
Nurse Sonia Hernández Lachehab is specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Midwifery. A task she has performed brilliantly in hospitals such as the San Carlos Clinic or in Primary Care. 

As a Health Expert, she works applying the latest scientific advances in this field, incorporating the best counseling techniques before, during and after childbirth. Apart from these areas, Dietetics and Nutrition are two fields where she has deepened through the development of communications and presentations aimed at specialized professionals.  

  • Nurse of the Rural Attention Service in Madrid 
  • Midwife at the University Hospital San Carlos Clinical Hospital in Madrid. 
  • Primary Care Nurse in SERMAS 
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Nursing by the University of Alcalá 
  • Nursing in Out-of-Hospital Emergencies 
  • Specialist in Obstetrics and Gynecology / Midwife by the Teaching Unit of Madrid 
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Processes of Nursing Interventions for Pediatric Patients in Risk Situations
Programmes in collaboration with

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