musculoskeletal System Surgery

  • Establish the anatomy and biomechanics of the hoof, as well as its functional trimming
  • Generate specialized knowledge to establish a differential diagnosis of hoof pathologies, their treatment and prognosis
  • Diagnose septic processes of the distal limb and know their therapeutic options
  • Determine the diagnosis of lameness in ruminants
  • Describe, substantiate and define prognoses of surgical techniques related to cranial cruciate ligament rupture, superior patella fixation, coxofemoral dislocation and fracture of the femoral neck of the ruminant
  • Examine joint pathologies and establish the therapeutic options and their prognosis 
  • Analyze tendon injuries and establish the therapeutic options and their prognosis
  • Describe, substantiate and define prognosis of surgical techniques related to the resolution of specific fractures with external coaptation and/or open reduction and internal fixation of the ruminant

A very complete training that will boost your ability to work in prevention, management and cost reduction in animal production, giving you greater competitiveness in the labor market"

Postgraduate Diploma in Ruminant Surgery


If you are a veterinary medicine professional and wish to expand your knowledge and skills in the field of ruminant surgery, TECH Global University is the ideal institution for your professional development. Our Postgraduate Diploma program in Ruminant Surgery will provide you with quality, cutting-edge education in this exciting field.

Ruminants, such as cows, sheep and goats, play a crucial role in the agricultural industry and food production. Surgery on these animals requires a specialized approach and advanced technical knowledge. At TECH Global University, we understand the importance of rigorous and up-to-date training for professionals who wish to enter this field.

Why choose TECH Global University for your Postgraduate Diploma in Ruminant Surgery?


TECH is recognized for academic excellence and commitment to training highly qualified professionals. Our faculty is composed of experts in veterinary medicine and ruminant surgery, who will provide you with quality teaching backed by years of experience in the field. In addition, at TECH Global University we have state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment that will allow you to acquire practical skills and become familiar with the most advanced surgical techniques. You will be exposed to real and challenging cases that will prepare you to face any situation you may encounter in your professional practice. Another highlight of studying at TECH Global University is our network of contacts and job opportunities. Throughout your program, you will have the opportunity to establish connections with professionals and experts in the field of ruminant surgery, which will expand your possibilities for professional development and open doors in the workplace. At TECH Global University, we are proud to offer a comprehensive education that goes beyond theory and focuses on practice and real-world experience. Our goal is to train competent professionals who are committed to animal welfare and the improvement of the agricultural and livestock industries.